UPDATE #9: Rep. Ken Buck, who was good enough to show up to work today, warns after three failed ballots that Kevin McCarthy is more likely to lose support in successive rounds of voting than turn things around:
A warning sign for Kevin McCarthy: Conservative supporter Rep. Ken Buck told us he believes that it is McCarthy who will eventually lose more backing if this drags out. He has been talking to fellow Freedom Caucus members but doesn’t believe they will be moving.
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 3, 2023
UPDATE #8: Rep. Joe Neguse revels in the schadenfreude as Kevin McCarthy loses a third round of balloting, with Rep. Lauren Boebert and the “Never Kevins” seeing no reason whatsoever to budge:
rofl, he lost again. pic.twitter.com/DqX4IilqWd
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) January 3, 2023
UPDATE #7: For round three, Rep. Steve Scalise nominated Kevin McCarthy. Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert still voted again for Jim Jordan.
UPDATE #6: Via The Washington Post, here are the Republican opponents of McCarthy:
Meanwhile, McCarthy is reportedly playing a game of “chicken” with his opponents to see which side will fold first. We can’t see Rep. Lauren Boebert changing her mind — it’s too much fun for her to be on this list.
UPDATE #5: There will be a THIRD vote for House Speaker. Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert is among those who voted for Rep. Jim Jordan instead of Kevin McCarthy.
Another #FAIL for Kevin McCarthy. Lauren Boebert votes for Gym Jordan. #copolitics #housespeaker pic.twitter.com/v76SvhyuwA
— Jason Bane (@jason_bane) January 3, 2023
This is shaping up to be a loooonnggg day.
We just spoke w/ Rep Bob Good (R-VA), who says block of GOP members who opposed McCarthy on Speaker vote will never back down. He says they want “reluctant warrior” to be Speaker. Good predicts Jim Jordan will gain votes on 2nd ballot. And says McCarthy should pull out of race
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) January 3, 2023
UPDATE #4: Kevin McCarthy will lose the first ballot for Speaker of the House, the first such humiliation for an incoming majority in exactly 100 years.
McCarthy just got fewer votes for Speaker than he did 2 years ago, with Rs in the minority, @jaketapper points out.
— Ramesh Ponnuru (@RameshPonnuru) January 3, 2023
UPDATE #3: Declaring that Kevin McCarthy is “taking the path of Nancy Pelosi” (whatever that means), Rep. Lauren Boebert casts her vote for Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.
Lauren Boebert said Rep. Kevin McCarthy was “taking the path of Nancy Pelosi and following her precedence with the motion to vacate” during the U.S. House Republican Conference Meeting Stakeout. pic.twitter.com/JAouWvxDqD
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 3, 2023
UPDATE #2: Looks like Colorado Rep. Ken Buck is throwing in with the nutball caucus. Here he is sitting with Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz earlier today:
UPDATE: As expected, the new Republican “majority” in Congress is off to a bad start.
This headline from The Atlantic got us thinking about a poll idea, so please weigh in below.
As Colorado Public Radio’s Caitlyn Kim reports today from Washington, the fateful day for Republican U.S. House Leader Kevin McCarthy has arrived:
What should be a big day for Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives may have an inauspicious start as one big question still looms over today’s start of the 118th Congress: Who will be the next Speaker of the House?
House Republicans hold a slim majority in the chamber with 222 members, and GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy will need to secure the support of 218 of them to get the speakership. At least five Republicans have said publicly that they will not vote for McCarthy.
As of now, two Colorado Republicans aren’t publicly backing McCarthy either. U.S. Reps. Ken Buck and Lauren Boebert did not vote for McCarthy during the caucus’ nomination process last fall, where 188 of their colleagues voted for McCarthy…
If McCarthy doesn’t get the gavel after the first vote, it will move into multiple votes. More importantly, the focus will be on a party in disarray not the work Republicans promised to take up during the congressional session.
Yesterday, Colorado’s hard-liner Rep. Lauren Boebert met with McCarthy along with fellow Rep. Matt “Giggity” Gaetz to lay out her terms for supporting McCarthy’s bid for speaker, which we had previously understood most importantly including the ability of any Republican member to ask for a “motion to vacate the chair,” or get rid of a Speaker they don’t like. McCarthy has reportedly granted this major concession that would leave his power at the whim of any disgruntled Republican member, but even this doesn’t seem to have placated Boebert:
Things getting heated in House GOP meeting.
McCarthy swore in his speech, dropping a “god damnit.” And he made clear he would negotiate no more. McCarthy also said opponents came to him with “personal asks” last night.
