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October 28, 2022 10:09 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them.”



63 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. So enlighten us all David with the sure fire, can't miss policy solutions that Republicans are proposing to deal with INFLATION.  You can get as specific as you want in describing their formulas for "rescuing" our country from INFLATION.  Most of us are pretty good at math.

  1. AP covered the Bennet & O’Dea “sparring” — aka a televised debate.

    The lede:

    DENVER (AP) — Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and Republican challenger Joe O’Dea clashed repeatedly in their final debate Friday over inflation, abortion and Bennet’s effectiveness during his 13 years in Congress.

    One comment on “answering” questions:

    In response to a question about when he’s disagreed with Biden, Bennet listed some of his objections to the president’s policies, including Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan, his trip to Saudi Arabia earlier this year and lifting a pandemic-related restriction on immigrants seeking asylum at the southern border.

    O’Dea was asked about what priorities of the top Senate Republican, Mitch McConnell, he might block. He said he did not think any more of former President Barack Obama’s health care law needed to be repealed.

    And the concluding paragraph:

    Colorado Republicans have not won a top-tier race in the state since 2014, when Cory Gardner ousted Democratic Sen. Mark Udall. But Gardner was kicked out of office by the state’s voters in 2020 and he was the only top-of-the-ticket statewide Republican winner since 2004.

  2. You knew it was coming…

    MAGA’s spewing a righting conspiracy/victim-blaming narrative today in which there’s a pelosi-lead regime hitting itself in the head with hammers. Even though it sounds like they got the idea of hitting oneself in the head with a hammer by doing it to themselves that’s their spin

        1. I question how a nudist hemp jeweler from Berkley is allegedly found in his underwear at the person 3rd in line for presidents home at 2 in the morning without raising a security alarm other than Paul calling 911 knowing his assailants name and referring to him as a “friend”…. 

          1. “many people are saying…” (and so what if he was a “hemp jewelry maker”? Rand Paul was one of our most vocal supporters of hemp)

            Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read.

            DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like “Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!” and “Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)”

            Two days after former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of killing George Floyd, DePape wrote that the trial was “a modern lynching,” falsely indicating that Floyd died of a drug overdose.

            Maybe we can agree on the fact that our rate ('Merika, 23%, Western Europe 10%) of mental illness is something we might take more seriously in our public policy debates?  

            1. We can certainly agree on that. No doubt the attacker was looney tunes. But reporting indicates David Depape is said to be a Castro Nudist, a radical gay male prostitute group and it has been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. There was no alarm, just a wellness call. Weird for security reasons and very, very lax at best, at worst, not a break in. 

              Ever find out who the young man was with Mr Pelosi at his DUI?



              1. A wellness call? 

                Paul Pelosi, 82, is recovering from surgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital “to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands,” said Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Nancy Pelosi’s office. He is expected to recover fully.

                Authorities praise him for his quick thinking when the intruder entered.

                “It is really thanks to Mr. Pelosi having the ability to be able to make that call and truly the attention and instincts of that dispatcher to realize that something was wrong and to make the police call a priority,” San Francisco Dist. Atty. Brooke Jenkins told CNN.

                  1. Does splashing around in the muck trying to muddy the story ever get old, Negev?

                    Why are you ( and your fellow conspiracists) seemingly incapable of simple condemnation of an act of politically-motivated brutality?


                1. It's linked above

                  when Pelosi was in that drunk driving accident, he had a young man with him, and that too was covered up by the police and the press.

                  Look down this rabbit hole for a second and just take my assertion as true, just for argument sake.

                  What is the best damage control you could think of to spin this in your favor, being in the Pelosi position? 

                  I don't know what happened here, and I make no claim to knowing any more than what the interwebs spew out, but the current public narrative appears more complex than a simple lovers quarrel. Is that Occam's razor? Don't know but this whole thing is fishy… 

                  1. My link to the LA Times above makes no mention of someone with Paul, only the male driver of the second vehicle involved in the accident (police report referenced). Is the LAT involved in a cover-up?  


                    1. This reminds me of the Obama years when I’d have to call out family members over their dissemination of conspiracy bullshit. My favorite relatives response was always, “Well, it may not be true but wouldn’t it be something if it was?!?”

