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February 15, 2023 08:04 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Society is always taken by surprise at any new example of common sense.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


24 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys

    They include Christina Bobb, who signed a now infamous affidavit claiming there were no further documents at Mar-a-Lago responsive to the government’s subpoena; Evan Corcoran, the lawyer who supposedly performed the search and drafted the affidavit but had Bobb sign it; and most recently Alina Habba, who was recently ordered, along with her client Donald Trump, to pay nearly $1 million in sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other former officials.

    1. And how is the defense of Trump working out?  It isn't just the money.

      Eastman is the latest legal ally of Trump to face the prospect of potential disbarment over involvement in the campaign against the 2020 election results.

      Rudy Giuliani, the famed New York City Mayor-turned-Trump attorney, is battling similar disciplinary efforts, in Washington, as is former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark and lawyer Sidney Powell, who has been slapped with sanctions over filing lawsuits packed with false claims of fraud.

    1. Do you actually read the articles you link to, David T.?

      If you do read them, do you agree with this statement from the "Smart People / Stupid Thing (sic) " article?

      Some of these FIBs can now be found everywhere. A particularly prominent example is wokeism, a popularized academic worldview that combines elements of conspiracy theory and moral panic. Wokeism seeks to portray racism, sexism, and transphobia as endemic to Western society, and to scapegoat these forms of discrimination on white people generally and straight white men specifically, who are believed to be secretly trying to enforce such bigotries to maintain their place at the top of a social hierarchy.

      If you don't agree with it, why post it without comment? If you do agree with it, please defend it and explain how white men are victimized by "woke-ism".

        1. 1619 and 1776? So between the time the first slave landed on the shores of the Continental US, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence? What in the world does this have to do with the idea that white men are victimized by "woke-ism"?

          BTW, neither 1619 nor 1776 is mentioned in the article David linked to. So what do 1619 and 1776 mean to you?


          1. White men being white men, kwtree.

            Being in the center is the safe place some decide to occupy. You can pass blame in either direction…

            Original Americans don't give a fuck for the whole debate. Who is talking about reparations for the families of the Comanche or the Nez Perce? There is no excuse for the murderous history of Europeans and particularly "Christian" Europeans. Simply none.

            And for their apologists…

            Forgive them…they are blind and cannot see.

              1. For the record…I don't have any prescriptions. I am very healthy…and cognizant enough to recognize half-assed, centrist horse shit when I see it.

                You are still supporting the Republican party… the sane one, not the other one….amirite?

          2. "if you agree with it, please defend it and explain how white men are victimized by wokeism." Always in attack mode when you see something you don't like. Seldom a polite request for dialogue.

            "what do 1619 and 1775 mean to you." Always making demands. 

            1. What do you think a “polite request for dialogue” looks like?

              I said, “Please”. I asked questions. I did not insult you, nor presume what your responses would be.

              I’ll ask again, with a ‘Pretty Please” this time: What do 1619 and 1776 have to do with the premises* of the article?

              Do you think that white people, specifically white men, are being discriminated against by “wokeism”, as the author claims?

              And as usual, you are not answering questions. But neither did David, who posted the original link to the article.

              David likes to pretend that he’s all about promoting constructive dialogue, but won’t ever engage in it.

              *The two premises of the article are 1)  that intelligent people believe stupid things, leading up to point 2, which is that all “wokeism”, or modern progressive anti-racist ideology, is one of those “stupid things” that intelligent people believe.


      1. It was fairly liberating for me to watch a W. Kamau Bell "United Shades" show where he discussed what "woke" really means. Like so many these days, the "Smart People / Stupid Things" writer misused "woke," in this case to try proving that certain categories of people are stupid.

        The term "woke" is decades old and was exclusively used by Black folks for a time as a warning. As Bell says in the episode, it was "a creative way for one Black person to say to another, 'Be smart, stay aware, America is dangerous.'"

        Then the Michael Brown murder by a police officer in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, led to a hashtag on "Black Twitter" "#StayWoke." But as Bell noted, Black Twitter is seen by everyone. So "woke became the hymn for latte liberals," he said, who wanted to show off "performative social justice." Black people, he said, stopped using it seriously.

        Then conservatives grabbed the word and it became a pejorative, he said, "for anything America sees as a threat."

    1. Gendered bathrooms feel like a "it's that way because… it's just that way" thing. I have an extreme stance that it's unnecessary to have gendered bathrooms at all.

      I think especially bathrooms with only 1 toilet should be ungendered bathrooms. There aren't gendered bathrooms in homes. I don't see why they need to be gendered in public.

      1. "I think especially bathrooms with only 1 toilet should be ungendered bathrooms"


        And in other countries, there are communal lavatory sinks and individual toilet stalls with partitions all the way to the floor.

        I realize that the enclosed toilets might put a crimp in the love life of some wide-stance conservative Republicans, but they can always look for action on Craig's List instead.

        1. Sounds like you're bringing back the former Family Values Senator from Idaho, Larry Craig, and his "lovetapping" in a mens' room in the Minneapolis airport some years back.

    2. Many modern public schools are already partly “ non-gendered”; the toilets have separate rooms for males and females, but in the middle is a shared long sink and mirror area for hand washing. This saves money by consolidating , rather than duplicating, “cleaning up” functions. 
      Anecdotally, kids spend less time primping when the opposite sex  might be observing the magic happen, too.  

  2. More Than Half Of Republicans Support Christian Nationalism. From TPM.

    More than half of Republicans support Christian nationalism and believe the United States should be a strictly Christian nation — that’s according to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution.

    Christian nationalism is an extreme and divisive worldview rooted in the belief that the U.S. is an inherently Christian nation and that the country’s laws should be rooted in Christian values. 

    The view has been prominent in white evangelical spaces for decades, but it gained significant national attention following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and throughout the Trump presidency. Now, according to researchers — who surveyed more than 6,000 Americans — the public’s view on Christian nationalism is divided mostly along political party lines.

    The survey found that most Republicans surveyed view themselves as either Christian nationalist sympathizers (33%) or adherents (21%). While most Democrats lean toward rejecting Christian nationalism, with 36% of them indicating they are skeptics of the ideology and 47% saying they reject it.

    Those who identify with Christian nationalism also believe that being Christian is an important part of being “truly American.”

    So, unsurprisingly, researchers found that supporters of Christian nationalist views often hold anti-Black, anti-immigrant, antisemitic, anti-Muslim and patriarchal views as well.

    1. "The view has been prominent in white evangelical spaces for decades"

      True. I'm old enough to remember Jerry Fallwell, Sr. (father of the dude with the horny wife and the pool boy) using the phrase "Christian Republic" in the 1980's.

      He dropped it because it sounded a lot like the term "Islamic Republic" which, of course, was Iran – the nation we hated but to which we sold weapons.

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