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(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Joe Neguse

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(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Alexis King

(D) Brian Mason




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(D) A. Gonzalez

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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



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(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



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(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



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(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



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(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(D) Joe Salazar




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August 29, 2012 03:17 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Remote control

To change the station

But that won’t change your situation

–Beastie Boys


89 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. 1. “There’s only one thing missing now. Leadership. It takes leadership that you don’t get from reading a poll. You see, Mr. President, real leaders don’t follow polls. Real leaders change polls.”

    2. “Tonight, we’re gonna do what my mother taught me. Tonight, we’re gonna choose respect over love.”

    3. “Now, I know this simple truth and I’m not afraid to say it: Our ideas are right for America and their ideas have failed America.”

    4. “They believe that the American people don’t want to hear the truth about the extent of our fiscal difficulties and they believe the American people need to be coddled by big government. They believe the American people are content to live the lie with them. They’re wrong.”

    5. “Their plan: whistle a happy tune while driving us off the fiscal cliff, as long as they are behind the wheel of power when we fall.”

    6. “They believe in teachers unions. We believe in teachers.”

    7. “We win when we make it about what needs to be done; we lose when we play along with their game of scaring and dividing.”

    8. “It’s time to end this era of absentee leadership in the Oval Office and send real leaders to the White House.”

    9. “Our leaders today have decided it is more important to be popular, to do what is easy and say ‘yes,’ rather than to say ‘no’ when ‘no’ is what’s required.”

    10. “We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.”

    11.”While my leaving the party has gotten attention for predictable reasons, the reality is that according to Gallup, 9 percent of Obama supporters do not plan to vote for Barack Obama. He got 70 million votes. That  translates, even by my math, into 6.3 million people.”

    12. “Ask yourself if these Democrats still speak for you.

    When they say we have a duty to grow government even when we can’t afford it, does it sound like compassion to you — or recklessness?

    When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work?

    When they tell you America is this unequal place where the powerful trample on the powerless, does that sound like the country your children or your spouse risked their lives for in Iraq or Afghanistan?

    Do you even recognize the America they are talking about? And what can we say about a house that doesn’t honor the pictures on its walls?

    John F. Kennedy asked us what we could do for America. This Democratic Party asks what can government give you. Don’t worry about paying the bill, it’s on your kids and grandkids.”

    13. “This is no dark hour; this is the dawn before we remember who we are.

    May it be said of this time in our history: 2008 to 2011: lesson learned.”

    2012: mistake corrected.

    14. “We’re too smart to know there aren’t easy answers. But we’re not dumb enough to accept that there aren’t better answers.”

    15. “And let’s be honest. If the last four years had been more successful, do we really think there would be this attack on Mitt Romney’s success? Of course not.”

    16. “Mitt will be the first to tell you that he is the most fortunate man in the world. He had two loving parents who gave him strong values and taught him the value of work. He had the chance to get the education his father never had.

    But as his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success.

    He built it.”

    1. Romney’s father would walk out of this convention. Please get an education.Start, perhaps, by watching “Inside Job” so you’ll have an understanding how this economic mess came to be. Hint: It wasn’t President Obama.

      I realize that nothing said on this blog will change your thinking. You really don’t show much capacity for independent thinking.

      Posting a bunck of quotes from the Republican convention, the ultimate sales pitch, come on. Can you show some independent thinking, backed up with actual research?  

      1. Really, do you really think that come next week if you posted quotes from the DNC that I’d or any other non leftist liberal blogger would jump on this site to post a headline calling you “a tool”?

        Are you just bitter or so overly disappointed that your character flaws shine?

      2. Really, do you really think that come next week if you posted quotes from the DNC that I’d or any other non leftist liberal blogger would jump on this site to post a headline calling you “a tool”?

        Are you just bitter or so overly disappointed that your character flaws shine?

        1. ….and no, Sir Robin won’t.

