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June 19, 2024 10:54 AM UTC

James Dobson Focuses On The Primary, Throws Down For Dave Williams

  • by: Colorado Pols

That’s the word in another official email blast this morning from the Colorado Republican Party, retired founder of Colorado Springs’ Focus on the Family religious/political/industrial complex James Dobson is endorsing scandal-plagued party chairman and congressional candidate Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams to succeed the retiring Rep. Doug Lamborn in Congress:

Dr. James Dobson has joined President Donald J. Trump in supporting Chairman Dave Williams.

Dr. Dobson is the foremost national leader, radio host, and advocate for Biblical principles, as well as the Family, and knows Chairman Dave Williams will always fight for our Christian conservative values.

Please read Dr. James Dobson’s statement below.

Colorado Republicans

Although the controversy over Williams’ recent headline-grabbing attacks on LGBTQ+ Coloradans during Pride Month has resulted in so-far unsuccessful calls for Williams to resign from his position as party chairman, to this biggest of evangelical big guns, that raging controversy is apparently a selling point:

It is my pleasure to be among the many conservatives who are supporting Dave Williams candidacy for U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Colorado.

Dave will steadfastly uphold our Christian conservative values, including the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty. He will be a dedicated advocate for the institution of the family.

For years, I have joined millions of people across America in praying that God would raise-up leaders to restore this great nation. I am excited that Dave answered that call and has stepped up to offer his services to the people of Southern Colorado.

Back in 2005, around the time James Dobson was at war with Spongebob Squarepants over the cartoon’s supposed “pro-homosexual” agenda, Focus on the Family’s headquarters was itself the target of protests by the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas–the very same group whose unprintable slogans were invoked in the Colorado GOP’s now-infamous “God Hates Flags” email blast that prompted some number of fellow Republicans to call for Williams’ resignation. At that time, FOTF was not considered anti-gay enough to avoid the Westboro Baptist traveling hate show, in keeping with WBC’s general theme of being as offensive as possible even to their putative friends.

Now that the chairman of the Colorado GOP has made the discourse safe for “God Hates Pride,” it looks like James Dobson was okay with Westboro Baptist’s message all along. It was merely a question of, you know, the messenger.

Although Dobson’s endorsement is significant in this primary taking place in FOTF’s backyard, it would have been better for Williams to have secured it several weeks ago to impact this mail ballot election. Williams also doesn’t have the resources to get Dobson on the air on his behalf, certainly not on the scale that opposed PACs are saturating the market with ads supporting Williams’ opponent. With that said, for a lot of GOP primary voters this endorsement will be persuasive–if they hear about it before they cast their ballots.

The moral of the story? Hate has…lots of old friends.


5 thoughts on “James Dobson Focuses On The Primary, Throws Down For Dave Williams

  1. I didn't know that he was even still alive. How old is he now?  About 125?

    I remember when Westword gave Dr. Dobson the honor of being named "Best State Fossil" in the 1990's.

    1. According to Wiki he's 88. Maybe he can enlist Dr Ronny Johnson to hemp him cross the century mark?  Trump claims Dr Johnson said if he'd stop eating junk food he could live to be 200!! 

  2. Pols people are right. The timing was off for this announcement.

    Don’t know whether it means that Williams thinks he is behind and has to throw the kitchen sink or he thinks he is ahead and is piling it on.

    I wishing it didn’t matter. Dobson should be relegated to history as a messenger who didn’t represent who he thought he did.


      I'm wondering if it has much to do with Williams' campaign, as to the timing. I'm looking at a bigger picture, I think.

      Dobsons' appearance as a Williams backer, while important, is motivated more by national politics. It is clear the "Christian conservative values" bit is what they really care about…Christian churches (capital "C" churches) and their moral agenda. Ultimately, it is about propping up Trump and the theocratic kleptocracy toward which they diligently strive. 

      Williams is just another "flawed" leader (like Trump), being called up by Jehovah to make sure no one pushes investigations into the pedophilia and money laundering accusations aimed at the "evangelical church", writ large.

  3. Spongebob, Teletubbies, Barney the Dinosaur, Big Bird- (don't even get me started on Bert and Ernie) are targeted by the rightie evangelicals as 1) a grift – there's $$ to be made in the War on Toys 2) an easy target – toys and imaginary characters don't /can't fight back 3) a proxy for the real culture war for the patriarchal way of life. Any divergence from the subservience of women and the suppression of all gender-bending must be severely punished if social control is to be maintained.

    I watch a fair amount of kid's TV with my grandkids. Most kid's TV shows exist primarily as a way to sell toys, as they have for decades. But they are clearly a front for the culture wars as well. Russian and Chinese made shows like the"  Diana"franchise on youtube have very rigid sex roles for the characters.  They don't include gender-divergent characters, non-white actors, and yes- they market the hell out of toys, furniture, clothes- all carefully delineated by gender. 

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