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June 07, 2024 08:08 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.”

–Ellen Glasgow


24 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Oh, God(dess) … those dumbasses are coming for Dolly. This level of gaslighting indicates a significant number of closet cases inside the Federalist Society.

  2. I never heard Dolly claim to have a “gospel”….

    And if there is a choice between the gospel according to Dolly and the gospel of the Federalists, I know who most people will choose.

    As the Pope explains…
    Nobody gets scandalised if I give my blessings to a businessman who perhaps exploits people, and this is a very grave sin. But they get scandalised if I give them to a homosexual,” Francis told Italian Catholic magazine Credere.

  3. Open up those wallets taxpayers

    A study just released by the Common Sense Institute, a non profit non partisan organization in Greenwood Village that conducts fiscal and economic research, pegs the real metro wide costs of the Biden open borders invasion at between $216 million on the low end to as much as $340 on the high end. The study was done to address the costs on a metro wide basis which would include cities like Colorado Springs and Aurora that have declined to accept the Biden illegals, but inevitably will be paying one way or another.

    In other sobering news Denver Health,  which is virtually insolvent reeling under the burden of providing "free" health care to the Biden illegals,  is seeking a .34% sales tax increase. Other sales tax increases proposed this fall in addition to the Denver Health tax, if enacted, would raise the total sales tax burden to over 9.5%.

    1. "Biden open borders invasion……." Like it or not, most of those people are claiming asylum, which makes them "legal" until they have a hearing. Fortunately, Biden is finally moving to limit asylum seekers after Trump, the private citizen, "vetoed" the bipartisan Senate bill that would have strengthened our weak asylum laws. You don;t like the current situation? Complain to Trump, who owns the open borders scenario now.

      1. Trumpanzees – Biden is failing at border security !!! He is for open borders ! He needs to be impeached for this !!!

        Biden – OK then, lets put together a bipartisan plan and we can both sign off on it

        Trumpanzees – No, no better yet, let's not do anything and run on it as an issue. That is what our dear leader says now.

        Biden – OK then, I will sign an executive action to tighten the border

        Trumpanzees – Impeach Biden for what he's doing to secure the border !!!


        As incoherent and nonsensical as ever…

        1. This is a fine, accurate summation.

          Except you left off what will happen if the Republicans get to set up a policy for immigrants.  Then there will real, substantial, and IMMEDIATE economic impacts.

    2. Bogus Report from Commplete Non-sense Institute.

      It's like bad AI – Garbage In; Garbage Out.

      Think about it for a minute. The United State is a country built from immigration. If immigration COST money, then the past 300 years of immigration should have decreased GNP. 

      I mean your point is absurd. An immigrant making $20 an hour contriburtes $40,000 to GDP. Times a million immigrants, and we're talking REAL wealth generation.

  4. Watching Colbert last night and saw 2 different anti-Dave Williams commercials by some conservative PAC. It was great seeing them trash that tool. As a CD5 resident, I'd love to see him lose to a Dem, and there are finally a few running for once.

    Conservaderp Springs will turn purple in 5yrs and blue in 10, mark my words, all acellerated by the GOPs divorcement of reality.

  5. I have a good imagination, but I can't imagine what a speech by Cadet Bone Spurs might have been like this morning at Pointe Du Hoc. 

    1. The man celebrating the 80th anniversary of the day America and its allies started on the road to defeating the hero of LoBo, Empty G, Hold My Beer Williams, Loren is his name-o, and The Convicted One.

  6. Remember when the lunatics on the right were apoplectic when Biden was selling oil out from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?  Underestimate POTUS at your own peril. 

    Joe Biden pulled off perhaps the greatest oil trade of all time and in the process broke OPEC's grip and basically no one knows about it.

    We have before us all the tools and resources to kick this up a notch: a strategic above-ground network of rural, ag-waste biofuel plants that could displace another 1/3 of our liquid fuel demand.  

  7. Having fun times up here in Gilpin County.

    First, a Republican County Commissioner's race has just gone negative with mailers and such. I thought I knew the party splits up here, but didn't expect what I thought was the "rational" side to go nuclear against the person I thought represented the more radical group. Maybe it's personal — I can't tell.

    Then we have The Great Controversy: a city ordinance debate over whether or not Central allows "adult oriented businesses" (read: strip clubs) in town. Those against include a range of voices, but a local church pastor and congregation have been most vocal – and most misinformed. Today came a call to have one of the aldermen recuse themselves for conflict of interest. Funny, the group never asked what the alderman's position was on the ordinance, and their recusal could tip the balance in favor of allowing the business.

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