          Your forte’ is to cut and paste, often w/o source.  Day after day, we point this out to you, that seldom do you provide anything original, or thought provoking, or of good sources.  Over and over we point out these inadequacies, and then you put the onus on SR.

          It’s called “projection,” Tad.  Read about it.  

    2. When an authoritarian figure asks that a certain class or type of innocent people be rounded up, imprisoned, tortured and shot simply for their religious or political beliefs, you’d be first in line to do their evil bidding.

      You’re actually a very scary type of person.  

      1. Or in your case move right to vilify.

        Yesterday Theilen pointed out that he was leaving due to personal attacks. Its too bad we lost him, but day after day all we see is vilification such as your above comment. It’s tiring and displays weakness in your personal character.

        Back to the issue at hand. Many of us are disappointed in Obamas policies and their failed outcomes for a variety of reasons. Many Democrats, Independants, and Republicans who voted for Obama in 2008 won’t this year.

        As I’ve said before, I had hope that Obama would govern from the center-left, unfortunately he went hard left and worse the results he promised have been anything but the realities we face.

        As many have said before, America needs a leader that leads, not a divider, not one that vilifies success.

        1. I stand by and strongly held opinion. You’re a scary type of person.

          I’ve offered this challenge to you before, after stating my personal track record as a proud progressive who has created thousands of jobs in my life, and currently employ hundreds…….How many jobs have you created, and what have you contributed to this country besides piles of bullshit?

          1. “You didn’t build that”

            I’m not going to address your amateur efforts to expose my personal background other than to say I have put capital at risk, you know capital formation to start a business, acquire customers, hire people, meet payroll and pay taxes/fees.

            One business worked out and still operates, the other didn’t make it. There was no one to blame and I’m not bitter.

            Grow up, please.

              1. Every four years, both parties hold their conventions in public facilities, protected by public police, use the public roads, fly in on airplanes made safe by the FAA, located by the public GPS syste, avoiding storms by the public NOAA.

                And so it goes…

            1. He owns businesses, very successful ones, and employs scores of people that I know of and perhaps more.

              Greedy, selfish conservatives don’t have a monopoly on running sucessful businesses.

      1. You should read the rest of his speech or better yet watch it on you tube. Inspiring and it’s understandable to see how he backed Romney so early.

        1. That contemptuous bastard can spout the party line about how they don’t need any guvmit help to succeed, then blows sunshine out of his ass on how the GI Bill helped his Dad go to a pubic university.

          To the same bunch of rich assholes (and thier candidate, “Grandpa Simpson” McCain) who opposed the New GI Bill four years ago.  

          1. “We Built It” says the GOP in the arena that was built with government funding.

            “We Built It” when the keynote speaker talks about the GI Bill, public university and bus systems within the first 3 minutes of his speech about how his parents worked hard.

            And I still can’t get over “They believe in teachers unions. We believe in teachers.”

        2. Watch the keynote speech from ANY convention, political or not, and you’ll feel good about watching it. A keynote speech is supposed to motivate participants and make them feel good about being there. That’s what it did.

    3. I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success.  He built it.”

      It’s GW all over again; Born on third and thought he hit a home run.

      Granted, Rmoney did have business success, GW had none unless the government was involved.

      But come on, born into a wealthy family with all the game tilting effects that has?  

      Hisself?  Not hardly.  

    4. 1.“There’s only one thing missing now. Leadership. It takes leadership that you don’t get from reading a poll. You see, Mr. President, real leaders don’t follow polls. Real leaders change polls.” – Is that how Rasmussen does it?

      3. “Now, I know this simple truth and I’m not afraid to say it: Our ideas are right for America and their ideas have failed America.” – I guess if you considered prosperity and balanced budgets failure, and the Great Recession and huge budget deficits success, then yes, Republican ideas are right for America.

      5. “Their plan: whistle a happy tune while driving us off the fiscal cliff, as long as they are behind the wheel of power when we fall.” – This describes Republicans when they’re in power to a ‘T’ – promise the moon, deliver it to the rich, and drown our country in the bathtub.

