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July 12, 2012 03:44 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.”

–Frank Herbert


71 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. Because he’s presenting his racist comment as “see, the black folk really do want free handouts from government”.

      He’s completely clueless or uncaring about the insult he delivered to all African-Americans with his statement.

      1. As the U.S. economic recovery approaches its fourth year, the unemployment rate among blacks has started to rise again.

        That rate moved from 13.6 percent in January to 14.4 percent in June….


        On top of this we have massive unemployment rates for the <30 crowd, Women, and Hispanics.

        … and thats even after Obama deported millions of illegal aliens to free up jobs for Americans.

        Gez guys … the facts aren’t helping here.

        1. But unemployment for African-Americans has been high since, well, the end of their enslavement.

          Mitt The Corporate Person will change exactly one thing to address that issue: he’ll stop reporting it – problem solved.

      2. Good God!

        House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Mitt Romney made a ‘calculated move’ to get booed at NAACP

        Top Democrat refuses to elaborate on her comment. The NAACP itself praised the presumptive Republican nominee to sticking to his guns in front of an unfriendly audience.

        Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new

        The NAACP itself praised the presumptive Republican nominee to sticking to his guns

        1. As you yourself noted, he’s taking the boos out of their proper meaning and using them to his advantage.  In today’s world of political speechcraft and James O’Keefe ginned-up journalism, is it a big stretch?

          I wouldn’t go so far as to accuse it, but the logical path from GOP hack “journalism” to the candidate’s equivalent is clear and short.

        2. If you see the carefully edited version on Fox News, then Pelosi is right.

          I put absolutely no stunt as “too much” for any Repub, but Rmoney especially.

          Think about it. Polling has long showed ACA to be popular with African Americans. Rmoney knew that, no question. So… why would THAT be the program he tells the NAACP he’ll eliminate?

          1. I assume you do, but I stop reading when you say silly things like “Rmoney”.

            It’s like morons that refer to “Repuglicans” or “Demo-craps”.

            Far beneath you, IMO.

            1. Which, like, Repuglicans, have some sort of moral/linguistic basis in fact.

              Bonnie and Clyde were meaningless blips.  You been watching the LIBOR explosion?

            2. I’m satirizing one person, not a whole party or ideology, and you’ll have to agree that it’s apt. It’s also not a vulgar put-down the way your examples are.

              Besides, I recall someone, a former polster whose initials were “L. B.” being fond of talking about the “Democrat Party” like any other dittohead. I’m sure HE wouldn’t be hypocritical enough to call anyone out for something akin to that, would he?

      3. I will go to my grave believing that the people who booed Republican congress people who showed up for the Wellstone memorial in 2002  were plants.  The video and audio of boos went viral in hours, and played over and over again on talk radio.

        It cost Mondale the Senate seat and the democrats control of the Senate and led us, I believe, directly into the Iraq invasion.

        The republicans are much better at campaign tactics and strategy.  They only let dems win when there is a real crisis ( the aftermath of watergate or the total pending collapse of the world economy…)or an overage in grade candidate i.e. Dole or a very strong third party candidate..ie. Ross Periot.

        Our brilliant strategists were all killed off in the  60s.

        1. The feckless, Vietnam era draft dodging red nominee was definitely talking past his audience.

          The “Obamacare” insult was dropped for the benefit of the small town crowds he’ll primp for the next few weeks.

          The speech was a planned insult, and the “bubba cracker” types that dominate the republican party will be inspired by his condescending attitude toward a demographic that he, and conservative white evangelicals as a subspecies, see as “less”

          The reason his cheap shot and the resulting negative crowd reaction won’t resonate past the lower bowels of the red base is his sneering, taunting delivery.

          He’ll only be seen as a victim by the goobers, but they vote red any way.  

  1. It turns out that Amazon collecting local sales tax does not mean a leveling of the playing field with local retail. Instead it looks like this may signal the death of local stores.

    How Amazon’s ambitious new push for same-day delivery will destroy local retail.

