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February 01, 2023 12:10 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Conviction never so excellent, is worthless until it coverts itself into conduct.”

–Thomas Carlyle


6 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. The NYC FBI and the New York Times both hated Hillary Clinton and actively worked against her election in 2016. From Eschaton.

    The Real Story

    Not just a corrupt, but a Russian agent (who had) infiltrated NYC FBI obviously went all out to swing the 2016 election, aided by America's Greatest Man, James Comey, for whatever reason, and since covered up by various investigations.

    Others know the details better than I do, but the contours have been pretty clear for awhile even as the new details pop up.

    Others include high profile journalists, who aren't talking.

  2. Vish Burra the veteran MAGA movement provacateur "Meet The Man Behind George Santos". Hunter Walker at TPM

    Yes, the same guy who mis-handled Hunter Biden's laptop now works for George Santos – or whatever his name is. 

    Working on [Steve Bannon's The War Room] gave Burra a front-row seat as Bannon and Rudy Giuliani acquired a laptop that had belonged to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Burra has said he served as a “navigator” and used past experience as a software professional to make copies of the laptop as Bannon and Giuliani gave the data to reporters and others in an effort to generate stories criticizing the Biden family’s foreign business dealings and Hunter’s substance abuse. In his conversation with TPM, Burra described the episode as “one of my most proudest projects and accomplishments.”

    Burra, who recently became Santos’ director of operations, thrives on chaos and revels in controversy. As reporters have swarmed outside Santos’ office each day, Burra has quite literally stood behind the embattled politico. And while Capitol Hill staffers typically stay away from the cameras, behind the scenes, that’s not Burra style: He was a high-profile activist in his own right before joining Santos’ team, and this isn’t Burra’s first time in the eye of the storm. In his wide ranging conversation with TPM, Burra talked about his political philosophy and past experience leading a controversial Republican club, standing by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) during another recent scandal, and playing a pivotal role in the Hunter Biden laptop saga. 

    Bald, bearded, and broad shouldered, Burra stands out in a crowd. That’s just how he likes it. Prior to joining Santos’ team, Burra was a regular on the right-wing podcast and web broadcast circuit. In one of these interviews last February, Burra talked to the YouTuber Silas Amunga about his philosophy for “activism and institutional infiltration.” He turned to manga metaphors describing his “style” as “two katanas to the neck.” 

  3. California Continues to demand protection for its senior water rights. Via Colorado sun

    I say declare an emergency due to collapse of the Colorado River. Cut everybody's allotment equally by 33% across the board and let California sue. 

    Otherwise, I'm on team chaos: let the water conservation agreement fail, let the electric turbines shut down, let Colorado take its full share to hasten the collapse of the river. Let the agribusiness go bankrupt.

    Then, redo the law of the river or declare it unconstitutional because it failed to take into account Indian tribes, drought, mexico and the river ecosystem.

    Word salad and fluffing aside from demanding adherence to "law of the river" and "senior water rights".

    JB Hamby, chairman of the Colorado River Board of California and a board member of the Imperial Irrigation District, indicated California may file a lawsuit if the federal government attempts to count for evaporative losses.

    “The best way to avoid conflict and ensure that we can put water in the river right away is through a voluntary approach, not putting proposals that sidestep the Law of the River and ignore California’s senior right and give no respect to that,” he said.

  4. Geez, PH, do you have a water death wish?

    The chaos you wish for would lead to Congress wading in. I would remind you that California has 53 congressional districts. Do the math.


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