U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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May 25, 2023 10:46 AM UTC

Thanks For Nothing, Ken Buck (Default Pay Cut Edition)

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rep. Ken Buck with his finger on the problem.

As negotiations between the GOP-controlled U.S. House and the rest of the civilized world continue over what should be a routine vote to honor the nation’s debt obligations as required by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, GOP hardliner Rep. Ken Buck announced last week that in the event the federal government defaults on its debt, he would support legislation to withhold paychecks from members of Congress. MSNBC:

“I have confidence in Speaker McCarthy, and Speaker McCarthy knows exactly what I want. We have to reduce discretionary spending in this country,” Buck says.

Asked whether he would support the bipartisan bill in the House that would block pay for members of Congress if the U.S. defaults, Buck replies, “Yes, I would.”

The irony here is that Rep. Buck was one of only four Republicans to vote against Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling proposal calling for far-reaching spending cuts, which itself is considered long dead as negotiations over a compromise continue. Justifying his vote against McCarthy’s debt ceiling proposal, Buck upped the ante by calling for the retirement age in America for most workers to become the highest in the world.

Buck gets some credit for honesty in stating exactly what he wants no matter how politically unpopular it may be, something that most Republicans can’t or won’t do themselves. But if Buck wouldn’t even support McCarthy’s legislation and its sweeping cuts, how can he possibly bring himself to vote for a compromise brokered between McCarthy and the White House? Given that Buck has never voted for a debt ceiling increase even when Republicans were in charge, we already know the answer. Either Buck is counting on cooler heads than his own to prevail, or he’s wilfully courting disaster.

Either way, we agree that Buck is not exactly earning his paycheck. However this standoff ends, Buck has made sure he’ll be part of the problem not the solution.


7 thoughts on “Thanks For Nothing, Ken Buck (Default Pay Cut Edition)

    1. Ken Buck has one of the worst attendance records in Congress; He has missed an average of 8% of all votes. His worst months were last year, when he missed about 30% of votes.

      So no, Ken Buck does not earn his paycheck. Whichever Democrat opposes him in 2024 should emphasize that. The Democrat who did best against Buck was Dr. Karen McCormick in 2018, with 39% of votes. If we can get a libertarian or Constitutionalist to jump in to the race and peel off some votes against "that RINO Buck", we might have a chance at taking CD4 back.


  1. The ‘debt ceiling’ is made up. So why is it making our heads hurt?

    “A manufactured crisis,” said Rep. Brian Higgins (D-N.Y.).

    “A perfect hostage situation,” said Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.).

    “Hostage” is the one-word refrain.

    “At the end of the day, they’re willing to shoot the hostage,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said about House Republicans, who are refusing to raise the debt ceiling unless spending is further slashed. (Never mind that there’s no relationship between raising the ceiling — the amount of debt that Treasury can issue for money that’s already allocated — and the GOP’s demands, which would take effect in a future federal budget.)

    1. Maybe that’s a strategy, Michael. Make the GOPers look as dumb as they sound.The Dems could say, “These clowns want cuts from money that’s already been spent. How’s that going to help pay the bills?”

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