    It’s hard to overstate how thoroughly this move will shake up the retail industry. Same-day delivery has long been the holy grail of Internet retailers, something that dozens of startups have tried and failed to accomplish. (Remember Kozmo.com?) But Amazon is investing billions to make next-day delivery standard, and same-day delivery an option for lots of customers. If it can pull that off, the company will permanently alter how we shop. To put it more bluntly: Physical retailers will be hosed.

    Why go through the hassle of driving to a store, finding a parking space, looking through a limited selection, and standing in line to purchase when instead in a couple of clicks you can have an unlimited selection delivered in a couple of hours.

    The shopping mall killed many downtown stores. Walmart killed many small retailers. This is another major shift which will eliminate a lot of local retailers (Walmart themselves should be very worried).

      1. I think it’s more likely they’ll follow the route of Sears going from total dominance to irrelevance. The problem for any company is you have thousands of people making decisions every day and most are locked into the world they know.

        Change is uncomfortable & risky. It’s essential to long term success but it’s rarely the best short term option.

          1. that Walmart is actively leaving the superstore model. I don’t know if that means they’re going to close them and open smaller Walmarts (nor do I know if the person who told me this knew what he was talking about), but the fact that they’re opening grocery-only stores is interesting. I went to one yesterday and saw nothing that would make me prefer it to King Soopers.

            1. Winn-Dixie closed a store they had opened ca. 1955.  In less than a year, Walmart had bought the site, gotten city approval of the project, and started demo.  

              It is to be groceries, pharmacy, and what we used to call “Sundries,” as I understand it.  

              I think WM is not ceasing the Superstore concept, but filling in between them with the Neighborhood model.  

              As much as I hate WM, gotta say that that is smart.  

                  1. I said something childish and, having no valid political arguments to discuss, he went for the “gotcha”. I deserved to be called on it, no doubt, but the way these guys try to snip words or (yes, elbee, bad jokes) and try to engage your morality is purely stupid and fairly easy to spot.

                    Elbee just hasn’t gotten over being insulted by yours truly during the FPE elections. Maybe he just isn’t quite as mature as Libertad.

                    I will retract, elbee, my request of a promise regarding your comportment as FPE here. Your point has been taken. However, I will reserve judgement on the “reasonable rightie” business.

                    But this you should know. I do not consider myself essential, nor even important to this blog. I am one of hundreds of people who dwell here to one degree or another. That makes me only as important as you or any other user. My father used to say, “remember son, there ain’t no one monkey gonna stop the circus. You ain’t that important.” He, of course, was right.

                    I will remind you, and the rest of the conservative community who come here, of something I posted some months ago. I am through with efforts at conciliation…I have had enough lies and bullshit. I will(until the Guvs had had their fill of me) call you on it and I won’t be nice about it. I might even call you names.

                    If that sort of response is to your liking… welcome to the stage.    


                    1. I don’t know why Libertad makes people so angry, but I do wish lefties would not use unnecessary insults like “retarded” or gay jokes. I hate when South Park does it (they also say it’s just a joke and we’re just being gay for disliking it or something), and I don’t like when anyone else does it either. There are lots of solid ways of insulting individuals that don’t simultaneously insult whole groups who have it hard enough already in life.

                      Of course ellbee was needling you in particular because turnabout is funny, but he’s also right about this. It sucks to get called out, but you haven’t really owned this. “It’s just a joke, screw you for getting offended, I also have a plan to someday make fun of straight white men too” does not cut it.

                    2. my remark…

                      I deserved to be called on it, no doubt

                      but if you feel like piling on, that is your choice.

                      Perhaps I should publish a full page apology to the gay community at large, saying “I’m sorry”…maybe that would

                      atone for the damage you’ve unquestionably done with your insensitivity,

                      I am sorry to have devastated so many lives.

                      Seriously, sxp. I have repeatedly admitted it was an insensitive remark…but if you expect me to apologize to elbee, forget it.