Lauren boebert yelled in response to speech: “BULL SHIT”
— Melanie Zanona (@MZanona) January 3, 2023
As you can see, Boebert’s vow to “take down the temperature” in Washington is going extremely well! If Boebert is a “no” on McCarthy it means McCarthy’s vote count is going the wrong direction with no margin to spare–and that means we’re in for a rollercoaster of a day couple of years. This is a House out of control before even gaveling in.
We’ll update as developments warrant, which they will.
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Here’s my wild-ass idea of the day. Led by Nancy Pelosi 20 Dems vote for McCarthy and state they can’t speak to the agreement they reached (there is no agreement).
‘McCarthy would then be dead to the majority of Republican members.
Apparently, the GOP really misses those parties, and thus are beginning to coalesce around Gym Jordan.
“Led by Nancy Pelosi 20 Dems vote for McCarthy and state they can’t speak to the agreement they reached (there is no agreement)”
Talk about the kiss of death!
But, but, but….#MyKevin NEEDS HIS VOTE!!! The irony that McCarthy’s speakership could teeter on a single vote.
A few more lies and that dude is presidential material! Was he top of his class at Baruch?
Who paid George Santos?
One of the few things we do know about him is that he has financial ties with at least one Russian oligarch. He has also claimed to have travelled to Moscow "many times".
So perhaps Putin, or Putin's lackeys, are cultivating an entire stable of congressional traitors loyal to Russia, not to the US.
There's precedent – as Maddow relates in her Ultra podcast, during the early WWII years, there was a group of fairly open Nazi sympathizers and enablers in the US Congress.
I would expect nothing less from the political party who's platform can be summed up as "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! NO!!! FUCK!!! EVERYTHING IS BAD!! FUCK! AAAAAAAAAAA!!"
If Cory had stayed in his lane, a lifetime opportunity to represent Colorado’s eastern plains, he would no doubt, today, be in McCarthy’s position or as the first alternate, with the fire power of the Koch network at his disposal.
Jim Jordan? I mean Biggs went to the dinner what does he have to do for you?
Sam Youngma may have summed this up best.
Boebert votes for Jim Jordan to sink Kevin McCarthy does she stick with him?
According to Sam Youngma it really doesn't matter because its a rabble that is unable to be governed. Its an argument that just got a load of evidence with the Republicans being unable to solidify their party.
Poll needs an All of the Above option. They don't know how AND they don't want to.
Can you really have a leader with the name Kevin?
Who’s your pick, Roger? (asking for a friend)
Kevin is a Mike Coffman personality who will say anything, knowing it’s not true to get power. I’ve heard him say he was going to get rid of 85K IRS employees. That’s legislation that has to be signed by the President which will never happen and he knows this. But for the moron republicans it sound good.
The members voting against Kevin are telling America, Kevin can’t be trusted, just like our friend Coffman. The “nobody but Kevin” crowd have been promised all kinds of graft and perks so they will not jeopardize their share of pork.
The talking heads on FOX and probably other networks are overflowing with bull shit about this being a crisis. Change is messy.
I don’t know who I would choose, just glad for the pushback and gridlock that’s being created.
You would know since you fall squarely in the moron republican camp.
And geez. You still got a grudge against Mike Coffman. Just because he Rogered you in 2018, before he went on to get Rogered himself. Keep grinding that axe.
Perhaps Roger would like some cheese with his wine.
Because Roger got Rogered and is still butthurt from it.
"I don't know what I want. I'm just glad things are fucked up"
Thanks for the excellent summary of Republican strategy for the past 15 years or so.
And said by someone who is a perfect representation of Republicans, having absolutely zero morality.
The most famous Kevin I can remember was a big bird in the movie Up.
Kevin Costner – and MyKevin had earned his theoretical trip to “the Yellowstone train station”
It's on! So, so bad, yet so fun to watch…
At least 18 defections so far. I'm prone to just accepting Youngma's description, but does anyone actually think there's an end-game in mind?
In your poll, I very much wanted the option to vote for both.
We know — that's why there had to be a choice
If you used a Venn Diagram there wouldn't much outside the intersection of the two circles. I voted for they don't know how to govern since they have spent their entire lives deriding government as a force for good in our society.
The poll posits mutual exclusivity where none exists.
Kevin is not authentic!
I'm not so sure about your choice of adjective there. I mean, Jello is authentic, right?
Fortunately for you, your Congressional Representative is authentic.
Ken Buck is authentic?
Roger is represented by a Democrat! (Jason Crow)
Does he still post-redistricting?
Wrong. Ken Buck, with re-districting.
My bad (with condolences)
Ken Buck is authentic. As a grade A moron. Gotta love prosecutors who just want higher office. Like Attorney Generals Brauchler and Kellner.