                    2. Right?!? Kinda like the Trump years where "the walls are closing in" for like 4 years straight!

                      I am certain your accepted narrative will win out on this. It has worked so many times before. Just imagine it was Lindsey Graham…

                    3. Are you suggesting Blanche was in the car with Paul? I doubt our Southern Belle would be caught dead in that socialist paradise (now the world’s fourth-largest economy) even with the promise of a five-star meal and world-class wine. 

                  2. Negev is not just an average troll like PP, he is a propagandist. He is obviously spewing garbage in the Steve Bannon sense of "throw shit into the zone" in order to cause chaos and break down the system.

                    Remember that the Santa Monica Observer is the "newspaper" that broke the story about Hillary Clinton being assassinated and replaced by a body double.

                    Elon Musk is twittering the same disinformation, so this is an organized propaganda campaign.

                    If you aren't working to fix the problem, you are the problem. In this case Negev is working very hard to break the system.

                    1. How does my assertion break down the system? Who cares who Paul fucks? What causes chaos is when you tie it to something to cause political unrest and division to cover a lovers quarrel. I think with a little thought of your own you would see that you are the one being swayed by propaganda. How are you buying this shit? You are being duped, again. Don't miss your booster appointment by staying too long at the Monsanto protest, mmK? 

                    2. Negev's Berkley pic comes from the Murdoch-owned New York Post with barely a mention of the assailants deeply-held, MAGA-born conspiracy theories. 

                      A blog identified by Gonzalez as DePape’s features anti-Semitic messages, including one post titled “Faking of Adolf Hitler for History.” In an Aug. 24 entry, someone identified as “daviddepape” posted a collection of memes and conspiracy theories that the country was run by a deep state cabal.

                    1. The good stuff?  I'm really more in the camp of "why don't we let this investigation play out and not be arm-chair quarterbacked by Q"

                      But you do you.  We're a free country. 

              2. Negev says:
                [i]t has been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. 

                It’s also been rumored for years that Trump is an astute businessman. Do you have a point?

          2. The Independent reports:

            Dispatch audio has revealed how Nancy Pelosi’s husband managed to alert authorities that he was under attack from a hammer-wielding assailant by speaking in code in a secret 911 call.

            Paul Pelosi relayed to law enforcement that a man called “David” had broken into his San Francisco home and planned to lie in “wait” for his House Speaker wife, according to a dispatcher.

            Mr Pelosi, 82, described the man as “a friend” – in an apparent attempt to keep the 911 call under wraps from the alleged attacker David DePape.

            In a police audio clip, from 2.28am local time, the dispatcher is heard telling another operator that the caller “stated that there is a male in his home and he is going to wait for his wife”.

            The caller, later identified as Mr Pelosi, “stated that he does not know who the man is but said that his name is David and that he is a friend”, the operator said.

          3. Following up:

            The Fox affiliate that reported that the attacker of Paul Pelosi was wearing only underwear has quietly issued a correction in small print admitting that wasn’t true—but the damage has already been done. Texas Paul caught them red-handed.

      1. Negev, why didn't you make the really obvious point:  we don't need gun control until after we get hammers under control.

        Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns simply make it a lot earlier and more efficient for people to kill people.

    1. Well, if they practice hitting themselves in the heads with hammers daily, it would explain their policies – or lack thereof.

      ” It feels so good when you stop,” growled Mitch McConnell.

  3. Took a quick look at the early voting, trying to compare 2018 to 2022.   Short version …

    • LOTS more Unaffiliated
    • More Democrats, and
    • a few more Republicans. 
    • ACN and Greens actually have a few less.


    10/25/2018 votes


    10/27/2022 votes




     And is there an easy way to import tables?

      1. Yeah, I get the Sec of State's releases and can see the graph.  But when they include the 2020 results, it throws the results into a very narrow perspective, making it virtually impossible to see the 2018 to 2022 comparison.  Without 2020, the bar chart and the daily graph of votes could expand essentially 3x.

  4. Speaking of conspiracies. I have it on good authority (a website about “Q” something) that the Houston Astros have upgraded their sign stealing game.  Instead of banging on trash cans they have inserted buzzers up their butts, a la the chess player, to get pitch information.  One buzz, fastball.  Two buzzes, curveball.  Maybe more buzzes for high, low, inside, outside.  A regular Morse code!  Check it out and check their butts! 