                    3. If duke bothered to respond at all he should have just stopped at “Screw you”.

                    4. If all it means to be a liberal is to call conservatives fags, and all it means to be a conservative is to call liberals gorillas, what the fuck is the point of any of this? I picked a side because I care about shit, and this is one of the things I care about.

                    5. Same kind of baiting technique elbee pulled on me yesterday.

                      You and I think Fidel’s Dirt Nap are out of control.

                      you just earned a midget for that – fidel’s dirt nap


                      WTF are you two dorks thinking?

                      Your serving up ‘gay jokes’ and ‘handing out midgets’ like they are awards.

                      Do we really need to remind you that “midget” is offensive to those with dwarfism, just ask the drawf community or one really for that matter.

                      Now go change your shoes and shorts and wash the piss from your legs with soap and water.

                      After that you can apologize to the community here by saying:

                      I [insert handle] apologize to [insert targeted handle(s) of poster(s)], this community, its vast readership and the world for uttering my hurtful language, specifically: [insert your sorry comments].

                      No explainations or excuses need to follow your apology.

                    6. I Libertad apologize to unknown CPols blogger*, this community, its vast readership and the world for uttering my hurtful language, specifically: I referred to Mr. Obama as the “silverback”*.

                      * the post was deleted so I cannot reference the specific blog handle and specific poor use of very, very hurtful language. Again, thank you community for helping me understand that the term “silverback” is not a positive term for blackmen as I knew it to be, but a very hurtful and negative term as I now understand it to not mean leader or king of the group. “Silverback” is offensive and conjures up or relates to images of black males as highly aggressive gorillas involved in pillaging, etc.


                    7. include the definition, use “blackmen” as a compound word, and the like.

                      How sincere are you being?

                    8. Its sincere, but as you know that public school education resulted in clear gaps in my english skills.



                      black man

                      black men

                      Please feel free to the one that would best work with the honest apology above.

    1. outlining his (Republican) bill for internet sales taxes.  I think his name was Mazow.  Anyway, Amazon is supporting it.

         Good for them.  As he said, and as I have long argued, it is a level playing field issue.

      I don’t care if Amazon takes business from local retailers by offering better price, service, etc.  I just don’t think they should have an artificial, government-imposed, advantage of offering tax-free services.

        I don’t know what kind of software you make, but I get the feeling its mostly business customers.  Businesses aren’t really affected because they (usually) do pay the sales and use taxes on their mail-order or Internet purposes, since they are usually audited.

        Anyway, Amazon seems to finally be willing to accept the sales tax collection option.  Fox noted E-Bay is fighting it, but Amazon is a critical player.

        As I say, let them win, let them lose, that’s capitalism in action.  

      But I just don’t like artificial, government-imposed , advantages handed to out-of-state retailers at the expense of those who provide jobs and other taxes (property taxes, etc.) to our communities.

      1. As you said, no issue for me if my customers have to pay the sales tax. Our customers are not price sensitive and they view that as a normal expense. What would be killer is if we have to collect and file to 500 different taxing authorities (assuming an average of 10/state). That is the part that has online businesses fighting this. And the smaller the business, the bigger the hit because you have less sales to spread this overhead over.

        If small online businesses were truly forced to collect starting tomorrow, you would drive the majority out of business. (This is where the government  doubles down on the stupid – all they look at is the income to themselves and not the cost of collecting it.)

        1. Each state should come up with an internet rate.  In Colorado, it would be an average of the state and local taxes, weighted by population.  It’s not reasonable to ask a business in Idaho to calculate whether  part of uniuncorporated Arapahoe County is in the cultural facilities district to get its 0.1 percent.  Say the Colorado tax boils down to 6 percent.  Pay that once a quarter to Colorado.  Colorado takes its 2.9 percent, then gives Denver, RTD, Jeffco, etc. its share by formula.  Let the paperwork be done at the state — where it is only done once, then rebated by formula.

            secondly, I would be willing to exempt businesses with less than $1 million in total Internet sales from collecting the tax.  