      7. “We win when we make it about what needs to be done; we lose when we play along with their game of scaring and dividing.” – More Republican projection; a more obstructionist, divisive group of people than the current GOP I have not met.

      10. “We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.” – By ‘share’ Republicans mean that the poor and working people take it in the ass, while the rich get even more tax breaks and corporations get to run roughshod over the citizens.

      13. “This is no dark hour; this is the dawn before we remember who we are.

      May it be said of this time in our history: 2008 to 2011: lesson learned.”

      2012: mistake corrected

      From their lips to God’s ears – time to kick out the Republican obstructionists from Congress and get to work in rebuilding the America our parents and grandparents made the strongest country on the planet – a country where a strong middle class drove the engine of our economy, not one where the money divide between the rich and everyone else continues to grow to record levels, driving more and more people in to poverty.

    1. dissenting delegates into the hall?

      So they could control the access by the media.

      I get it – conventions are for show. And this show is not going to be disrupted or derailed by a bunch of idiots who think their vote or presence means anything.

      But giving them the chance to talk about how they were excluded, before the convention is just too pointy. Running the risk of them doing something camera worthy on the convention floor during prime time- unacceptable.

      So, now the script can run smoothly.

      Paul Ryan doesn’t have to talk about legitimate abortion.  Mitt Romney doesn’t have to talk about tax returns or Romney care.  And Ron Paul doesn’t have to say that people without heal insurance should just die when they get sick.

      I didn’t leave the Republican party – it left every American who was paying attention.

  2. Dems think that talking points are to be dicussed…they are not, they are to be COUNTERED in the public square…and if they are not, then the public is influenced.

    Ann Romny came across as “wholesome”…..with a certain dignity.  Fluke will not.  I have said, many times, that Fluke should have sued Limbaugh and then she could have appeared with dignity. ( I say that because I think such a suit would have been settled in her favor…so quick… and she would have established that women can talk about personal issues without being vilified or slandered..and she would have won a victory for all women….right now, she is just a political hack).

    If you find it necessary to waste time to criticize me, feel free. But you might want to wait until after the convention.  I predict a 5 point bounce for romney.

    1. DT opted out.  

      From CoPols recently- from effective political engagement long before.

      Not to worry, dwyer, this convention will end soon enough. Romney will get his bounce.

      Then the D’s get theirs.

      Just for fun – should we predict whether any major R candidate will say anything stupid between now and when votes are cast?  

      What would count as stupid:

      – “legitimate rape”  Akin

      – rape is just another method of conception  Ryan

      – equal pay for equal work is anti-woman

      – black Americans have to stop looking for handouts and get to work

      – what the USA needs is to build a wall and go into Mexico shooting   Wurzelbacher

      – homosexuality is like alcoholism

      I could go on- but this is just for fun.

      Make no mistake – the election is about clear choices for the direction of America.  Worry about whether Sandra Fluke is hot or wholesome or whatever is not going to win or lose this election.

      Worrying about how awesome (and kind of weird) Ann Romney is not going to win this election.

      So I’ll tell you what DT (quitter) won’t  – what will win this election.

      Voter Reg and GOTV.

      I know , I know, Obama is owned by Wall Street. It’s a crying shame that parties suck so much and that all too often the choice comes down to the least of two bad choices. Boo f’ng hoo.  This is exactly how our gov’t was designed to (not) work.

      Voter Reg and GOTV.

      the rest is just bull.

      How many registrations have you done this month?

      1. Registering voters does NOT mean they are going to vote for Obama, but you knew that, right?

        what will win this election.

        Voter Reg and GOTV.

        I know that is the OFA strategy and that was a part of the Obama victory in 2008.  But voters need a REASON to vote for the dems…….that is, IMHO, simply being ignored by whomever in Washington is dictating the strategy….and ignoring the brilliance of the republican campaign to control the vote in the electoral college by winning states in 2010 and building on a comprehensive approach.

