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January 18, 2024 11:11 AM UTC

Colorado Conservatives Try To Pray Tina Peters' Charges Away

  • by: Colorado Pols
Tina Peters on the red carpet at Mar-a-Lago.

With the criminal trial of former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters on a range of felony and misdemeanor charges stemming from the theft and leak of Dominion Voting Systems software in a failed attempt to provide evidence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump rapidly approaching and Peters’ half-baked attempts to avoid prosecution as a “whistleblower” flopping in court, Peters’ compact but extremely loyal cadre of supporters are getting down to their last remaining options.

If you have time and are so inclined, Peters’ supporters have turned to what’s known as “prayer warfare,” which is as we understand it everybody getting on a conference call and praying really hard all together, in a last-ditch appeal to the Almighty to make Peters’ identity theft and official misconduct charges vanish into the ethereal plane:

It’s not the first time in history where both sides are praying to nominally the same God for opposite outcomes, but the fervency of Peters’ supporters’ prayers are no more likely to sway the court in Peters’ favor than the crackpot conspiracy theory that led Peters to allegedly commit these crimes to begin with–and now sustains not only Peters’ support, but the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race.

As Trump continues to build momentum for the Republican nomination within the MAGA bubble overwhelmingly convinced that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, Tina Peters’ criminal prosecution for trying and failing to prove the “Big Lie” that underpins Trump’s whole campaign is a giant inconvenient truth, just like the Georgia prosecution that has already netted a slew of convictions. It’s not just the illegal actions Peters took and suborned, but the failure to produce any actual evidence to support Trump’s lies about the 2020 election that matter politically.

Although Peters has been feted at Mar-a-Lago for her loyalty, Trump hasn’t made any personal effort we’re aware of to help Peters in her upcoming criminal case, perhaps aware as former GOP chairman Kristi Burton Brown was that the charges against Peters are in fact legitimate and serious. Even the current MAGA-addled state party under Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams put distance between the party and Peters as her legal problems compounded. If Peters is convicted at trial, Trump will face a more pressing choice to make a metaphorical martyr of Peters or disavow her actions.

If you really want to help Peters, who faces what isn’t considered to be a close case, pray for her to cop a plea.


12 thoughts on “Colorado Conservatives Try To Pray Tina Peters’ Charges Away

  1. Neither of the trials appear to offer much for God to work with…. 

    • the first, concerning election issues, has two former employees who have taken a plea deal of guilty on lesser charges in exchange for testimony, videotape, computer code and passwords intended to be secure posted on the internet.   I wished there would be charges that would implicate others in a conspiracy — but the DA and feds apparently have chosen to NOT take that path.
    • the second has a document at its heart. — the story is at Anne Landman's blog.
    1. Lindell is praying she doesn't have any receipts of that Fargo Fiasco. He has a lot of praying to do that she won't flip and finger him as the money man in their crazy plot to break into the voting machines to find 'proof' of fraud. On the other hand, he might be praying that she remains true red and goes to prison swearing that the voting machines were hacked so that the evidence was gone before she broke into them.

  2. I doubt her god will have any more time for her than the Screaming Yam has. She’ll go to jail for someone who probably doesn’t even know who she is, and wouldn’t care if he did. Sucker. 

  3. Luckily, prayer will work as well as it always does, by doing absolutely nothing.  Her trial will go forward, and there's a strong likelihood she will be convicted following a fair trial.  


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