            Most states have higher state sales tax than Colorado and lower or no local.  When I bought my son a car in Massachusetts, I paid 6 pct state and no local, less than the 7.1 pct I would have paid here.

            Alternatively, scrap the local sales tax entirely in favor  of a state collected, locally shared, sales tax as advocated by the late state Sen. Les Fowler, R-Boulder.

            Collect a uniform sales tax statewide, say 6 pct, and share it with local jurisdictions.  Apply it to internet sales as well,.  Besides simplifying Internet sales, it simplifies local ones.  Do you know which parts of the RTD district are NOT in the stadium district?   Auto Dealers have to figure that out.

            A state collected, locally shared, sales tax levels the playing field for retailers in municipalities like Denver competing with those in unincorporated tax islands like unincorporated Arapahoe county.

  2. What follows is an article by an extreme, free marketer who blames Reagan and Bush while he credits JIMMY CARTER!

    He also says Obama is just doing what Bush started, and any other REPUBLICAN would be doing the same as Obama.

    “The real credit, of course, goes to Carter-appointee Paul Volcker. As head of the Fed, he engineered an actual reduction in the money supply, and broke the back of the crisis. Think of him as the anti-Greenspan or the anti-Bernanke.

    Greenspanism-Bernankeism reigns today, and that is the true tragedy of our times. The Fed, the Treasury, the president, the regulators, and the Congress have done everything possible to reflate, stimulate, stabilize, and counter market forces. As expected, they have lost the battle. Unemployment is still outrageously high, and inflation is working its way up yet again. But there is an even more serious problem. In the course of stimulating the economy, the Fed has created incredible amounts of fake money that it has stuffed in the vaults of its best friends in the banking industry. And those phony reserves seem now to be leaking out to cause horrific waves of price inflation.”


    1. these sentences are found at the end of the article you cited:

      Keynesianism is, after all, as Joseph Salerno points out, the “economics of state power.” And that guides us to the foundational problem: the monopoly entity that rules and devastates society for its own benefit.

      This part:

      the monopoly entity that rules and devastates society for its own benefit

      sounds like the definition of a corporation…don’t you think?

  3. Michael Smerconish subbing for Chris Matthews on Hard Ball had a

    “Let me Finish” piece criticizing the President for not explaining his tax cuts and finishing with the sentence…”The President has to do a much better job selling his accomplishments, his reelection may depend on it.”


    The above link was operative last night, hope it still works.

  4. Serious findings by the Boston Globe:

    Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.

    Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

    The timing of Romney’s departure from Bain is a key point of contention because he has said his resignation in February 1999 meant he was not responsible for Bain Capital companies that went bankrupt or laid off workers after that date.

    Bain Capital and the campaign for the presumptive GOP nominee have suggested the SEC filings that show Romney as the man in charge during those additional three years have little meaning, and are the result of legal technicalities….

    A former SEC commissioner told the Globe that the SEC documents listing Romney as Bain’s chief executive between 1999 and 2002 cannot be dismissed so easily.

    “You can’t say statements filed with the SEC are meaningless. This is a fact in an SEC filing,” said Roberta S. Karmel, now a professor at Brooklyn Law School.

    “It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to say he was technically in charge on paper but he had nothing to do with Bain’s operations,” Karmel continued. “Was he getting paid? He’s the sole stockholder. Are you telling me he owned the company but had no say in its investments?”

    So… this would mean that the Factcheck.org dismissal of Obama’s charges needs to be reassessed. And if you read it, you might recall that it said

    if the Obama campaign were correct, Romney would be guilty of a federal felony by certifying on federal financial disclosure forms that he left active management of Bain Capital in February 1999.

    H/T to SLOG

      1. which is why Romney is trying to say he just wasn’t there.  He’s the sole stockholder, chairman of the board, CEO and President, plus he is on the payroll, but he just wasn’t there !


        1. that Rmoney’s severance package was finalized in 2002, retroactive to 1999, and that it paid him right through 2009 – the last year before the one that he deigned to release his tax returns for.

