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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Happy Birthday, America. Best wishes for many more.
Upon reading the voluminous responses to President Bidens’ obvious difficulties during the last presidential debate, I am somewhat dismayed with the number of people who are quick to exploit his problem ( Marianne Williamson, a case in point) instead of offering some support.
Have we forgotten how hard and diligently this man has worked to mend our nation and how hard his opponents have tried to shatter it? I think we owe him our unrestrained gratitude and should let him know we owe him one.
This is not a choice between two insanely narcissistic, mendacious thieves. Only one contestant fits that description. The other is a hard working family man and public servant, who is only marginally likeable. If anyone should drop out of this race, it should be the Magatraitor.
Well said, totally agree.
My post today – The Media is Failing to uphold their Responsibility – Fourth Estate my ass
Excellent piece, David. Much better than what I just posted on the other thread. We are in agreement that the focus of the media is in the wrong place. Media owners and editors are failing us.
thank you. It's funny, I thought I didn't word this post well. I struggled with it and finally figured better to post something poorly worded than nothing. And I'm getting more compliments for this than any of the other posts. WHich goes to show, we often are bad at evaluating our own work.
A good (ie: sad) read:
How Reagan and US agencies made Murdoch a king.
I'd probably agree we need some type of top-level media reform, but media has virtually always been influenced to some level by ownership or powerful publishers. Paul Simon once wrote "I don't believe what I read in the papers, they're just out to capture my dime," but of course today big media conglomerates are out to capture as much profit as possible, in part by cutting the staff needed to do more comprehensive coverage. Here's a fun passage about Ben Franklin, who incidentally owned a printing press:
We're a nation that's had both "yellow journalism" and the gutsy "muckrakers" of the late 19th and early 20th century. Both thought processes still exist, but one of the two is more lucrative. I'm not a Marxist, but a lot of what I see today in media are prime examples of what inevitably happens when there are too many resources in the hands of too few.
Amen, Duke. For all practical purposes the Fourth Estate has effectively collapsed. Add'l on POTUS: I'm voting as much for a man with a steady hand as I am for his Administration and Cabinet. He has one of the younger and most diverse Cabinets in history. Cadet Bone Spurs? We saw the gawd-damn freak show from last time (Wilbur Ross? Betsy DeVos? The Postmaster General). That was just the warm-up act for the facist freak show he'll unleash on this country if he's re-elected.
And just think, we used to view Trump and gang as a clown car. Fascist freak show is much more accurate.
After Stormy Daniels was intervewed on Rchel Maddow's show, detailing how Trumpers shot her horse, are trying to make her homeless and broke, and threatening her daughter, sympathizers contributed to her $600,000 legal expenses. To date , the GoFundMe has raised about $725,000.
Over $811,000 now. Good for her.
Today: $972,271 raised of $1,000,000 goal • 18.3K donations.
Many of us might be interested in just how the New York Times missed reporting on this case, and its dismissal, just four days ahead of the 2016 Election due to death threats the family was receiving?
If it can happen there… it can happen anywhere.
Once they jettisoned Jeremy Corbin and detoxified the Labour Party, it was fairly easy for Starmer to do. The clown car posse of Tory leaders after David Cameron also helped.
Sadly, we do not have a Reform Party siphoning votes away from Trump.
…and the Reformist won the Iran presidential vote after promising to "reach out to the West". This after the hardliners ran on, "pick me because a Trump presidency is inevitable"
… and the French weigh in. Has indeed been a good week for progressive parties.
French elections: Left projected to win most seats, ahead of Macron’s coalition and far right
According to initial estimates, the Nouveau Front Populaire left-wing alliance is projected to win between 172 and 192 seats in France’s Assemblée Nationale, ahead of Macron’s coalition (between 150 and 170) and the far-right Rassemblement National (between 132 and 152).
Nicely done and on point, David. I have to agree with every point of your post.
MSN has a 4th of July comparison
David Frum has an epic takedown of the Fourth Estate on X.
on this Celebrated day of Indepedence…I would like to remind all the known repubicans living in Colorado, that they have the freedom to remove themselves from our State…Those of us who want to maintian our democracy, strongly encourage all you members of the republican criminal gang, to get out of Colorado…you may leave peacefully, and without remorse…WE Americans do not like being threatened with a violent overthrow of my government…I do not like where you criminals are trying to take my country…voting for a republican should be considered as aiding and abetting a criminal gang…voting for a republican is a very bad idea…so, all you republicans, get out of Colorado…as a matter of fact, get out of America…leave…America is not for you…
From Marcy at Emptywheel:
The radical SCOTUS right-wingers re-wrote the constitution, both textually and historically.