        We are in fundamental disagreement on how to win this election.

        1. Sure.

          And probably a lot of things.

          But we agree on far more than we disagree on.

          “..voters need a REASON to vote …”


          I don’t disagree.  But if all the persuadable “need a reason” voters show up, and all the lean D show up – D’s win.

          It’s not a compelling sound bite- but it wins elections in Colorado. Not so much in other places. ANd it would not be a winning strategy for the R’s in NY.

          But I live in Colorado.

          1) I like that Medicare exists.  And the way to stabilize is to get a grip on the cost side- not end it.

          2) I prefer that women get to decide their own medical decisions, and that includes accurate honest inf from doctors, and access to all valid procedures.

          3) I like that the Dream Act recognizes the truth that some people had no control or even knowledge of how and why they ended up in the USA, and yet they worked hard, followed the rules and have opportunity rather than mindless punishment.

          4) I don’t want taxes to  increase  on the middle and lower income Americans.

          5) I’m glad the Obama administration saved the auto industry. And executed BinLaden. ANd did not invade Iran. Nor LIbya, Syria, North Korea, or Darfur.

          6) I might in the smallest of small minorities- but I read the ACA and the Ryan budget.  I  like the most of the ACA, though it is not perfect.  And I dislike the Ryan/Romney budget, though the deficit does need reducing.

          7) I like the mortgage interest deduction.

          8) I prefer tax breaks for wind and solar (and fusion) but not for established industries with established technologies like oil, gas and coal.

          9) I think income tax rates should be more progressive.

          10)  And, in the end, simplistic as I am- I like President Obama. I don’t like Governor Romney.

          There. 10 + GREAT reasons to vote for Obama.

          I haven’t heard or read a single good reason to vote for Romney- just  he’s not Obama.

          Voter Reg and GOTV.

          1. I have voted for the Democratic party for fifty years.

            I want Obama to win. I don’t think he is going to.

            You have 10 great reasons…..and maybe Libertad or BX will be persuaded.

            Where is the billboard, the flyer, the radio commercial, the TV commercial that spells out the reasons to vote for Obama?  Where is the concentrated response to the Republican LIES being told?  

            I also want to tell you when you asked me how many registrations i had done this month…I wanted to come right through the computer in your face.  Who the hell do you think you are? I am trying to tell you that OFA is turning off people…and you do exactly what is turning off people…people who would like to be PART of a campaign…not a worker bee treated like a lowly member of a cult that has a quota on how many roses to sell…..

            If you can not connect with committed Democratic voters, how are you going to persuade the uncommitted?

            1. Except when it is.

              dwyer: “..find it necessary to waste time to criticize me, feel free. ”

              I agreed criticizing you is a waste of time.

              Likewise criticizing me- but do what you want.

              dwyer: “Who the hell do you think you are?”

              No one. Just another voter. Just another Obama supporter.

              I don’t know about the campaign. I don’t know about OFA.

              I don’t care if you persuade anyone. (If your persuasion skills are well represented here- I guess I would prefer you sit this one out since you persuading voters to register, then vote for Obama would seem to suggest a fair amount of hostility and …frustration are going to come through unless they do it your way.)

              I would rather you register voters in CD6. Or elsewhere in D leaning areas with a lot of address changing and mobility.

              I wasn’t demeaning you or your 50 years of voting history.

              I will however point out that in those 50 years, you must have voted for a lot of losers.

              I am not D enough for a lot of D’s.  I don’t care.  I was never R enough for “true” R’s  I don’t care.  ANd I’ve never been …something enough for COlorado U’s. I don’t care.

              I like to win elections.  Because of the electoral college, or other issues, I couldn’t always do what I believed was necessary.

              This year I can- and I’m not worried about persuading.  You can be – go for it.  You’ve persuaded me.

          2. Clearly all Dems and progressives besides dwyer, with the exception of Dave, whose point of view is neither left nor right so much as it’s just Dave centric, are naive idiots and Obama doesn’t have the ghost of a chance of winning so we may as well all stay home.  

