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June 27, 2023 11:43 AM UTC

At Least He's Not Your...Wait, What?

  • by: Colorado Pols
Not pictured: Demonic portal used to import communism.

It’s time for another edition of one of our longest-running features at Colorado Pols: “At Least They’re Not Your Legislator.” Today we take you to South Dakota, where Republican State Rep. Joe Donnella close friend of Governor Kristi Noem — revealed that the true purpose of Mount Rushmore is to spread communism through a demonic portal.

Via Right Wing Watch:

Earlier this month, a group of QAnon conspiracy theorists and self-proclaimed “prophets” held an “Open The Heavens: Let God Arise” conference in Rapid City, South Dakota, where some attendees claimed to have seen an image of former President Donald Trump appear in the sky over Mount Rushmore.

Among the participants was South Dakota state Rep. Joe Donnell. Prior to the event, Donnell appeared on a program hosted by conference organizer Meri Crouley, during which he asserted that Mount Rushmore is a demonic portal that is spreading communism across the nation.


Here’s the relevant clip of Donnell speaking with a QAnon enthusiast and strip-mall church pastor from California named Meri Crouley, who may or may not be made entirely out of plastic :



In the interview, which took place during some sort of weirdo quasi-religious conference, Donnell claims that “God” regularly sends him on “assignments” to Mount Rushmore. During one of these “assignments,” Donnell claims he discovered that the granite faces of four former Presidents hides a secret “Demonic portal” that is accessible via a tunnel of some sort that is protected by Freemasons.

Here’s the direct quote about the portal business, beginning with Donnell explaining that former President Donald Trump’s visit to Mount Rushmore on July 4, 2020 prompted ‘God’ to reach out and drop some knowledge on him:

“God spoke to me and he said, ‘When Donald Trump steps foot on this territory…there’s something that’s going to be done as far as the Constitution being upheld. It’s gonna bring a breakthrough with the Constitution.’

“I kind of got the feeling that what we’re really dealing with in that portal is communism. That witchcraft altar, and those things that are happening in the Black Hills is what we’re really dealing with is communism [sic]. It’s the ideology and all of the demonic entities and spirits behind that.”

We can’t say for sure that there is NOT a demonic, communism-spewing portal underneath one of America’s most well-known landscapes. Of course, that’s sort of the point of these kind of stories: If you can’t prove that it’s fake, then it might be true!

Or…maybe South Dakota voters should find themselves a new State Representative.


12 thoughts on “At Least He’s Not Your…Wait, What?

  1. I’m starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, god really is speaking to the likes of Boebert and Donnell . . . just to fuck with them for the laughs?

    Either that or they’re just completely batshit insane?

    Occam’s razor for the shave . . . 

  2. It took about ten seconds of googling to find out someone with an associate's degree at Saddleback College shouldn't be calling herself "Dr. Meri Crowley". Standard behavior for run of the mill grifters.

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