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October 08, 2006 05:27 PM UTC

Denver Post's Picks for Colorado General Assembly

  • by: Colorado Pols

Go read their commentary on the individual races, here, here and here. The Post only addressed contested races, of course.

Quick summary below the fold.

Contested Senate races:

SD-1: Brophy (R) over Bowen (D).
SD-2: Kester (R) over Griego (D).
SD-5: Lou “Ken Salazar jilted me” Entz (R) over Schwartz (D).
SD-6: Isgar (D) over Tate (R).
SD-7: Penry (R) over Barker (D).
SD-9: Marrs (D) over Schultheis (R).
SD-11: Morse (D) over Jones (R).
SD-13: Little Owl (D) over Hall (R).
SD-15: Johnson (R) over Miller (D).
SD-16: Fitz-Gerald (D) over Neilson (R) and Leonard (C).
SD-20: Keller (D) over Sargent (R).
SD-21: Boyd (D) over Knoedler (R).
SD-22: Noonan (D) over Kopp (R).
SD-24: Tochtrop (D) over Alvarez (R).
SD-30: Harvey (R) over Tokerud (D).
SD-32: Romer (D) over Lewis (R).

Contested House races:

HD-1: Labuda (D) over Rathburn (R).
HD-4: Frangas (D) over Nevin (R).
HD-6: Romanoff (D) over Hecht (R).
HD-11: Pommer (D) over Jarrett (R).
HD-13: Levy (D) over Fanshier (L).
HD-14: Teja (D) over Lambert (R).
HD-15: Cadman (R) over Hunter (D).
HD-17: Cloer (R) over Varney (D).
HD-18: Merrifield (D) over Fisk (R).
HD-19: Looper (R) over Berela (D).
HD-20: Stephens (R) over Hejtmanek (D).
HD-21: Bob Gardner (R) over Lord (D).
HD-22: Summers (R) over Haberkorn (D).
HD-23: Green (D) over Johnson (R).
HD-25: Witwer (R) over Daniels (D).
HD-26: Andy Kerr (D) over Rhoades (R).
HD-27: Gagliardi (D) over Crane (R).
HD-28: Jim Kerr (R) over Dittemore (D) and Chase (L).
HD-29: Benefield (D) over Ellis (R).
HD-30: Hodge (D) over Dutcher (R).
HD-31: Solano (D) over Pierce (R).
HD-32: Casso (D) over Snyder (R).
HD-33: Berens (R) over Primavera (D).
HD-35: Peniston (D) over Pacheco (R).
HD-36: Morgan Carroll (D) over Boney (R).
HD-37: Swalm (R) over Engel (D).
HD-38: Rice (D) over Dunn (R).
HD-39: Balmer (R) over Cullom (D).
HD-40: Stafford (R) over Bryant (D).
HD-41: Todd (D) over Robinson (R).
HD-42: Garcia (D) over Babbidge (G).
HD-43: McNulty (R) over Dreher (D).
HD-44: May (R) over Huff (D).
HD-45: Mitchell (R) over Constantine (R).
HD-46: Butcher (D) over Pelto (R).
HD-47: McFadyen (D) over Shaw (R).
HD-48: Vaad (R) over Dugan (D).
HD-49: Radford (D) over “extreme” Lundberg (R).
HD-50: Riesberg (D) over Owen (R).
HD-51: Radke (D) over Marostica (R).
HD-52: McCluskey (R) over Kefalas (D).
HD-53: Fischer (D) over Yeldell (R).
HD-54: Alward (D) over King (R).
HD-55: Buescher (D) an “easy choice” over Caskey (R).
HD-56: Gibbs (D) over Chlouber (R).
HD-57: White (R) over Gold (D).
HD-58: Rose (R) over Ahern (D).
HD-59: Roberts (R) over Colgan (D).
HD-60: Massey (R) over Imrie (D).
HD-62: Gallegos (D) over Sandoval (R).
HD-62: Cory Gardner (R) over Artery (D).
HD-64: McKinley (D) over Albright (R).


20 thoughts on “Denver Post’s Picks for Colorado General Assembly

  1. Swalm is a radical-right Republican who proudly says in a debate that he doesn’t believe in the separation of Church and State, and who refers to light rail as “gold-plated choo-choos.” He’s a total throwback.

    Engel is a middle-of-the-road Democrat who better represents the values of her constituents, even though it’s hard for a Dem to get elected in her district.

    What a botch. If that’s typical of the analysis that went into the Post’s other selections, don’t bother reading them.

    1. I can’t believe they also said they like his plans fo health insurance. Here is a guy that spent the last 15 years selling health insurance. In 2002, he wrote an article complaining that small healh insurance salesmen were suffering and that the Colorado legislature wasn’t doing enough to help them!

      He campaigned against Ref. C and Fastracks, and he doesn’t think students share there fair burden of expenses at CU.

      I think they need to watch the video from the first debate over on YouTube and rethink their endorsement.

      Or they could simply look at Spencer Swalm’s website and compare it to Angela Engel’s website.

      Then they will see that Spencer has no real solutions other than to protect his health insurance colleagues.