I think every law school in the country should have all-school constitutional tribunals, students. A debate arguing whether the SCOTUS radically re-wrote the Constitution, or whether Trump should get a get out of jail card.
Frickin' Liz Cheney is reacting with more passion and alarm than any of the Democrats, except for honorable mentions like AOC.
From Josh Marshall at TPM: (in full because it is so important)
It was Neil Gorsuch that proclaimed regarding their ruling on presidential immunity “We are writing a rule for the ages.” You know, sort of like his prep school idol's "Thousand Year Reich"
Seig Heil, Baby!
Biden announces he intends to get "more sleep" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The latest White House narrative rationalizing his poor debate performance is that he was suffering from jet lag. Since it had been twelve days prior to the debate he had been on a plane (the "I had a cold" narrative didn't pan out), guess he really really needs that extra sleep.
God save the Queen and all that jazz.
Newsflash for Allyn: it's been 'God Save the King' since September, 2022.
I know. I was just quoting the feeble feckless fossil who inexplicity ended one of his speeches with that phrase.
Well, at least the “fossil” isn’t the grifting, lying, and dementia-ridden con-man who now says he never had sex with a porn star and thinks that Hannibal Lecter (a fictional character) is a “great guy.”
Allyn is a Republican Troll. Don't feed the trolls.
Notice that he never ever has a positive thing to say. It's always "argument by insult".
That's OK. Allyn and Moderatus are the far right wing equivalent of the site trolls; just like Sunmusing is the far left troll around here.
Nope you’re wrong again. Never been a Republican and never will be. In fact I’ve voted for exactly one Republican my entire life, some county commissioner over twenty years ago. Good to know that qualifies me as a “far right troll”.
So you’re now saying that you’re a Dem? Or a left leaning unaffiliated? Or just talking to sow confusion?
Do you align with Sunmusing who says all Republicans should leave Colorado?
Also see kwtree’s comment further down the thread.
Josh Marshall moves toward assuming Biden will drop out.
Unfortunately, some of the leading voices among the left leaning media; like the New York Times; prefer to focus on Biden rather than Trump.
NY Times was ‘LEFT LEANING MEDIA” for years and years. In 2004, the Public Editor could ask and answer, without fear of contradiction “Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper?” OF course it is.” However, the final nails in that description were hammered in during the Hillary Clinton campaign.
If they have had a recent column by the Editorial Board that is “left-leaning” politically, I missed it.
I’ve mostly been in Josh Marshall’s camp. But the so-called liberal press is now screaming non-stop for Joe’s head, much as it spent 2016 destroying Hillary Clinton. (8 frickin’ articles yesterday about why Biden should drop out, and none on why Trump should drop out? WTF?)
But, if so… Then someone the opposite of Biden: passionate, young, driven, sharp as a tack. No, I’m not thinking of Liz Cheney. Someone who represents the multi-tent coalition, and who will expand turnout.
This will be a turnout election, not a persuasion one, so which issues create the most intensity?
(1) Women’s health and abortion rights.
(2) Anti-Trump and Pro Democracy
(3) Affordable Housing
This will be decided in the swing & stretch States. Which issues have the most turnout potential?
North Carolina
I would go for Adam Schiff or Katie Porter, because I want someone who thinks on their feet and can kick republican butt on the pundit circuit. But, I suppose it needs to be a candidate who would guarantee a win in the swing states.
And my post today – Joe Biden needs to withdraw from the race.
StormyProject 2025?I did not have sex with herI know nothing about it!!! (the internal polling must be brutal)Love it!
Michael Steele's response FTW:
For almost 20 years, Chief Justice John Roberts has sought to project the image of a bridge to consensus and moderation in the court’s rulings. But now it seems he is emboldened by the newest additions to the court, throwing off the chains of history, precedents and reason. Fully aware of the authoritarian desires and unhinged, impetuous contempt for the law by Donald Trump who could be returned to office, Roberts, with the most recent rulings, not only granted Trump absolution for his attempted coup, but is declaring the court’s own coup, claiming powers far beyond historical bounds. But the difference is, the court answers to no one, thus this new concentration of power — both to future presidents, and the court as ultimate arbiter and grantor of authority — holds the greatest peril of all to our democracy. Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post puts it this way:
We must not only re-elect President Biden, but hold the Senate, in order to undo the damage still to come from this SCOTUS.