Well then, I’m wrong. Horribly wrong. Sorry.
Oh, and, sucks to be you. (But, same as usual, that.)
Republicans 'R' Revolting.
Summbuddy isn’t happy…
Oh my God!!! This is so funny, it's not even funny. Except it is.
Didn’t they take her toys away from her when they learned that she was one of the ring leaders of the revolt? Wonder if she’ll get them back if the Republicans can get their poop in a group and choose their leadership?
Rebelling, complaining, pissing and moaning about everything, and how bad things are, is rather easy. Anyone can do it.
The actually governing, adult part is hard.
Its been reported he already moved into the Speakers office. Please tell me it will be televised when he has to move out of the Speaker’s office because he doesn’t have the votes??
That right there would be viral video of the year.
Nice one, Rep. Lieu.
McCarthy's already short of votes on the second ballot!
Can someone just nominate Liz Cheney and we can end this?
Assuming McCarthy, or some other R eventually is elected Speaker, how do they lead this party of toddlers (looking at your Boebert)?
Serious question related to the poll Q: Can a coalition of Rs and Ds pass legislation, by simple majority, if the Speaker will not allow a floor vote? For example, if we are looking at a debt default, are we at the mercy of the party of Trump, or can a majority pass an increase in the debt ceiling without the Speaker's permission?
Short version … a majority of the House can do damn near anything.
The Speaker sets a calendar, but members can take a variety of approaches to passing something the Speaker doesn’t put on the calendar.
Of course, such maneuvers trigger consequences. The Speaker can retaliate in a variety of ways. The Majority leader and Whip have been given power, too. The Conference can push someone out. The campaign arm can deny them money (and other resources) for the next election.
Let's be technically accurate: the House rules, which are set by vote after the Speaker is elected and members sworn in, determones what can and cannot be done. The whacko caucus wants changes to the rules, and thank the powers of light that they're not really creative in coming up with new changes.
It's happened before, back in 2013. Here's a piece I found from Brookings about how that would go:https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2013/10/04/shutting-down-the-government-shutdown-the-discharge-petition-in-the-house/
Didn’t Kevin promise he’d read the Constitution in its entirety on Day 1? I hope he’s got a speed reader in the wings …
The problem with today's Republican Party is that they've convinced themselves and each other that any attention is good. They probably believe they've won the day with this never-ending news coverage! Look at us – we're the best obstructionists evvvvverrrrrrrrr!!!!!
How many times does this carousel need to spin before some Republicans start voting present or, for extreme chaos, vote for Jeffries?
At least 3. I guess we get to wait til tomorrow or later to find out.
Time for the next in line? — George Santos?
(Hasn’t he claimed to have experience as a previous House Speaker? The GOPers might as well pick someone who’s already so clearly well qualified?)
Take it easy on George. I’m pretty sure his mother died (again) today.
It’s a tragedy he’s forced himself to overcome on so very many occasions.
But despite the many deaths of his mother, George apparently issued a press release Tuesday saying he had been sworn into office in Congress. It's amazing he got that done – when no one else did.
Why not? He is, after all, an NBA champion, gastroenterologist, world-class mountaineer, and actual, literal king.
This is one of these events where if I was in McCarthy's shoes, I would prove why I always say, "No One ever wants me in a position of power."
My solution would be to get 7 of my supporters to join me (I only need 5 but I would get 7 in case 2 drop out of the plan), then have a conference call with the Freedom Caucus and inform them that if they continue this stupidity, I had enough votes to give the Speakership back to the Democrats. Their choice, they can have 95% of the whole enchilada, or none of it. Then I would hang up and refuse to talk to them until the next vote.
Just before the next vote, my speech would be simple: "To the American people, you deserve better than this. This will be our last vote for a Speaker, one way or the other. It is now up to the Freedom caucus to decide which way we go, forward or backward." Then I would sit down until the vote is taken. If the nutjobs continue to be stupid I would rather give the gavel back to the Dems than let them hold the country hostage.
"and inform them that if they continue this stupidity, I had enough votes to give the Speakership back to the Democrats."
The looney Matt Gaetz has already said that such a result would be okay with him.
No word on whether any of the other 19 screwballs subscribe to his "logic."
I don't know why McCarthy even wants the job other than historical recognition; unless he also foresees that his third-in-line position might actually pan out to a promotion to the big job, completing the coup.
I think the fact that McCarthy will do or say absolutely anything to become speaker is what is disqualifying him. Irony.
Go Biblical GOP……. watching Boobert speaking right now brought this to mind….
Good luck finding 3 wise men and a virgin in that rabble.