          He’s hiding something he REALLY doesn’t want anyone to see.

          1. hey, hey now Wasserman Shultz didn’t release her taxes.  Hell drop Pelosi’s name in there just ’cause it’s another one they can pull outta their rears.  Scream & whine & bitch & moan all you want because somehow it all helps Mitt.

            Mitt’s failure to disclose has been an issue since December of last year. WTF made him/them think it would go away?  There’s some rampant stupidity in a campaign that has spent 7 mos  stonewalling and still doesn’t have a better answer than shoo-ing folks along telling us there’s no there there.  Yeah, right …

          2. inconvenient but I bet elbee can explain why it’s not a problem and Dems are just being mean and/or hypocritical and/or terrified and/or all the other explanations for why IOKIYAR:


            Factcheck.org, which disputed the truthfulness of the Post report and accepted that Romney left the firm in 1999, wrote that were that not the case, Romney “would be guilty of a federal felony by certifying on federal financial disclosure forms that he left active management of Bain Capital in February 1999.” (my emphasis)

            The SEC filings listed in the Globe article were first flagged in a letter the Obama campaign sent to Factcheck.org, which nevertheless concluded that Romney never returned to active management in the company after 1999, instead shifting his focus to the 2002 Winter Olympics. But in separate SEC filings from 2000 and 2001, Romney listed his “principal occupation” as “Managing Director of Bain Capital, Inc.,” (my emphasis) and a 2003 state financial disclosure form said he owned 100 percent of the firm in 2002.

            Kind of bad timing right at the same time the ads calling Obama a liar are coming out, no? If Romney himself listed Managing Director of Bain as his principal occupation how can saying he was the manager director be a lie? How can not disclosing that on federal financial forms be perfectly fine?

            I await the usual rightie enlightenment and accusations of teh Dems being schmucks for “picking” on this.

            1. Charlie Rangel! William Jefferson! Jesse Jackson Jr.? Marion Berry? I’m sure there’s a black politician who’s done something just as bad as Romney here, which means Romney doesn’t need to answer for anything.

    1. It’s interesting reading some of these statements.

      Romney was “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain Capital.  He was also “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors until becoming governor of MA, at which point he transferred ownership to his wife.

      It’s no wonder Romney thinks corporations are people; he’s pretty much incorporated himself.

        1. If Romney has been hiding all of his corporate dealings in Sankaty, Bain, his Swiss holdings, and other probably yet-unknown “investment vehicles”, just think of what he’ll do with corporate disclosure and oversight as President.

  5. http://blogs.metro.co.uk/olymp

    G4S have failed to deliver on their contract to provide sufficient trained security staff for the Olympics Park, as such the government is having to cover the shortfall with 3,500 troops (many of whom are returning home on leave having just finished a tour of duty in Afghanistan). In a remarkable display of incompetence, G4S only informed the Government that it was struggling to fulfill its brief only in the last fortnight.

    Although G4S is rumoured (according to Channel 4 News last night) to be being fined around 50K [pounds] per day for its incredible incompetence, this is but a drop in the ocean when compared to the 535M [pounds] that they are making from the Olympics contract.

    1. EAGLE-Net Alliance Selects G4S Technology LLC as Design-Build Contractor for statewide broadband network

      EAGLE-Net will enhance available services for education, research, healthcare, local government and public safety


      Broomfield, CO (PRWEB) August 10, 2011

      EAGLE-Net Alliance announced today that G4S Technology (formerly Adesta) has been designated as the design-build contractor to provide network design and build services for deployment of a statewide broadband network across Colorado. G4S Technology will partner with EAGLE-Net and other partners to fulfill the requirements of the $100.6 million Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant that was awarded in September 2010.

      Now all I did was googled: “G4S state colorado”. It was one of the first items listed.

      Your job uber liberal pollsters: Reseach and Report: Go forth and determine if the government body has fired G4S for failure to perform or report on its success in delivering economic value of $100 million in tax reciepts and leveraged debt.

