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March 20, 2023 03:20 PM UTC

Somebody Shredded The Wrong Yard Sign

  • by: Colorado Pols

When he’s not threatening a civil war or to hang an undetermined but presumably large number of American politicians he doesn’t like, Colorado Springs-based election conspiracy theorist and gun store owner Joe Oltmann is supporting his close friend and commander of the United American Defense Force militia group John Tiegen in Tiegen’s longshot bid to be the next mayor of Colorado’s most conservative large city.

And if Oltmann is to believed, a tall order even on a good day, somebody out there is shredding Tiegen’s yard signs, which implies collecting them from places they were meant to be displayed, and dumping them in the parking lot of Oltmann’s gun store:

Oltmann for his part is convinced this is the work of former Secretary of State Wayne Williams, considered a frontrunner in the race and a ready-made villain for Oltmann long before John Tiegen ran for mayor:

For those who say it’s not Wayne… he literally stands with Radcial leftists, does commercials with these communists and brought Dominion to Colorado and WORKS for the very company that is printing the “only mail in ballots” in CS mayoral race. Wayne is the definition of demon in sheeps clothing.

Those of us who know Williams from his days as Secretary of State know that although he may have played a little loose with his office’s expense account and sometimes says silly regrettable things about Colorado’s gold-standard election system, he’s not really what you’d call the sign-shredding type. As a Republican saddled with the often unwelcome task of debunking election fraud mythology created in no small part by Oltmann personally, we understand why Oltmann really doesn’t like Williams. But this allegation just doesn’t fit.

And the biggest reason this whole idea of shredding Tiegen’s yard signs seems a little odd to us is this:

In theory, these are the most well-defended yard signs in America. Would you shred a yard sign belonging to a honest-to-God no bullshit militia commander?

We’re not saying it qualifies him to be mayor. Tiegen’s just not a guy you mess with on this puerile level.

Sign-napping and defacement is a perennial small-scale dirty trick in politics, usually carried out by supporters in a moment of rashness–and sure, sometimes probably a “false flag.” We just hope this instance doesn’t become the plot for the next John Wick movie.


9 thoughts on “Somebody Shredded The Wrong Yard Sign

  1. Well, I could not find the rules for El Paso Country, but I did find "Signs may not be placed on or over public roads or rights-of-way" for Larimer County.

    Rights-of-way is key here. Cities and counties own lots of rights-of-way, including the verge in front of your house.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiegen himself had those sign shredded and dumped in the parking lot of his store. All the better to gin up his followers into some sort of despicable action.

  3. I guess this means we’ll be seeing his sniper’s nests returning back atop downtown Colorado Springs?

    Nahhh, everyone knows Wayne Williams is white.

  4. Uprooting signs is a long-standing activity in politics. 

    Those placed on public property — whether "right of way" or "parks" or "government buildings" — are fair game.  Those placed on PRIVATE property without permission are also okay. 

    Private property with permission ought to be left alone … but there are a lot of people angry about ANY politician these days.

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