            Stop fighting it.  We need to accept that dwyer is all knowing and Dwyerism is the only way, the only truth, the only light.  Only then can we be counted among the enlightened ones. Ommmmm….

              1. going to bother to vote?  Fool!  Where’s your faith in Dwyerism? Only the pure  and faithful will attain Nirvana. Or come back in the next life on the all powerful winning side. The “right” side, of course.

                1. 50 years.


                  08, 04, 00, 96, 92, 88, 84, 80, 76, 72, 68, and 64.

                  08 and 64 are the only times in the past 50 years Arapahoe county went D int he general election. (Obama in 08, LBJ in 64).  Makes my point.

                  Colorado D victories in  the general- 08, 92, 64.

                  Supports my point.

                  50 year of sitting on my porch the day after shaking at my head at the D losers who just won’t listen and don’t understand. Some of whom made compelling and persuasive cases for why they were the best candidate, but most of whom LOST.  Sitting on my porch the day after in 08 and 12 wondering if maybe this new kid is onto something….well, I just want to win.

              2. I mean who else would predict a bounce following a convention?  What you say?  Any sentient being who has ever paid attention to conventions and polls? Oh I doubt that.  We clearly are all so stupid that if a bump occurs we’ll be so stunned we’ll require defibrillation to get the old hearts pumping again. When dwyer says we’re stupid and ignorant we must believe.  It’s kind of like original sin.  

                And of course registering people to vote can’t possibly translate into getting any more votes. What a silly concept. Let’s see, zero unregistered voters vote. Out of all new registered voters the number who vote must be a negative then, right? I guess they are so annoyed they got registered that they also convince a few people who planned to vote Dem not to.

                So in orthodox Dwyerism, registration drives and GOTV among Dem leaning demos will help  Republicans win. Got that? The only reason it doesn’t make sense to us is because we are so clueless and so insufficiently immersed in Dwyerism. Must try to have more faith. Meditate on Dwyerism harder.  Ommmmmm!!!!!

    1. have missed seeing “This is how we feed animals” in today’s earlier string of quotes from Tampa’s spectacular “Willard Love Surrender Fest”?

    2. Her two convention going guests claimed that the incident wasn’t confirmed, although the link shows it to be well confirmed.

      Further, they trotted out the old, “This doesn’t represent the party.  After all, the provokers were immediately removed.”

      Right, only X% of the Republicans are racist.

      I ask this:  Would this have happened at the Democratic convention?  Ever?  Of course not.  

  3. https://givingfirst.org/

    end up being used for unrelated community needs,

    or just to benefit the collecting agency,

    (no link to daily Denver area newspaper,)

    so that victims’ families are protesting.  

    for future reference,

    if you want your donations to go to victims,

    either give to them directly,

    or give to a reputable faith-based charity.

    1. I volunteer with a COVA affiliate. I have no relationship with COVA itself, but the affiliate I work with does an EXCELLENT job of helping victims of violent crime. However, it does not do so by giving them cash grants, except in the case of some limited, emergent needs.

      On GivingFirst.org, the page for the Aurora victims’ assistance fund states very clearly that GivingFirst.org does not make grants to individuals and distributes funds to community organizations. Colorado has a separate victim’s compensation program intended to cover certain costs for victims of violent crime. All of these victims surely are eligible for victim’s compensation, and are ALSO receiving services from the organizations getting money from GivingFirst.org. Many of them additionally had personal fundraising pages where they raised thousands of dollars directly for themselves.

      I don’t think the victims are in any way greedy or malicious or anything else negative. Anyone who says so is a scumbag and lacks any shred of empathy for these people going through the worst time of their lives. However, I also can’t possibly imagine that COVA is sitting there lining its pockets and cackling as they withhold assistance from victims. I also don’t believe GivingFirst.org misrepresented its mission, given that one of the first sentences you read when you go to donate states that money does NOT go directly to individuals from GivingFirst.org. It’s an organization for the distribution of funds. That kind of thing takes time, or else you end up giving all your grants to the fly-by-night organizations that pop up to take advantage of tragedies.