        1. Check it out.

          Now back to work Ari so you may prepare a report to the community on how G4S (a fucking overseas corporation) is delivering on our $100 million in fiber optic stimulus here in Colorado.

          Last I checked we had fiber all across this state from the likes of: Level3, AT&T, Verizon (old MCI), Qwest, Sprint, TW Telecommunications, and probably a gaggle of other private companies.

          ?? Question ??:

          So why did Obama decide to piss away $100+ Million in tax and leveraged debt here in Colorado? What’s the rational here with some fucking obscure government body fronting the hiring of a foreign security corporation to contract out, by my account, about the 7th fucking fiber network in Colorado.

            1. SAY WHAT? DNC Press Secretary Says Stimulus Was For “Pet Projects” With Some “In Other Countries”


              In the fight over who is the bigger outsourcer, the Democratic National Committee recenty gave Barack Obama a migraine-level headache. In a recent radio interview, DNC Press Secretary Melanie Rousell said the federal Stimulus program had been spent on “pet projects” which included some funds that were spent “in other countries.”

              It seems to apply here in the case of Colorado government and their foreign corporation that is the general contractor for a $100+ million stimulus project.

          1. G4S was hired only as a small part of this contract – network design.  It appears from the project’s recovery.gov filing that G4S’s part is done.

            If you were to go to the co-eaglenet.net site, you might also note the long term leasing of more than a thousand miles of dark fiber bandwidth.  The project is indeed utilizing existing bandwidth where it is available.

            But you might have noticed in your time here in Colorado that some of the government offices, schools, libraries, etc. in our state aren’t conveniently located near existing or sufficient broadband facilities.  Leasing rights of way and installing equipment isn’t free, or even cheap – a person might come to the conclusion that some places aren’t worth the private investment in broadband deployment.  (Oh, wait – that would be the reason why President Obama and the FCC have had the money formerly allocated to rural POTS build-out redirected to broadband – because private companies don’t invest in these remote regions without getting paid to do so.)

            1. My father-in-law grew up on a horse powered farm in Southern Michigan, like many of his age.  Lighting of the house was done by an acetylene generator in the basement, a big version of what were miner’s lights in those days.

              It took FDR and the New Deal to bring these services to areas that for profit companies had no interest in.  

              And the farmer’s descendants, of course, now vote Republican.  And the phone and power is now brought to you by for profit corporations after the tax payers paid for it.

              Fucking assholes.

      1. Did you find out anything about this broadband build-out?  Is it working well?

        A simple surf over to their site says that G4S appears to be better at network design than at providing security staff to the Olympics.  Their part in the project is 100% complete, with only fine-tuning (probably a part-time consulting basis) remaining.

  6. On the heals of Abound Solar’s $400M failure and the political “pet project” backroom deal, structured by investor Pat Stryker, to access federal stimulus funds in order to lever-up Abound …. we have more select private company data leaking out of the state showing expanded unemployment.

    This time the stimulus victim is non other the GE Corp, Aurora and 70+ unlucky souls.

    As noted below the state is the source for this private company employment data required to be filed at by regulatory mandate.

    Update: Over the next few months, dozens of General Electric employees in Colorado will face layoffs as part of the company’s controversial plan to put a much-anticipated solar manufacturing plant on hold for at least eighteen months. Since news broke last week about GE’s plans to delay an Aurora facility, the company has refused to disclose any specific information on the layoffs — but state documents show that by the end of August, roughly seventy employees will be let go.

    Yesterday, the Colorado Department of Labor sent Westword a copy of a GE document called a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification, or WARN; it’s essentially a mandatory letter informing the state of layoffs. Companies must file these notices when the employer is laying off more than fifty workers, and if those totals constitute at least one-third of the workforce, says Department of Labor spokesman Bill Thoennes.


    1. …to feel good about the loss of American jobs.

      The Chinese have pretty much taken over the solar industry, and companies like GE export jobs and keep raking in those profits.

      NOTE:  I am NOT saying that is exactly what is going on here, just observing things.  

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