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December 19, 2022 01:46 PM UTC

Kristi Burton Brown Done As Colorado GOP Chair

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: The Colorado Sun’s Jesse Paul:

Burton Brown, a lawyer who got her start in politics as an anti-abortion advocate, took the helm at the Colorado Republican Party in March 2021 when the state GOP was at its lowest point since 1936. She sought to reverse the party’s losses in 2018 and 2020 through a policy platform — the “commitment to Colorado” — aimed at unaffiliated voters, who make up the state’s largest voting bloc.

The GOP was confident that it would make gains on Nov. 8.

Instead, Republicans fell further into the political minority in Colorado, losing every race for statewide office by at least 10 percentage points and failing to pick up the new 8th Congressional District. The GOP also lost seats in both chambers of the legislature, where the party was already in the minority.

9NEWS’ Kyle Clark recalls KBB’s sketchy background, lest the recent rebellion on her right flank right be misinterpreted:


That’s the legacy of failure Kristi Burton Brown leaves behind. There’s no sugar-coating it.

Better luck next chair.


Outgoing Colorado GOP chair Kristi Burton Brown.

In an email sent to party faithful moments ago, Colorado Republican Party chair Kristi Burton Brown announces she will not run for a second term following this year’s devastating losses for the party at every level of the ballot:

Hope you all are doing well and are excited for Christmas! I wanted to make sure and send you the email below which I will be sending to our main email list within the hour. I’m announcing that I will not be seeking another term as Chair of the Colorado Republican Party in 2023…

Going forward, I will still be heavily involved in our Party. As a constitutional attorney and grassroots conservative, I’ll be shifting my main focus to policy and working on issues we all care about as Republicans. I look forward to continuing to work with you all through the end of my term, as well as after.

It’s been an honor to be in this fight with you all. We must Never Surrender.

As the former public face of “Personhood” abortion ban initiatives that repeatedly failed at the polls before taking over the Colorado Republican Party from Rep. Ken Buck in 2021, “KBB” was ill-equipped to respond to the  nationwide backlash in 2022 against Republicans over the repeal of Roe v. Wade–to the point of openly contradicting her party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate, Joe O’Dea, who was attempting to muddy the abortion issue enough to win.

Watch this space for responses and more analysis–and as soon as we hear who might want to be the next to take on what’s proven over three election cycles to be the worst job in Colorado politics, we’ll let you know.


15 thoughts on “Kristi Burton Brown Done As Colorado GOP Chair

        1. Oh, she absolutely is.  Though at least Ellis is a Colorado-licensed attorney (under the last name Rives), and her license is still active even if her office is now in Chicago (with the disgusting Thomas More Society)

  1. I'm trying to imagine characteristics of someone who actually wants to be the successor to Kristi Burton Brown and Rep. Ken Buck. 

    Colorado Sun's coverage says "a host of candidates are already lining up to replace her, including Casper Stockham, who ran unsuccessfully to be state party chair in 2021 after three failed congressional bids." 

    So, the contest is likely to serve as an pretty good indicator of the strength of various factions and their ability to form a coalition sufficient to win at the state convention.

    1. Stockham is a bit too easily offended, and he keeps doubling down even when he’s embarrassing himself, as we saw on his various attemps to “own the libs” on this blog.

      Now Darryl Glen would be a contender for COGOP Chair. He’s got that pastor-y , powerful preaching / speaking style that won him the Senatorial nomination in 2016.  ( which I predicted, btw

      There’s no policy content in Glenn’s sermons, but then he doesn’t need any. Get the evangelists and Baptists and Dominionists on their feet, throw in a few of the current buzzwords like “all of the above energy” or “Stop teaching critical race theory and grooming kids” and, presto! Glenn’s herded all the feral GOPcats into one fetid hutch. 
      And Glenn has at least been elected multiple times as county commissioner and city council member ( where he helped the Shirtless Sheriff skate free.) 

  2. Maybe some of us "independent journalist" should call up say a "Stanley Thorne" and ask if they have heard the "many very good people" talking about their name for chair. 

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