      Would giving each victim a check for a portion of the $5 million heal them or the community? No. Absolutely, families’ funeral expenses and medical expenses should be covered, for those who are not fully covered by insurance. Therapy and any other related care should be covered. If they lost a primary wage-earner, they deserve additional financial help as well. But those are all things that established community organizations are experienced in helping victims with, and the process takes time, especially when dealing with a tragedy, and an amount of funding, at a scale that you really just CAN’T prepare for.

      That said, I will find it extremely distasteful if GivingFirst.org fails to appoint victims/survivors to the committee for the distribution of funds. The lack of communication is inexcusable and the organizations involved need to address it now.

      1. so-called criminal justice system. Sure, the victims are entitled to compensation, and I’m sure restitution will be ordered at the time of sentencing. Good luck collecting any.

        The vast majority of perps have no assets and since they’re headed to the big house, no prospect of earning any.

        It’s a tough job to split the donations to those affected, but the money should go directly to the victims and not to non-profits, no matter how effective and well-meaning, that may or may not be utilized by the victims.

        Talk to a prosecutor about how much compensation actually ends up in the hands of victims. Better yet, talk to some victims and/or their families.

        1. I cannot discuss my calls due to victim privacy, but what I can discuss is how the victim’s compensation program works, at least in Jefferson County where my experience is.

          Court-ordered restitution is entirely separate from victim’s compensation. Restitution is an order to the convicted to pay restitution to someone damaged by their crimes.

          Victim’s compensation is funded by general collection of fines, whether as part of a conviction or a plea deal. This may include crimes that have no defined “victim.” Here is a very brief overview. It is my understanding that most of the Denver metro area has victim’s comp programs that work the same way. These fines are NOT distributed directly to the defendant’s victim(s). They go to a central fund.

          When a person is an innocent and cooperative victim of crime, they may apply for up to $20,000 in assistance with expenses as a result of the crime. Some things are explicitly excluded, such as replacement of vehicles. The fund also will not cover expenses that are already covered by insurance, such as homeowner’s insurance, in order to preserve funds for those in need. Expenses that are generally easy to get covered are direct medical/dental expenses (if medical bills exceed the maximum compensation, sometimes hospitals will work with the victim’s comp board to lower the bill so victim’s comp can cover it) and counseling for adults and children who have suffered from violent crime or physical/sexual abuse.

          I have, in fact, received a fairly significant dose of exposure to the criminal justice system in the several months during which I have provided victims of crime with direct crisis services and information on long-term support and care, but thank you for your concern for my education. All of us have more to learn in life.

            1. Info here. I know next to nothing about Western Slope politics, but I wonder if that might be part of why this isn’t even being discussed yet there — I know I have heard that there were some really vehement, effective advocates in the central region who really shaped the early days of victim’s assistance in Colorado. There is a statewide Victims’ Rights Amendment that includes the right to be informed of financial assistance and community support options, but stops short of requiring communities to implement and manage a full-fledged comp program like Jeffco’s.

              I wonder if this could be sold to a DA or other politician who wants to look tough on crime? Victim’s compensation is certainly enlightened, but it’s also, obviously, anti-crime. And, well, pro-common sense, because if you get a DV victim’s medical and emotional needs handled, you’re less likely to see her as a DV victim again in a month or two.  

  4. To be polite, I find 90% of Ron Paul’s political positions “wrong.”

    And I think he’s the epitome of the political diva, as every Presidential Election Cycle he pretends to be a Repub until the reality of the delegate count shows he’s at the bottom of the pack, and suddenly he’s a Libertarian, just in time for election day.


    If the Republican’t Party is so terrified of him that they’ll change the rules of the Convention ON THE SPOT to prevent his name from even being mention on the floor, then I’m all for his supporters to wreck havoc the rest of the way.

    Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states.


    IF they even made on the floor last night –

    On Sunday night at midnight, frantic and panicked posts began appearing throughout Ron Paul’s social media pages. Word had begun spreading, rightly or wrongly, that the Romney-backed GOP leadership was tricking Ron Paul delegates out of their rightful voting spots.

    “It’s a trick. It’s a lie!” one post by a Ron Paul delegate warned. “Don’t listen to the party officials. They’re trying to trick you out of your convention credentials,” another advised.

    The worry was over the announcement by Republican Party officials that the convention was cancelled for Monday, and would instead begin on Tuesday. While that was true of the events that would have been shown on national TV, it was actually not one hundred percent accurate.

    The “trick”, as described by the Ron Paul supporters, was that the party was telling Ron Paul delegates not to show up until Tuesday. When in reality, delegate credentialing on Monday had not been cancelled and any Ron Paul delegate that failed to register on Monday would be replaced by alternate delegates loyal to Mitt Romney.


    1. Ron Paul is a Right-Wing cuckoo clock whose hard-line anti-abortion zealtry takes him out of the one redeeming virtue that most libertarians share, being “pro-choice on everything” as one put it.

      But the man competed by the rules, won some delegates and clearly won the right to put his name in nomination.

        So Romney, in a rewriting of history worthy of Joseph Stalin, tried to cut him out of the Soviet Enclyclopedia…err, Republican Convention …and decreed him He Who Must Not be Named.  

        Do these idiots actually think this brazenly unfair treatment of Paul will bring his supporters in line with Romney?  Hear the man, let him have his moment, beat him fairly (and overwhelmingly) and THEN appeal for unity.

         It’s not just Stalinist, it’s Stupid or, as the French would say,


      It’s worse than a crime.  It’s a mistake.


  5. “Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured… but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”

    Now add this, “Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.”

    1. “Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.”

    2. Obamacare will probably reduce that a lot.  Why?

      Millions of non-citizens hold long term, steady jobs.  Typically construction, kitchens, and similar.  Many do not get any insurance now, but their employers must provide it soon.  Some, especially with families, may choose to buy their own through the exchanges if their employer doesn’t qualify for the mandate.

      The day labor types will continue to fly under the radar.  

    3. First, that’s not actually a paradox.

      Second, Ben Stein never said that. http://www.snopes.com/politics

      Third, you’re posting that like it’s yours, but you clearly jacked it from either and email or another site.

      Actually there are four issues, but I wouldn’t even now where to start with your “Now add this” line. But yeah, immigrants are scary?

  6. EPIC FAIL that one of the people sent the “papers, please” letter was at a ceremony where Gessler spoke!

    from the Daily Prophet:

    U.S. citizens among those who got letters questioning right to vote

    Some of the registered voters in Colorado who recently got letters from Secretary of State Scott Gessler asking them to affirm their citizenship are newly sworn-in American citizens, including one German immigrant at whose citizenship ceremony Gessler spoke.

    Markus Mayer, an information technology consultant from Fort Collins, said he was in disbelief when he got the letter from Gessler. Mayer, a 43-year-old native of Germany, was sworn in as a citizen last November in a ceremony watched by Gessler himself.

    “He made a point, among other things, of saying that it’s very important to vote and we should go and register to vote right away,” said Mayer, who did just that.

    But Mayer, a registered Democrat, obtained a driver’s license in Colorado before he was an American citizen, so he, like thousands of others, got the letter.


    Terms of use: http://www.denverpost.com/ci_1

    1. I’m tempted to make a template for people to fill out, then EVERYONE can send the Gessler a letter saying they’re a citizen and flood his office with letters.

    2. we can infer names, I suppose. Two ways to slice it (or it could be both): this is brilliant proof that Gessler did not use any personal bias in sending the letters and/or he’s aware that thing everyone tells him can happened does in fact happen (right in front of him).

