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May 19, 2023 10:38 AM UTC

"Hell No Beto Mom" No Longer Tolerates Dissent

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: For more on the subject of yesterday’s GOP press conference, unfounded conspiracy theories about the World Health Organization, Erik Maulbetsch of the Colorado Times Recorder has the story.


Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) manhandles heckler away from Rep. Lauren Boebert.

The Daily Beast reports today on a wild scene yesterday afternoon outside the U.S. Capitol, where a heckler at a Republican news conference featuring Rep. Lauren Boebert in opposition to the World Health Organization was physically shoved away from the event by fellow Republican Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana–all of which was caught on video from start to finish:

A news conference hosted by conservative legislators outside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday was interrupted by a blue-shirted protester, who buzzed around the podium with his phone out, peppering lawmakers like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) with questions…

During this initial encounter, Rep. Higgins got very up close and personal with the heckler, nonetheless offering to answer his questions after the event had concluded.

But when the protester swooped back in as Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was speaking, he barely had time to get out his question—about whether her recent divorce was linked to her restaurant’s tainted pork sliders [Pols emphasis]—before Higgins was back.

In video captured both by the protester, Jake Burdett, and other people at the scene, Higgins can be heard saying, “Uh-uh. Uh-uh. No. You’re out. You’re out.” He then puts his hands on Burdett and starts physically propelling him backwards, bundling him away from the event.

“Aren’t you a congressperson, touching me?” Burdett asks. “Get off me! You’re hurting me!”

Opinions of the video you can watch above of the incident vary with respect to the appropriateness of the “Bernie Bro” activist interrupting the press conference to interject rather obviously trolling questions just prior to the events shown. But short of the protester committing an assault of his own, which no one has accused him of, getting violently bum-rushed by a sitting member of Congress is a wildly inappropriate response to a situation that could and should have been handled by Capitol Police or some other security. The protester is reportedly weighing his legal options.

For Rep. Boebert, the complicating factor with this incident is how her own career in politics launched back in 2019: when Boebert confronted then-presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke over O’Rourke’s vow to ban assault weapons at a town hall event in Aurora. For the first few months of Boebert’s rise to prominence, she was better known as the “Hell No Beto Mom” than by her actual name.

Can you imagine the hue and cry that would have ensued if Boebert had been “escorted” out of Beto’s event with a tiny fraction of the force Rep. Higgins used on Boebert’s heckler yesterday?

It’s an age-old story. Everything changed for Boebert when she went behind the podium.


24 thoughts on ““Hell No Beto Mom” No Longer Tolerates Dissent

  1. It's definitely assault, the only question is whether Republican electeds have impunity to commit assault. I heard Donald Trump thinks so.

    1. Wow   I was working for BETO before we moved to Colorado and no way a move like Higgins did would be tolerated by Beto or the campaign.  Boobert and gang are thugs. 

        1. Yup, that’s how Granny Oakley became a grandma. Every sperm is sacred, birth control is just pre-abortion meddling, and teenage women should just lay back and Remember the Alamo.

  2. I'd sue the congressman for assault and for violating First Amendment rights, since he's a government official.  Can we give LA back to the French? 

  3. I despise LB and everything she’s done.  Surprisingly, however, she’s not the problem here this time. As much as I really hate to say it, I think it should be pointed out to those that don’t see it as completely obvious, that Boebert’s Beto comments at that town hall were far more appropriate and germane to the topic than this numbskull dipshit’s antics.  Fuck him and his performance heckling, he belongs to the same species of morons, and deserves as much sympathy, as buffalo-headdress vegan guy.

    I don’t know if he can be charged with anything, but it probably should be a criminal act just allowing LB any (relative) moral high ground?

    1. "performance heckling……"

      Amazing that you see that from a 30 second video clip. The guy was within his self-defense rights to have given fat fuck Higgins a sharp kick in the crotch.

      1. Amazing that someone should think, imagine, or pretend that one brief video clip is the whole encounter?

        Some maybe did also read and understand the written story:

        A news conference hosted by conservative legislators outside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday was interrupted by a blue-shirted protester, who buzzed around the podium with his phone out, peppering lawmakers like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) with questions.

        As the protester filmed Gosar, a bald man in a dark suit approached him and calmly introduced himself. “Clay Higgins, I represent south Louisiana,” the man says in the activist’s footage. “All I’m asking you to do is just peacefully stand by with your camera and I promise you—look at me—I’ll come talk to you straight up and answer all your questions. Fair enough?”

        . . .

        [During this initial encounter, Rep. Higgins got very up close and personal with the heckler, nonetheless offering to answer his questions after the event had concluded.]

        But when the protester swooped back in as Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was speaking, he barely had time to get out his question—about whether her recent divorce was linked to her restaurant’s tainted pork sliders [Pols emphasis]—before Higgins was back.

        I’m thinking the little twat should be counting his lucky stars that he isn’t having to undergo some major dental reconstructive surgery.

        (H/t to Alva: for the selective editing (out) of that article’s second paragraph / the non sequitur diary title / and riling up some of the low hanging fruit.)

    2. Who are you to judge whether his questions were politically correct? Jen Psaki had to answer a lot of moronic questions from Fox News.  The questions aren't the issue.  His right to ask them in a 'free' society is.

        1. Proudly marching to a different kettle of fish.

          Never have felt any compunction against not learning how to dance for others.

      1. Not sure politically correct is the question?  Or, even a concern I raised.

        Bobie’s questioning/comments of Beto seems to have drawn levels ire and condemnation.  And, her’s were far more appropriate in presentation, and to the topic at hand, than this fool’s. (Never at my long-ago hallucinatory wildest could I have imagined there being a time that I would be writing that sentence; “strange days, indeed”?)

        I may be mistaken here, but I’m presuming that a “free society” also thankfully allows both of us voicing our personal judgements even when we or others disagree?

        We both make our judgements, and both agree that there are completely inappropriate, irrelevant, and stupid questions for no good purpose (other than personal posturing, and hoping to create a news clip).

        And, I’m nowhere defending the last actions of the goober congressman, that’s not been my point anywhere.  Ain’t nobody “in the right” here.  It’s a circus of fools, and the performative heckler was the opening monkey act.  He is a victim . . . of his own blustering stupidity and foolishness . . . and in his Jackass audition he was the prime mover in everything that happened to him. In the end, he got exactly what he sought, with a cherry on top. (But, he doesn’t get my applause, admiration, or sympathies.)


  4. maybe the congressman was protecting his access to a "boebert blowjob"…that is what got her through high school, so why not continue the practice in congress….?

    some sluts just cannot change their stripes, nor their g-strings…

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