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February 13, 2024 08:24 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“There’s a way to do it better–find it.”

–Thomas A. Edison


13 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

    1. Makes sense that you would conflate these two groups, since you lack the ability to have empathy or see nuance. But just so you know, the word "hiding" is not found anywhere in that article.

      1. Abdullah Elagha has lost 120 relatives in Gaza and over the weekend learned that two of his (US CITIZEN) cousins have been abducted by IDF in southern Gaza. You remember southern Gaza – that's where the IDF told Palestinians to go out of harms way while they bombed 80% of their housing into oblivion before proceeding to start bombing southern Gaza.

    2. Most Americans support a ceasefire, according to a 11/2023 Reuters/ Ipsos poll: More recent polling shows ceasefire support is rising.. 

      Some 68% of respondents in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said they agreed with a statement that "Israel should call a ceasefire and try to negotiate."

      70 American cities, and the United Nations, support a ceasefire. Denver won't be one of those cities. Oh, well. And you, LBWPOS, won't be supporting a ceasefire, either. Which is fine. You have told us that you intend to spend the inevitable (according to you) Trump presidency in Mexico, and so presumably the plight of 28,000 trapped and bombarded Palestinians, mostly children, will also be of no concern to you. 

      Yes, peaceful public protest is an American right.  Sometimes it takes place on the streets. Sometimes it takes place in legislative chambers. As long as it is nonviolent and non-destructive of property, it remains protected speech. February 12 was protected speech. January 6 was not..You already know this. You just can't resist conflating left and right, supporting your bizarre claim that they are all the same morally, and "meet in the middle". 

      As a gay man, you have reason to be grateful to disruptive activists,as well as for decades of peaceful protest. Look up the history of "Act Up" or the Stonewall protest sometime. 

      Looking forward to your usual brilliant response of name-calling , bad mind-reading, and false equivalence.


      1. Kwtree, time, place and manner matter. 

        You are correct in that I have participated in a number of demonstrations and protests. But there is a big difference between marching down Fifth Avenue making noise or yelling and screaming in Civic Center Park on the last Sunday in June, and disrupting an official governmental proceeding.

        The former is protected by the First Amendment, the latter a criminal offense.

        What your Hamas-sympathizing friends did at the City Council meeting was more akin to what the 1/6 demonstrators did. They sought to disrupt and impede an official governmental proceeding.

        I wonder if their bad behavior was a factor in the resolution ultimately being rejected by the council.

        Oh well, you always have Elisabeth Epps available to create a scene at the Capitol. (But even she has learned that there are consequences to acting like an ass.) 

        1. So if the demonstration on the 12th was a criminal offense, why were the protesters not charged with crimes? Perhaps you are better informed than the police protecting the Denver City and County building?

          I'm sure they could benefit from your sage advice on how to handle protesters. After all, you believe everyone from the Secretary General of the UN on down to the people praying on the floor is a "Hamas sympathizer". Including anyone who dares to disagree with you on how to handle the Gaza crisis.


          And if you had read the article linked to the “Act Up” text, you would see that those demonstrators disrupted Wall Street, without a permit.

          The location was chosen with the goal of causing a major disruption during the morning rush hour. Some 250 protestors, many of whom laid down in the street and/or held signs, called for corporate and government action to end the AIDS crisis, which by that point had been going on for over five years. The group specifically targeted Burroughs Wellcome — the pharmaceutical company that manufactured the high-priced AZT, the only approved AIDS drug at the time — and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). An effigy of FDA Commissioner Frank Young hung on the facade of Trinity Church. Demonstrators chanted phrases such as “We are angry, we want action” and “Release those drugs.” Seventeen people were arrested.

          I’m sure that you scolded them in the strongest terms possible.

  1. Imagine finally making it to America, where "freedom" and "capitalism" reign, after fleeing from danger in your home country only to be forced into socialism.

    And it make it even weirder, the party that claims to represent "freedom" and who claim to hate the idea of government assistance is the party that is refusing to change this system!!

  2. I don't want to see any "2nd amendment protecting" Republican upset about the Osteen mega-church shooting.

    Allowing a mentally ill person to start shooting up a public place with a rifle then having other folks shoot the mentally ill person is just how America should work according to them.

    1. Once again, it was very well known in advance that the shooter posed a threat to public safety. According to the shooter's mother-in-law via CNN:

      “She had a particular kind of schizophrenia that caused her to become violent,” Carranza said. “She threatened her husband, my own son, and we still couldn’t get intervention.”

  3. House Speaker Johnson has demonstrated that he's not interested in governing while he is completely preoccupied with partisan hackery.  I look forward to the smoking hole he leaves for the GOP's legacy as his majority evaporates this year due to his incompetence.

    Suozzi wins New York special election, replacing George Santos

    House Republicans impeach Alejandro Mayorkas by a single vote

  4. This is how it's done ….

    Democrats flip Santos’s New York House seat in high-stakes special election | The Hill

    Run a candidate who talks about the issues which matter in his, her, their district instead of pandering to the ideological extreme wing of the party. (Suozzi ran on the immigration issue, not from it!) 

    And he pitched himself as the guy who could work across the aisle bringing up his work done with Peter King back in the day. Doesn't matter if he is able to actually work across the aisle as long as he is perceived to be making some effort.

    It also helped to talk about abortion and to put some distance between himself and Biden.

    Those four other Republicans who picked up Dem House seats in NY must be a little nervous about now.   

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