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February 01, 2024 11:12 AM UTC

"Pilled" Cops For Tina Peters, Anyone?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Last month, as readers will recall, supporters of ex-Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, whose trial on a range of felony and other misconduct charges stemming from her failed attempt to prove the 2020 presidential election was somehow compromised is set to begin in a few days after repeated attempts to stall for time, began a daily round of “prayer warfare” on behalf of Peters via conference call–ten minutes each noon beseeching the Almighty to miraculously intervene in Peters’ case. With Peters’ former subordinates lined up to testify against her and Peters having freely admitted to the substance of the allegations while falsely characterizing herself as a “whistleblower,” unless Peters comes to her senses in the next few days and asks for a plea agreement the case is not expected to be close–circumstances in which we would welcome a little help from above, too.

But we’ve just learned that spiritual backup is not the only kind Peters is looking for as her date with justice draws near:

Peters is asking for police officers to show up in court in their uniforms, presumably in order to demonstrate to jurors that Peters’ felony charges of attempting to influence a public servant and identity theft as well as official misconduct are…okay with them? We don’t doubt the existence of a few–maybe more than a few–right-wing peace officers who falsely believe along with a majority of Republicans that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump. But the fact remains that Peters alleged crimes did not uncover any evidence to support the “Big Lie.” Peters’ claim to “whistleblower” status has been tossed out of court, and Peters’ own deputies are key witnesses against her in a case that, if proven, shows an extreme disregard by Peters’ for her official responsibilities.

With all of this in mind, law enforcement officers would be monumental fools to cash in their credibility in defense of Tina Peters by showing up in court in some kind of half-baked attempt to intimidate jurors. You can excuse ordinary citizens for not understanding the charges against Peters or clinging to false justifications for her actions. More is expected from law enforcement, or at least it should be.


8 thoughts on ““Pilled” Cops For Tina Peters, Anyone?

  1. You might think more is expected from law enforcement, but then you might also think more is expected from former County Clerks!

    In Peters' case, you'd certainly be wrong.

  2. Here's hoping District Attorney Daniel P. Rubinstein is able to properly greet ANY uniformed officers choosing to attend the trial.  Mentioning their presence in the court record, clarifying their name and jurisdiction, and showing appreciation that they would take their off-duty time to come to a jury trial in Mesa County could be a fine way to insure the jury understands their importance — which is no more or no less than any OTHER citizen choosing to come to the courtroom.

  3. I would imagine that news outlets are calling police chiefs for comment. It's not up to the individual officer his up to command. Why are command level, responsible, civil authorities not acting to protect their department and warning their officers not to participate? If they have not by now are they not complicit? Does the chief of police of Grand Junction or the Sheriff want to foment a revolution? 

  4. I doubt Tina will get any kind of plea deal at this point. Not only has she has she not recognized any wrongdoing at all through all of these charges even though she's admitted to doing the deeds, but she's been utterly defiant and without a hint of remorse in everything she's put out publicly. She tells audiences constantly that she's being "persecuted and prosecuted" by globalists including Merrick Garland, and "I won't back down, I won't give in." She's called the judge in her case politically biased, and said the Judge and D.A. are "very very evil," because they "don't share the same god we do," and she says the criminal case against her is a war on Christians. Not only that, but the co-conspirators in her case have all already flipped on her and gotten all the cheese. There's no cheese left for Tina, and I'm sure no goodwill left by the judge or prosecuter to give her any break at all.

    Tina's going to prison. 




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