There is a long, LONG list of changes needed from the next coalition of a Democratic President, Senate majority, and House majority.
and that is a beginning, items that ought to be taken up as priorities above changes in government policy and budgeting.
The Center-Right Cannot Hold. Josh at TMP on UK's election.
Really interesting analysis, as usual.
Biden will withdraw, hopefully sooner than later. There's no choice. The media pile-on appears to be payback for being gas-lit by the White House. They won't focus on Trump's cognitive weaknessss unless Biden leaves the stage.
time to move on and pick a running mate for Kamala
The Stephanopoulos / Biden interview was not really meant to “reassure” us about Biden’s mental fitness. It was meant to give George S the patina of a serious journalist, generate eyeballs for the ABC streams, and keep this ” Biden in decline” story alive as long s possible.
I actually was somewhat reassured by Biden’s interview. I saw Joe B give quick, appropriate responses to George’s repetitive and insulting, probing questions. Would he agree to a cognitive exam? The appropriate answer would be ” Only if Trump agrees to a lie detector test”, followed by the Biden white grin.
What – the 'Repubs are too liberal for ya, Allyn? Constitutionalists or Libertarians more your cuppa? What are fascists calling themselves these days?
The media is incapable of public self-examination (where have all the Media Critics employed by the news media gone?), but at least this article indirectly exposes their bias.
I forgot to highlight this gem: “While Biden had the worst debate performance in all of presidential history, Trump’s was likely the second-worst,” said Jeffrey A. Engel, director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University. “Yet we hear crickets from Republicans after their presumptive nominee was incoherent, rambling and utterly divorced from the truth. Oh, and also a convicted felon.”
A reminder that SOME Americans really did FAFO: The July 5, 2024 update of NPR’s database on Department of Justice action on those charged with crimes linked to the January 6, 2021 Capitol attack… or riot … or insurrection records
At least the Washington Post editorial board is starting to raise the alarm regarding the GOP's radical agenda should His Majesty, King Trump becomes our monarch.
If the polls are correct, voters are sleepwalking into giving away everything our Founders fought so hard to bequeath us.
Jennifer Rubin has an interesting and upbeat commentary on Kamala Harris.
The left alliance seems to be holding in France. Perhaps all of the centrist pundit handwringing about the death of the left is a bit premature.
In honor of our Republican-but-not-MAGA residents.
There may be several lessons for us from the English & French elections.
Coalitions are being built in the Center Left, due to positive approval or strategic voting
Incumbency is a negative; people are voting for change.
The Center Right is collapsing. Not much far-Left anymore
There is revulsion against the Ethno-nationalists, Fascists, MAGA.
I think the most important thing for us here in the USofA is to wedge the Center Right from the MAGA Right. Get them out of the Republican Brand/Tribe. We hear so much about how Republicans are stuck on Trump, but there has to be a large number of them who aren't MAGA, aren't ethno-nationalists, aren't Christianists, aren't Jan 6 fetishists – the equivalent to the Center-right in France and Britain.
Or speaking with positivism, a lot of Republicans who support health & reproductive choice for women, support democracy, appreciate Obamacare, depend on Social Security, etc.
The not-MAGA crowd is justifiably afraid to publicly challenge the Orange Horde. The infrastructure of their lives are so often built on a framework that consists of their Republican associates. If they challenge their ruthless "Magafascist" wing they will be ostracized and punished, perhaps even harmed by the army of Christian soldiers who are on a mission to shove their religious views down our throats. The American Taliban at work
What Duke said. Pulling the center-right is a fantasy today because it has largely ceased to exist. It has moved to the center-left already and has largely coopted the left. That center left is constantly telling us the left is dead and so we have to vote center-left because the right is horrifying.
France offers a different story. It was the left that SAVED the center-left in France. The center-left in France would have lost to the right had the left not saved their derriere. I suspect the same will be true here at home this fall.
Hey Alva.I am having some difficulty replying to comments.
Just me?..
We're not seeing any issues here.
Soooo..I got on… not sure how. 🤔 Oh, I’ll figure it out.🙂
Same here, Duke/Alva. When I hit reply my keyboard won't pop up. Often takes 3-4 tries, sometimes log out / back in. It did it again just now. Safari browser here
Maybe it is just that everyone agrees with Sunmusing…eh?