“It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility.”
–Yogi Berra
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BY: The realist
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Wong21fr
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Wong21fr
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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A quick question, my friends. Will Adam Frisch admit to being a Democrat?
Given the fact that he is running in a Republican-leaning district against a bland, traditional Republican, I'm guessing he will continue to insist that he is an independent type of Democrat.
He no longer has the advantage of running against a nasty lunatic.
But he has the great advantage of running against a truly nasty, lunatic Republican Party.
You want Abortion Bans? – vote Republican.
You liked the Jan 6 insurrection? – vote Republican.
You like Christian Ethno-Nationalism? – vote Republican
Those are the Republican Party values, not just a few, weird MAGA individuals.
A lot of people here in this district like those things…..
Yeah but…
They are very noisy; out of proportion to their actual numbers. There are a lot more people (even who identify as Republican) and particularly women, who do not want a "menstrual police", and who really do think JD Vance is weird.
"JD Vance is weird……"
I don't agree. Vance is "weird AND creepy."
He reminds me, in some ways, of Ron DeSantis who is so craven he will do or say anything to get what he wants.
And he does it in a weird and goofy way.
Right. Sooner or later these hayseed cowboys, the Oily Boyz, the gunheads, and the American Taliban will need to get over themselves and the rest of us need to stand up to them…not pretend to be one of them. It is the Democratic party who is fighting for our Constitution here.
We should be proud of that and not be afraid to say who we are.
Totally agree. I don't believe the factions you mentioned will ever get over themselves. But Democrats – and Democratic candidates – have terrific values and policies to support and run on. Neither Frisch nor any other candidate should shy away from being a Democrat. We have always been about freedom and liberty and now the message can be clearer because the new GOP is about anything but those values – they love authoritarianism. They want their Dear Leader (whether political or religious) to tell them what to do and not do every minute of the day.
So…your answer is "yes"?
Cheer up, Duke …. the DINO from Aspen is probably not going anywhere anyway.
Larry Sabato has changed his rating of CO-3 from "Leans Republican" to "Likely Republican."
The House: District by District Slugfest Endures Amidst Top of the Ticket Turmoil – Sabato's Crystal Ball (centerforpolitics.org)
CO-8 is where the fight will be and where the $$$ needs to go. (He changed that rating from "Leans Democratic" to "Toss Up."
Yeah…his chances aren't good. Pretending to be a Republican seldom works.
Oh I don't know. John Salazar and Ben Nighthorse Campbell managed to get elected as Dems pretending to be Republicans.
I think any discussion of Frisch requires the memory that he has pledged to join the Problem Solvers Caucus if he is elected. That's a group supported by No Labels, which is financed by Michael Smith of Freeport LNG, Tom McInerny, Harlan Crow and the Kochs. If he gets elected we will need to hold his feet to the fire. I still remember John Salazar's vote in favor of the changes to bankruptcy law which hurt middle class and poor folks.
I definitely think a vote for Frisch is a vote to cut into an R majority or hopefully get a D majority. He is definitely not on the side of working people.
Well, looking at the website https://adamforcolorado.com/about/, I also wonder if Adam will admit he's no longer running against Lauren Boebert.
I wonder what wardrobe Tina has picked out for her red carpet stroll into the courtroom today?
I hope the jury dispassionately weighs the evidence on this scoundral including the testimony of previous employees and arrives at a just decision.
"I hope the jury dispassionately weighs the evidence on this scoundral including the testimony of previous employees and arrives at a just decision."
You are talking about a jury drawn from Mesa County. (No offense, Duke. There are many of you who are not crazy.)
But there will be at least one True Believer who will get seated and refuse to convict.
I'm expecting a hung jury (11 to 1 in favor of convicting) followed by a retrial followed by another hung jury followed by another retrial.
If there is a hung jury Rubinstein will never retry this case. He will breathe a sigh of relief and move on. I don't believe he ever wanted to have this case in the first place. He was hoping the Feds would take it. I'm hoping for a conviction, but not holding my breath.
So you are saying that the whole trial comes down to jury selection? I hope the DA is up to the task. He has the evidence and witnesses. Now he needs some real patriots who will make America a lawful land again.
Why Weirdness Messes with Republican Minds. Noah Smith
He's basically saying that Conservatives have lost the culture wars – sex, marijuana, rock-and-roll, atheism, and even African American culture are mainstream. Conservatives are "Standing athwart history yelling – STOP!" (William F. Buckley)
Noah Smith Continues:
“I do not think Democrats are using “weird” as a taunt about cultural hegemony, even if that’s how many Republicans take it. Instead, I think Democrats are using the term to represent the chaos and unrest of the 2010s — something they associate with Trump, and which they increasingly want to leave behind them. “
Consider this op-ed by Rex Huppke in USA Today. Huppke takes the opportunity to vent about all the genuinely creepy and wacky behavior that has come to be associated with the MAGA movement:
I hate to pile on to all the overthinking of the word "weird" but I'm going to anyways…
I think "weird" is a welcome scaling-back of the outrage towards MAGA and could absolutely help Democrats attract right-leaning independents and reluctant Trump voters.
Trump attracts many different assholes: racists, anti-semites, islamophobes, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, people who are just jerks, etc. He says and does things that are anti-democratic, criminal, hateful and literally un-American.
But calling out those things are too specific. The Trump campaign has so successfully made the Republican Party into Team Trump that mentioning any of those specific traits is an accusation against anyone who may vote for Trump, reluctantly or proudly. It rankles people into thinking things like "I'm not <specific trait>! By saying Trump/Republicans are <specific trait>, you are calling me that! Screw you! I'll vote Republican just to spite you!"
