UPDATE: Here’s another photo just sent to us, originally from the now-defunct conservative site Face the State. You can see the “Tea Party Endorsed” addition to Lias’s sign clearly, and…
Does it say “Endorsed by Tom Tancredo” on the sign in the background?
Yeah, they’re going to need to Photoshop that one too.
FOX 31’s Eli Stokols reports, even more mailer follies:
The photo shows Sias talking with a constituent, with three supporters in the background holding his campaign signs, each of which have yellow papers highlighting endorsements taped to them.
In the original photo, the sign closest to Sias is covered with a yellow paper that reads: “Tea Party Endorsed.”
Two years ago, that was a positive, especially in a GOP primary.
These days, with Sias challenging Democratic Sen. Evie Hudak for her seat in a district that’s almost evenly split between Republicans, Democrats and unaffiliated voters – never mind the Tea Party’s waning momentum – that endorsement is more of a negative.
Two years, ago, Lang Sias fought an unsuccessful primary battle against Ryan Frazier for the right to lose to run against incumbent Rep. Ed Perlmutter. Among other things, Sias’ political ties to “RINO” Arizona Sen. John McCain made him a tough sell with the Tea Party set–despite the fact that Sias had “Tea Party endorsed” add-ons to his placards all ready to go (see above).
Of course, maybe Sias is just trying to economize after racking up heavy campaign debt running against Frazier. Recycling photos is one place to save some coin we suppose.
Either way, the Tea Party was so 2010–you know it, and apparently Sias knows it. It’s not a big deal to Photoshop out the “for Congress” at the bottom of his old signs, since that would obviously provoke questions as to why he’s stepped down from the big leagues. But removing the “Tea Party endorsed” part really makes Lang Sias look like he’s hiding something.
As in the last few years of American history…
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a picture of BJWilson??
Lang Sias will mop the floor with her in a debate. I would dig up all the distractions and diversions I could find too, Pols.
because bad Photoshopping WON’T be noticed by the recipients, nor make them wonder what’s being covered up. They could have done a much better job with that.
Has Tim Gill as their sugar daddy. State leg campaigns always get started on a shoestring.
When I’m not so busy someday I’ll find some Democrat examples. Remember Romanoff and the copied African Americans in his banner?
If you don’t clarify your remark, I’ll ask Pols to penalize you for spreading a false rumor. I found no evidence that Gill has given her a single red cent.
Getting back to the matter at hand, why couldn’t he just use a new photo?
But I don’t think that was his point. Although the argument that unless you have Tim Gill funding your campaign, you can’t possibly have a decently run technology campaign is specious at best.
but every photo up there looks like it’s been really badly Photoshopped. Dude’s head just does not fit on his body.
Actually, I guess I’m kind of trying to sound like a jerk here.
= Not ready for prime time.
Even I think this is dumb. And I’m part-Libertad.
Ryan (down and out)Frazier. Politics is his game. Winning is not his name.
Is that really a thing? Does it have to be repaid? Can’t you just never repay a loan and call it a loss? I’ve never understood the difference between a loan and a contribution.
All he had to do was crop the top of the picture a bit and it would have removed at least the “Tea Party” yellow rectangle. (He’d still have the Tom Tancredo endorsement, though – but that one’s pretty blurry.)
What an amateurish operation.
Lang Sias (and all Republicans) run shoe string campaigns that can’t possibly be held to the same standard as those rich, well-run Democrats. Why, it’s a wonder that Republicans even manage to win at all!
that powerful grassroots organizing can make up for a big fundraising deficit?