“The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.”
–Will Rogers
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
BY: davebarnes
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
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wasn’t he almost Rmoney’s running mate ?
It’s clearly bad for someone in that position to be having an affair like that, although I’m not sure how much of a risk it is to national security. I’ve heard that blackmail is possible, for example, although it’s clear that Broadwell isn’t some kind of foreign agent.
Another blog mentioned the possibility that Patraeus was employing Broadwell to leak info to Rove in the hopes of hurting Obama at the polls. I haven’t seen any more on that, but that would be a clear illustration of Patraeus’ corruption. You could say that moveon.org’s shark-jumping “Betray Us” epithet from way back was actually right on target.
Right now, I’m more interested in how Jill Kelly got the FBI involved, since they say they were NOT investigating if Patraeus was having an affair. If they believed this wasn’t a big deal, how is it that some socialite can get them to do that in the first place? THAT ought to be investigated because law enforcement must not be a tool for harassment and revenge for the well connected.
I couldn’t care less whether the e-mails between the general and the socialite were proper or improper. It’s the volume. The excuse being offered by Allen supporters is that he was just so wonderful about always responding to everyone’s e-mails. If that’s the case and considering the volume of e-mails to this one person alone, when did the general find time to, you know, do his job?
in this thing, from beginning to end–and, on the way, through Eric Cantor–is, to me, the ultimate story here. We’ll see.
She should be fired from her post- or bsted in rank to private. Or both.
I made this pretend postcard in 2006 when Dems won the state House, Senate and Govship. Here’s the 2012 version!
arises from folks with very, very responsible positions and careers to have earned tham, allowing wannabes to influence their behavior
the “shirtless FBI” dude ought to be reassigned and either fired or educated about professional, ethical behavior. Sounds to me as though this should have probably never had an investigation begun. But, the guy thought he needed to favor the wealthy socialite. Going to Cantor and Reichert had nothing to do with helping a “whistle-blower” it was simply to further his own sense of self importance. Hard to believe, but Cantor and Reichert showed the most discretion in this whole thing. At least so far. Though I have no problem with where it has led. Investigations lead places
Kelly, the bubble head social climbing military groupie thinks she qualifies for … you can’t make this stuff up… official diplomatic immunity because, you know, she’s a volunteer social liaison or whatever.
Good guess the 20 thousand pages of e-mails between her and general Allen, who apparently has so much spare time on his hands he must be bored to tears, won’t reveal any sparkling wit or grasp of important issues.
“inviolability” for dilettante socialites. What a fucking idiot this lady is.
Thats the diplomatic protection. She’s also an honorary social ambassador to CENTCOM.
breakfast cereal will she be an honorary FBI agent?
is for diplomats, not Salahi types, bullshit honorary positions or otherwise.
Jill Kelley hasn’t paid her mortgage since 2009, is involved in a dozen lawsuits, ran a scam cancer charity, and was a Romney backer.
Whats’ not to like ? Thats just a classy sandwich.
were so chummy with? and General Allen? Doesn’t say much for their judgement. I guess it was fun to enjoy the extravagant Kelley lifestyle and the fact that it was beyond the Kelley’s means was the Kelley’s problem. That’s top brass for you, as the old better half would say.
who qualifies for sainthood, and I’m really a pretty forgiving live-and-let-live kind of guy . . .
. . . but, sorry, that being a “Romney backer,” that’s just a complete deal breaker in my book; the hussy has no shame.
what if Broadwell and Petraeus had actually made it somewhat tough. Parking your love notes in ‘draft’ in a Gmail account with the username “headofcia”? Just lust, no imagination
Maybe now with the aphrodisiac of power, he’s finally get him some.
heavy weight serious biographers, was willing to entrust this project to someone who had never written a book on anything. And set her up in VIP housing at his base in Afghanistan to do it. Which kind of calls into question the whole the affair didn’t start until I left the military and we were back in the states story. Sounds more like he was willing to fess up but not to risk the ignominy of a court martial.
Now there’s another general, I forget the name, who has recently been demoted from 4 star to 3 star for lavish spending. Can’t go after Obama with conspiracy theories about this one. He’s black.
You know who’s not surprised by any of this? My Vietnam vet husband who always thought the top brass, with very few exceptions, were a bunch of me first, self promoting, backstabbing, jack asses who didn’t give a damn about the enlisted men or the junior officers and would gladly throw any number of them under the bus to advance or save their own hides. Since he never thought most of them scored very much above zero on the character scale in the first place he’s not exactly shocked by all this silliness.
any biographer would have been set up in VIP housing. I don’t think they’d be out in the barracks with the grunts.
Picking an unheard-of person for his biographer? That’s more eyebrow raising. It isn’t an automatic reason for suspicion, though. It sounds like she’s accomplished. (Although… wouldn’t it be interesting to learn what kind of relationship she had with her professors and various superiors. Has she always gotten ahead this way?)