  5. Ronna “he’s not my uncle” McDaniel Romney doing what Republicans do best…

    McDaniel doubled down on her comments about speech issues when she theorized that Biden would campaign with Fetterman because “between the two of us, we may be able to finish a full sentence.”

  6. Happy Halloween! Just heard on KRCL (SLC radio station) Smile Jamaica program:

    I was working in the lab late one night
    When I heard the gurgle of a waterpipe
    So I turned to see my monster in a cloud of smoke
    Who said “This shit ain’t bad, here, have a toke”

    (We smoked some hash) – We smoked some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – It was his personal stash
    (We smoked some hash) – We got completely trashed
    (On monster hash) – We smoked some monster hash. 

    The mummy was toking on a bong
    Wolfman said “Don’t bogart that, pass it along”
    The swamp thing was toasted, rolling on the floor
    Laughing hysterically and pleading for more

    The scene was rocking as the werewolves moved
    To the undead reggae band’s dance hall grooves
    Meanwhile in the kitchen Frankenstein baked
    Some Alice B. Toklas brownies and cakes

    (We ate some hash) – We ate some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – It had the graveyard smashed
    (We ate some hash) – And we all got trashed
    (On monster hash) – We ate some monster hash
    The mummy was toking on a bong
    Wolfman said “Don’t bogart that, pass it along”
    The swamp thing was toasted, rolling on the floor
    Laughing hysterically and pleading for more

    The scene was rocking as the werewolves moved
    To the undead reggae band’s dance hall grooves
    Meanwhile in the kitchen Frankenstein baked
    Some Alice B. Toklas brownies and cakes

    (We ate some hash) – We ate some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – It had the graveyard smashed
    (We ate some hash) – And we all got trashed
    (On monster hash) – We ate some monster hash

    The party would have gone on ’til we all passed out
    But just then we heard a bloodcurdling shout
    “Watch out, beware, cover your necks
    Dracula’s got the munchies, and he’s totally wrecked”

    (He smoked some hash) – He smoked some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – He was completely smashed
    (He smoked some hash) – That transylvanian’s trashed
    (On monster hash) – He smoked some monster hash

    The party would have gone on ’til we all passed out
    But just then we heard a bloodcurdling shout
    “Watch out, beware, cover your necks
    Dracula’s got the munchies, and he’s totally wrecked”

    (He smoked some hash) – He smoked some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – He was completely smashed
    (He smoked some hash) – That transylvanian’s trashed
    (On monster hash) – He smoked some monster hash

    The mummy was toking on a bong
    Wolfman said “Don’t bogart that, pass it along”
    The swamp thing was toasted, rolling on the floor
    Laughing hysterically and pleading for more

    The scene was rocking as the werewolves moved
    To the undead reggae band’s dance hall grooves
    Meanwhile in the kitchen Frankenstein baked
    Some Alice B. Toklas brownies and cakes

    (We ate some hash) – We ate some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – It had the graveyard smashed
    (We ate some hash) – And we all got trashed
    (On monster hash) – We ate some monster hash

    The party would have gone on ’til we all passed out
    But just then we heard a bloodcurdling shout
    “Watch out, beware, cover your necks
    Dracula’s got the munchies, and he’s totally wrecked”

    (He smoked some hash) – He smoked some monster hash
    (Some monster hash) – He was completely smashed
    (He smoked some hash) – That transylvanian’s trashed
    (On monster hash) – He smoked some monster hash

    Okay, time to put down the cigar and Scotch…


    1. The late "Bobby 'Boris' Pickett" hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in October, 1962, with "The Monster Mash."


      "Mash" hit the charts two more times, in 1970, and reached #10 in 1973 on the Hot 100 (source: Wikipedia). 

  7. Economic news for the campaign season:  Went out to fill up the tank with regular gasoline today … $3.049/gallon.  According to the Energy Information Administration, that's better than last week's national average of $3.769. Better than last week's Colorado average of $3.492. A pleasant surprise on the day my family called "Beggar's Night" while extending Halloween marauding to two nights.

    Finishing up some canvassing in my precinct this afternoon, enjoying the weather.  It is a great deal better than some other years, when bundling up or finding a dry spot to pull flyers out of plastic bags as the rain fell.



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