"Weird" invites those same rankled people to separate themselves from the… well… weird ones. It invites them to think things like "I mght not be comfortable with transgender people, and I feel bad about that but at least I'm not suggesting weird things like checking the genitals of kids before they go into a restroom. That's weird. I don't want to be that kind of weird."
"Weird" seems to be less about identity and more about actions where "deplorables" was accusatory towards peoples' identities? That sounds close to right. "Weird" is less hyperbolic than accuations like "authoritarian" and all the specific accuations which makes people a little less likely to immediately get defensive and maybe listen a little longer.
Really good insights.
I think another value to the word weird is that it's not an overly emotional response of outrage like you mentioned Chickenheed, because MAGA world loves to "own the libs" and get them all upset and perplexed. It's very blase and dismissive without being emotionally invested, and I think that is the key to why it works so well. I hope it drives MAGA crazy for the next 98 days.
Bush II actually started the whole thing at FDFQ's inauguration speech, by saying "that was some weird s#!+," but the word "weird" didn't really catch fire until just now. It's super-good and very simple negative branding!
Weird seems to be a more relatable term than deplorable. One everyone understands because most people have an uncle who fits the description. The other is high faluting which makes people uncomfortable.
You know what's weird? A lot of liberals wear the "weird" label as a badge of honor (looking at you Austin). MAGA probably also does not want to be called quirky, odd, or queer.
Boulder also had its "keep Boulder weird" thing, before it basically turned into a gigantic real estate investment/rentier financial fiefdom and lost a lot of its soul. I'd guess a lot of college towns besides Austin and Boulder flirted with a "keep XX weird" thing over the years. Their "weird" branding might just have to go on hiatus through November, and I do believe at least the thoughtful people left in America can still discern between MAGA-weird and a more lefty/collegy segment that just wants to stay artistic and outspoken.
Yes. The nice thing about the good weird is that they are usually smarter than average and so are their friends.
Bigger than Colorado.
J.D. Vance’s Disregard for the Rule of Law
The senator appears willing to ignore court rulings, undermining the balance of powers.
“J.D. Vance is unfit to be vice president of the United States for many reasons, chiefly because he has shown a disregard for the constitutional balance of powers and the rule of law.”
Can Yale rescind or revoke his law degree?
Bugs Bunny vs Elmer Fudd. Mahablog.
This whole article is worth reading.
Weird, Not Weird? Via Emptywheel.
"Multiple outlets are publishing the forward that JD Vance did for Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts, including his adoption of Roberts’ call to “circle the wagons and load the muskets” to take out government."
For sure. She reminds me of Jon Waters’ Divine.
Eww! She does. For a party that claims to hate drag, there sure are a lot of females who paint themselves up to look like drag queens.
Some of the males, too. Did you happen to catch a glimpse of Matt Gaetz speaking at the GOP convention post-botox treatment?
Remember ” the best is yet to come ” speech ? That was exceptionally weird. The duck lips are weird and phony too, kind of like orange makeup, or Butthead’s botox.
Sweet fancy Moses!
24K Landslide. H/T Michael Moore
The Blitz – Republicans in Disarray. Josh Marshal.
Military doctrine speaks of the "OODA Loop" (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act). In other words, get inside the reaction time of your oponent. By the time they're deciding how to react, you are on the next attack.
Trump just discovered that Kamala Harris is Black, so naturally, he thinks this just occurred to her as well. Just like, no one realized that “Us” is embedded in “USA” until Trump announced that revelation, being a stable genius 😉
Here’s more from the New York Times:
Keep digging, FDFQ — its very entertaining to watch!
That half-hour of Trump ALSO brought the National Association of Black Journalists a great deal of criticism. There also was aa high-level response from "Karen Attiah, who resigned from her position as this year's co-chair of the NABJ conference in the hours before the event." [Attiah is "Global Opinions editor and columnist for The Washington Post."]
The NABJ said the organization is "currently in conversation" with Harris' team to "schedule a Q&A either in person or virtually in September."
Ms. Attiah resigned *before* the interview because she didn’t want that organization to give that POS a platform to spout his lies and hatred.
More from Washington Post’s coverage:
And what was that “unhinged and unprofessional commentary” ?
There is a simple test to determine when Trump is lying. Check to see if his lips are moving…
As much as Yammie-pie went on about Crazy Joe, I think that exchange with the interviewer from the NABJ revealed that his cheese isn't firmly centered on his cracker either. I'm pretty sure he was confusing Harris with Haley, who is entirely Indian.
Insights into today's GOP as personality cult, and how it led to the elevation of JD Vance:
"Trump issues many, many falsehoods at Black journalists’ convention" WaPo.
OMG! Is the Mainstream Media finally noticing?
Or Not… Empty Wheel.
Maybe it was intentional… It get’s Trump back in the news cycle. from Vox.com
Trump is not afraid to break social conventions. He’s like an angry old White guy, like Boebert is an angry young clown. Do whatever it takes to get attention.
Glenn Kessler from WaPo followed FDFQ's lies throughout those truth-challenged four years. The rest of the MSM, not so sure, but Kessler was the guy who can take a lot of credit for publishing that Tr*mp told 30,000 lies (well, 30,573 to be precise).
Trump's outburst is the nuclear warhead dropped into the Kamala Hurricane. Josh Marshall at TPM.
Josh says it's Trump's "instinctual" attempt to get back on the radar. The audience WASN'T the black Journalists, rather to reset the news cycle.
Trump tried to use his appearance at the NABJ conference
not to appeal to Black voters, but to his predominantly white base voters.His statements can only be understood in that light.
He was tone deaf, ridiculous, and appalling.
In other words, his authentic self.