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December 14, 2022 01:02 PM UTC

And So It Begins: The Race for Denver Mayor

  • by: Colorado Pols
And so it begins…

The 2022 election was just officially certified this week, but the next election has already hit a notable milestone.

Behold, the first widespread touting from a campaign of an endorsement featuring a politician who has nothing to do with Denver!

We’re not hating on State Sen. Jessie Danielson endorsing Debbie Ortega. This is a perfectly fine endorsement. But Danielson represents SD-20, which is in Jefferson County (which is not in Denver).

Again, there’s nothing wrong with this endorsement. We point it out only because it marks an important threshold: When candidates for Denver Mayor start talking about the endorsements they have from people who are not connected to Denver, then it’s on like Donkey Kong. This is when you know that the race for Denver Mayor has gotten SERIOUS.

Historians may argue with us here, but the next stage in this campaign evolution is probably when we start seeing the “related to Denver but still kinda weird” endorsements. You know the ones — like Frank Azar or the guy inside the “Rocky” costume (the mascot of the Denver Nuggets).

Campaigns for Mayor of Denver are always a spectacle. The 2023 campaign for Mayor could be amazeballs. This year’s race takes place at that rare moment in time — roughly once a decade — in which there is no incumbent facing re-election. It’s an open seat, and that’s why there are 94 different people running (more or less). Lots of politicians have been waiting a long time for this race.

The waiting is over.


16 thoughts on “And So It Begins: The Race for Denver Mayor

  1. I've never heard of most of the people on the link.

    I'm familiar with Debbie Ortega (she was my councilwoman 30 years ago when I lived in Denver), Kelly Brough, Mike Johnson, Alex Valdez, Leslie Herod, and Paul Fiorino (the dancer who runs for governor every four years).

    Thomas Wolf isn't the same guy who wrote Bonfire of the Vanities, is he?

      1. She’s been in city government seemingly since the earth was cooling. Banger’s right; she is NOT the fresh start this city needs. Check the dates on this bio. See how long it’s been? https://www.denverdemocrats.org/city/council/large/debbie-ortega

      1. Or the illustrious Councilwomen Candi CdeBaca. 

        Ortega is meh as is Herod.  There's other women in the race who would be far more effective as the next mayor, i.e. Kelly Brough

  2. While the mayor’s race is definitely the “top of the ticket” event, the spectacle is even a little greater because the two at-large city council seats are also open, making 3 of the 5 citywide positions incumbent-less. (both the Auditor and the Clerk and Recorder are running for re-election). 

    One of the things about Denver I have never cared for is that the entire elected government is up for re-election at one time. I have always thought we should stagger the city council seats so the 7 are up this year and the other 6 are up in two years. But then no one ever asked me.

    At the moment, only two seats are not contested: Clerk and Recorder (Paul Lopez – my boss) and council district 6 (Paul Kashmann – incumbent).

    Petitions were issued to the candidates today. They have until Feb. 8th to collect signatures and get them submitted.

    AND TO THOSE CANDIDATES READING THIS: Please do not wait until the very end to submit your signatures. Once you are confident you have enough, turn them in. There are 71 people currently circulating petitions. Please help out your lowly elections staff and give us as much of a head start on checking those signatures as possible (thank you).

    1. They should have staggered terms.

      I remember when they went from two-term limit to three terms. They argued that there would be too much turnover if everyone left at the same time. They never explained how a three-term limit would solve that problem.

      1. It actually has helped a bit. With 3 terms it is less likely the whole council is out at the same time. For example, this year both at-large candidates were termed out at the same time, but only 2 of the district-level council members are. There is a third who is not running again, but she was not term-limited. so 3 terms does seem to be helping the members to "self-stagger."

    1. Thank you Leslie, the early turn in is much appreciated.

      For those who are wondering, turn in order does not affect order placement on the ballot. That is done by drawing lots (which is always a fun spectacle)

  3. Comment from your favorite and "best-ever release" Candidate 

    (Taken out of context on the earliest of days of Colorado Pols.)

    Search Paul Noel Fiorino on this site to see the Thread. Since 2006 a history of the growing Unaffiliated movement that now calls the Election since 2018, with the largest registration and turnout. 

    Fiorino is still dancing, (51st Nutcracker) and wrestling with 23 others who want the mayoral too. Nice to be known, mention, and on a line, even if it's just in the comment.

    Let's enjoy this season, dance with all you got, on this first day of winter. May the best Wrestler win.  April 4, 2023 vote, vota, voto.



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