      Or we could believe that he didn’t look at the names because he doesn’t give a shit and is instead seeking to disenfranchise voters for the purposes of making new law… for some reason. In this scenario, the fact he’s wasting time, money and state resources to harass something like .1% of  all Colorado voters should of course be ignored. Gessler has long been a supporter of more regulation where it’s not needed, right?

  7. According to CNBC, “The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes fell to 60.6 from a downwardly revised 65.4 the month before. Economists had expected an increase to 66, according to a Reuters poll.”

    Other findings from the report included:

    Expectations index tumbled to 70.5 from 78.4.

    Present situation index edged down to 45.8 from 45.9.

    The “jobs hard to get” index eased to 40.7 percent from 41 percent, but the “jobs plentiful” index also declined to 7 percent from 7.8 percent.

    Source CNBC

    The continued negativity from the OFA camp should not be blamed, these data points are driven by the economic reality that Americans find themselves.

    8.3% unemployment, 50 million on food stamps, heavy handed regulation of schools, local government, businesses and individuals. We are drowning in a sea of more and bigger government programs.

    Housing and business starts are at historical lows, lows we have never seen. Policy makers need to ask themselves, what have I done to infect America with GDP draining government solutions and what will I stand for to correct the systemic failures.

    Policy makers need to be accountable for their government spending. There’s not one household in the world, save the Obama administration, that would blow 33% of their annual revenues on “more government centric investment”, promise growth, and then run for the hills to hideout as inter-generational theft further imbeds itself.

    CNN used to hold nightly stimulus accountability shows …. then they stopped. Why?

  8. Just re-checked Tues open thread and saw your good news about the melanoma. I bet McCain’s was worse than yours and he’s doing fine. I’m sure you will, too. But fruits and veggies  are always a good idea regardless. Now I can return to giving you a hard time when you post something crazy without feeling guilty :)!

  9. Remind me again – the RomneyBot is running for President of which Country?

    The CashMoney Islands?

    Romney Party Yacht Flies Cayman Islands Flag

    Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign toasted its top donors Wednesday aboard a 150-foot yacht flying the flag of the Cayman Islands.

    The floating party, hosted by a Florida developer on his yacht “Cracker Bay,” was one of a dozen exclusive events meant to nurture those who have raised more than $1 million for Romney’s bid.

    “I think it’s ironic they do this aboard a yacht that doesn’t even pay its taxes,” said a woman who lives aboard a much smaller boat moored at the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina.

    Romney’s Cayman-based investments have come under fire during the campaign.

    The event, attended by no more than 50 people, along with Romney relatives, including older brother Scott, appeared on no public calendars. ABC News obtained a schedule of the Romney campaign’s “Victory Council” and waited dockside to speak with members.


      1. In broad daylight — wow!

        If Romney does manage to win this election, I’m confident that the 2016 GOP convention will also be held in the Caymans.  

        Of course, all the delegates will just represent their respective corporations, as they will have the vote by then too.

        One share of common stock equals one vote.  Preferred stock, naturally, is worth much more.

        1. I think it is over now. I can’t believe that Rmoney has a prayer anymore. He and his cohorts using tax avoidance and poking us all in the eye. This even tarnishes Ryan who did his song and dance at the Villages 10 days ago. The link points out that the yacht’s owner made his $ developing that enclave for wealthy, old farts.

          Can’t wait to see this in an ad  

      1. Karl We-Create-our-Own-Reality Rove

        On Monday, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse, defending the campaign’s blatantly false ads claiming President Obama removed work requirements from welfare, said, “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”

        Please note, he isn’t specifying left leaning fact checkers. It’s a battle cry against the whole concept of being in any way limited by honesty where documented fact is concerned. Along with evolution and other basic science, they vehemently reject the concept of fact based reality.

        1. Interviewed on Thom Hartmann yesterday.  Upon questioning by Thom on the ads claiming that Obama eliminated work requirements, that was his response.

          He appeared to be very dismayed about the level of outright lying in many of the PAC ads.

          I guess they’ll kick him outta the party now.  

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