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May 16, 2023 12:33 PM UTC

The Boeberts are Splitsville

  • by: JeffcoBlue

(Has news value, please be civil — Promoted by Colorado Pols)

POLS UPDATE #2: The Denver Post’s Conrad Swanson:

Lauren Boebert filed for divorce in late April, Mesa County court records show. The process server who provided Jayson Boebert with the paperwork on April 25 found him at the couple’s home in Silt “drinking a tall glass of beer, and cleaning a gun that was sitting on the table,” court documents show.

“Once he learned that he was being served with Dissolution of Marriage papers he was extremely angry,” the process server wrote. “I tried to hand him the documents but he did not take them. He started yelling and using profanities, and told me that I was trespassing, and that he was calling the Sheriff’s Office.”

The server left the documents on an outside chair while Jayson Boebert closed the door “then let the dogs out.”


POLS UPDATE: The Colorado Sun’s Jesse Paul reports:

“It is with a heavy weight on my heart that I have filed for divorce from my husband. I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children, all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process,” the congresswoman said in a written statement. “I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage, which makes this announcement that much more difficult.”

She added: “This is truly about irreconcilable differences. I do not intend to discuss this matter any further in public out of respect for our children, and will continue to work hard to represent the people of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.”

The Boeberts have four sons, the oldest of whom is 17 and was set to become a father in April. The congresswoman announced during the Conservative Political Action Conference in March that she would become a grandmother. She noted that the child would make her a 36-year-old grandmother, just as her mother was.


Rep. Lauren Boebert and her husband Jayson are divorcing according to multiple sources.

I can’t say it’s surprising. Boebert has moved beyond roughnecks to classier guys. Jesus may not approve, but Jesus doesn’t pay the bills.

Try to be nice to her kids though. They didn’t choose their parents.


39 thoughts on “The Boeberts are Splitsville

  1. Jayson has a documented penchant for waving his wang at underage girls in public, and the available evidence at least suggests that Bobo herself may enjoy getting hammered and chasing underage boys. I suspect they’re simply too old for one another at this point.

    The young ‘uns are all still minors, if memory serves, but the REAL fight here will be over firearm custody.

    1. A PSA for folks living in the Rifle area:  

      “For their safety and protection, please lock up your teenagers at home, boys and girls, until further notice!”

  2. It’s so sad that these two, perfectly suited to one another, will now likely move on, find other trashy fools, and ruin those lives also.

    Thus endeth Jayson’s “consulting” business contracts.

    On the bright side, this weekend should bring quite the hum dinger of a dong swinger show to the Rifle bowling alley!?

      1. Correction: She paid someone to write a book about her godly family. That woman can barely put a sentence together, let alone write a book.

  3. Does this mean Jayson is soon to be out of work? Seems like his consulting job was based on the pillow talk access that he no longer has.

    1. I don't know any of these people and don't want to. But I think it might be possible, given their espoused political and religious positions, the ex-husbands in these relationships preferred their women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. Say what you want about these three (and they deserve it), but they definitely hog the spotlight and the attention. May be too much for a fragile male ego.  

      1. Going from hanging out in a bowling alley in Rifle Co and blowing your paycheck on pot and whiskey to being married to a US Congresswoman could be a little disorienting indeed.

        1. Keep in mind it seems she instigated the divorce. I thinks it's more a case of "I have my own money now. See ya!" Let's see if they kiss and make up when she loses that seat in 2024.

          1.  Bet $20 and take the odds.

              Redneck mating rituals gone bad… there's Always a second round.  What,

            Ya never listened to Country music?

    1. I think the only question is, was he the only one she played around with. She's movin' and shakin' in a very different place now (D.C.) and no doubt there are multiple people who might try to influence her Congressional activities. 

    1. I head the little bastard was born a couple of weeks ago, but nothing concrete. 

      Gaeta might be behind the Boebert break but I have very little doubt that Kevin isn't the 3rd wheel in the Taylor Greene divorce.

  4. Boebert saying, entirely unprompted, "I’ve always been faithful in my marriage" makes me think otherwise.

    This is like coming home and having your teenager say, entirely unprompted, "I didn't drink anything out of the liquor cabinet."

    Immediate sus.

  5. Davebarnes, there is no press checking court filings in Grand Junction any more. The Sentinel doesn’t even have a courts-and-cops beat these days. Instead, it runs lots of fluffy features with occasional real news sprinkled in. The local teevees need a map to find the courthouse.

  6. And Jayson's redneck asshole reaction to the process server was typical of these trailer trash. The guy should consider himself lucky that he made it out alive.

  7. hmmm….I will bet that there is an intern somewhere who is involved with this person…or maybe internS…she has proven herself to be a scumbag slut…but the point is…she is "upgrading"…and she HAS to be replaced….

    1. I don't like it when folks call other folks a "slut" when being mean.

      Question her morals? Yeah!

      "Scumbag"? Sure.

      Insinuate multiple affairs? Go right ahead.

      "slut"? That makes me uncomfortable.

  8. Let’s be honest. In the national political elite circles Boebert is part of now, there are infinitely more charming and successful men than Jayson clamoring for Lauren’s attention. This marriage never had a chance once Lauren got to Washington.

    She’s trading up. If Jayson wasn’t such an asshole I’d have pity for him.

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