As for your husband’s observations, you could say that about almost any large corporation, or department of government, or even church. My dad was originally going to be a Catholic priest, but he quickly developed the same regard for the bishops as your husband’s for the brass. And I sure saw that when I worked for a Fortune 500 company – God only knows how bad it is at a true blue chip like Boeing or Chase.
it’s silly to make demigods out of our military leaders, congressmen, athletes, power position celebrities in general.
but there is very little to indicate she was selected for showing any particular genius to offset inexperience. After all, the book was co-authored by Vernon Loeb, a high-ranking Washington Post editor. Which one of the two do you think required hand holding and training wheels? Sorry, and of course it doesn’t prove anything, but besotted 60 year old general lets hot girlfriend write his sure to be very profitable biography must be considered among the more plausible working theories.
Gee, what a surprise. Guess he realizes it didn’t work out so great for his state last time.
I understand the number of states with petitions is now up to 40 including states like New York, Colorado and other states that went for Obama. Guess it’s just the latest popular wacko e-mail petition drive. Give it another half a day and it will probably be up to 50.
As with frying folks, Texas is number one with over 80 thousand signatures. Oddly, secession no longer seems like like such a great idea to Perry. Or any other R Guvs. If this keeps up it might not seem like such a bad idea to the rest of us to just wish them good luck and bon voyage. Let’s see how all those independent Tea Partiers like living in a poor third world country which is what Texas would be detached from the union, all the federal money they get, the US military bases, etc.
The White House will respond to every petition that collects over 25 thousand signatures. Wouldn’t it be fun to scare Texas to death with a be my guest and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out response? Obama could tell them that if they want to stay they need to submit a petition with more signatures asking to be granted that favor.
should all the states form, oh, I don’t know, the United States of America? Cheesy way to get to a Constitutional Convention
people in their states to go along. But as the types who are signing these things are probably dying off at a rate of one every few minutes or maybe even seconds….
There’s a reason they call it the old guard.
There goes another one.
Bentley too much credit for learnin’ . . .
Heard on NPR this morning that he’s:
1. Refusing to set up an Alabama health exchange.
2. Refusing to expand Medicaid coverage in Alabama — even though the expansion would be almost entirely funded from the federal government, and would allow in excess of 150,000 presently uncovered citizens of his state to finally have some health coverage.
on the whole secession thing.
Which will of course be quickly politicized.
Another in a long series of recent discoveries that some patients thought to be in a persistent vegetative state can communicate with their brain waves, measured by MRI scanning. Fascinating and positive news for science, but will presumably lead to more Schiavo-like clashes between right-to-life and right-to-die activists.
brain waves? . . . Whodathunk?
(. . . just keepin’ it political.)
Saw Obama in action at his presser and just wow! Love the new stand tall don’t f–k with me Obama. If we had had this Obama instead of the please be nice and meet me ten percent of the way guy in 2009, the 2010 debacle might never have happened and we might not be looking at so many districts gerrymandered by all those R state legislatures that got elected. The Dem midterm enthusiasm might have been through the roof. Damn!
Well, lets hope he sticks to his guns. Loved how he came to Susan Rice’s defense and I don’t even particularly like her style and don’t particularly want her for SOS. But I love that he ripped McCain and Graham new ones for attacking her on Benghazi for no good reason just because they thought they could and to get to Obama. That was, if I may say so with all due respect to the office, extremely hot.
about this whole leadership thing? Obama at that conference: leadership in action.
Let’s see if Petraeus’ testimony tomorrow finally shuts that grumpy old loser from Arizona up.
except when he says something the wackos can use. They don’t like him and the Dems who used to respect him don’t anymore.
It would be funny hearing him question Susan Rice’s intelligence and qualifications after attempting to stick us with Sarah Palin as a VP if it wasn’t more of the same standard despicable right wing racism that we’ve been getting for the past four years. McCain’s not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer either.
McCain and Graham are has been losers with no influence over popular opinion. And Obama stomped them like the insects they are.
convince them of the joys of retirement. They’re sure not a credit to my age group. (Then again, I’m just as grumpy as they are.)
Thanks for reminding me. No more Lieberman. Every time a remember that it makes me smile.
Crown Prince in waiting Bobby Jindal wasted no time dancing on Romney’s grave:
Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and Eric Cantor are all eager to give Bobby a run for his money. Over 60 and still in the GOP? Send money, and shut your mouth.
gifts bribing them for their votes but stuff that enriches the Romney class is exactly what the government needs to be doing for the greater good.
if you don’t go away? . . .
Romney Blames Loss on Obama’s ‘Gifts’ to Minorities and Young Voters
Same old fucking Willard . . . no need to walk back those “47%” comments anymore.
Like cutting the already low, low, low taxes of himself and the Trumps another 20% isn’t a gift? And a hell of a lot more than $10K a year!
And mandatory health insurance is free? In what country is that? The Cayman Islands? Switzerland? No, wait, Switzerland has mandatory health insurance, so I guess that’s not it.
Mitt Rmoney deserved to lose on every moral and ethical count, not just running a shitty campaign.
but, if I remember correctly, in WillardWorld $10,000 isn’t a “gift” — it’s a trifle, it’s that pocket change you use to make a bet with another WillardWorld buddy.
$1,000,000 horses — now there’s a appropriate gift. If Obama had been born and raised as a real (filthy rich) American, he’d know how to give proper gifts. Car elevators — that’s another good gift too, not everybody likes horses, but everybody that’s anybody has at least a couple of Cadillacs.