    2. I agree with Tancredo Watch.  Although for different reasons.  Swalm is a good guy.  However, don’t bother reading the endorsements anyway.  The dumb post made the snide comment that Bernie was an “EASY” Choice over Bob Caskey.  Do they have their heads up their butts?  Easy?  Over Bob?  I am pissed.  The editors at the post wouldn’t know how to make a right choice if it was handed to them.  Which in this case it practically is handed to them.  Why would they endorse a liar like Buescher when they could have Bob?  Hang in their Bob.  Nobody reads the Post on the West Slope anyway.  And the Sentinel has lost all relevance.

        1. The Sentinel’s endorsement of anyone is irrelevant.  You should know that.  They endorsed Salazar last time only to endorse someone else this time.

          In my humble opinion…

          They are a rudderless ship.  Their “reasons” are without reason.  Just ask Salazar.

          Ask anyone who knows the Senile – as they are fondly called.  Ask Penry.

          It is a paper without a mission.  A leaderless resounding gong filled with empty lies and malice. 

          It’s reporters fall over themselves trying to please a King who has no rhyme or reason.  The King has gone mad – it is difficult to please a mad man.  You may succeed for a day or two.  Only to fail the next.

          I feel sorry for them really – those poor ones who must grovel for a few crumbs and perhaps a small pat on the back.  The ones who can do it long term lost their conscience long ago.

          How can anyone boast of an endorsement from such a paper?

  2. chose a number of Colorado Springs Rs based on their support for water and transport initiatives when – as I believe is true – all of the R candidates were anti Ref C. (I was a pro Ref C person). How can they be endorsed for being pro transport spending and water spending when the funding available for it was from something they vociferously opposed?

    1. It is particularly disturbing that the Post endorsed Bob Gardner for his stands on transportation and water–all he wants to do is pave more streets and water more lawns.  No contest between him and Anna Lord–the Post doesn’t get it. Of course, they also endorsed people like Cadman and Stephens; Looper over Barela? they got the Teja-Lambert race right, but I guess even they could not overlook that; managed to figure it out with Marrs-Schultheis and Morse-Jones–kind of makes you think they flipped coins or drew straws or had a quota so that they would not appear biased toward the Democratic Party–fat chance apparently.

      The only thing to do at this point for Democrats is to stand up and say who the Republicans are and proclaim proudly who we are when it comes to the issues.  I hope Anna will go on the offensive and attack Gardner for his record at every opportunity!!

  3. If you read the Post’s article about their General Assembly endorsements, you get the distinct impression that they didn’t put much effort into their decisions.  Their stated reasons for endorsements in some races don’t even make sense.  If, as a statewide paper, you decide you’re going to take positions in every state legislative race, then you need to make the effort to know the candidates in each race, what their backgrounds are and what they stand for. 

  4. No one is going to agree with anyone 100% on endorsements of a large number of people like this.

    However, I have to say I really surprised by HD39. Rep. Balmer has a lot of unanswered questions in his past from other states that include criminal activity. He has proven to be a loose cannon in the legislature in the sense that he does not seem to consistently follow any rhyme or reason on his voting (except on social issues, then you can count on him being a “Focus on hte Family” vote).

    I just would have thought they would have endorsed the Dem’s mascot jack-ass, let alone a strong candidate like Mollie Cullom, over Balmer.

    1.   Mollie Cullom would be an excellent rep but the numbers in that district are horrific.  For 8 years, that district elected and re-elected the amiable but vacuous Nancy Spence, and now David Balmer, who has some type of past history back in North Carolina, has a lock on that seat.  (Did he not run unsuccessfully for the legislature back there?) 
        Unfortunately, he’ll probably be safely re-elected this year simply because he has a “R” next to his name and has managed to avoid pissing off either the right wing nuts or the RINOs.  Actually, that last item is no small achivement for any Republican in this day and age.

  5. On Sunday the Post endorses Berens for his understanding of infrastructure and on Monday Haley is talking about the fact that he took $20K from the Oil and Gas Assoc.

    We’re considering a constitutional amendment to prevent people from giving birthday presents to the son of the Mayor’s secretary, but Berens can take $20K from Oil & Gas as long as he “wins” it. 

    How does this rate endorsement?

  6. seems to be Ref C. with a few exceptions.  They repeatedly dog on candidates that didn’t support it in their comments.  I think they tend to endorse an R when they know the D has no shot (Swalm) to keep their R numbers in balance. 

        1. but doesn’t that seem like a complete waste of space? As a prior commentor noted, if you’re going to do each race, DO EACH Race – this gives me no sense of anything on races I am not following. I would think the paper’s credibility is worth a little more to it than being able to say they covered each race.

        2. winners then state that – if they were endorsing based on content, they should do that. Not sure it would change anything but they are just going wide open for the other news channels in this state to say they are irrelevant to anything but Denver – not the way to expand your circulation if that is the goal.

          1. I’d like to know, other than the Ref C issue or how the candidate deals with water issues, why the paper endorses each candidate.  A little more depth would be nice.  It seems they send out a questionnaire and that, along with any record the candidate has, seals the deal.

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