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August 13, 2024 08:03 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

–Maya Angelou


25 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Republicans just can't catch a break …

    AP: US wholesale inflation cooled in July in sign that price pressures are continuing to ease

    The Labor Department reported Tuesday that its producer price index — which tracks inflation before it reaches consumers — rose 0.1% from June to July. That was down from a 0.2% rise a month earlier. And compared with a year earlier, prices were up 2.2% in July. That was the smallest such rise since March and was down from a 2.7% year-over-year increase in June.

    The July wholesale figures reflect a broad and steady slowdown in price increases, which peaked at a four-decade high in mid-2022 but are now moving toward the Fed’s 2% inflation target. On Wednesday, the Labor Department will release the most well-known inflation measure, the consumer price index.

    Tuesday’s report showed that prices in the nation’s vast service sector fell 0.2% last month, the biggest drop since March 2023. Goods prices rose 0.6%, largely because gasoline prices jumped 2.8% from June to July.


    1. That opens the Federal Reserve to drop interest rates a couple of times before the election.

      The Fed interest target most directly affects mortgage rates, and indirectly other things like the stock and bond markets.

      1. The Fed should already have cut rates, but Powell is a pearl-clutching coward.  Labor market will be down next Spring because of his waiting too long. 

  2. How to win friends and influence people:

    • Case one, reported by Heather Cox Richardson:  "When the real X channel finally began to function, it showed Musk and Trump heaping praise on each other. But Trump was slurring his words, and when HuffPost White House journalist S.V. Dáte asked the campaign about his inability to articulate, it answered: “Must be your sh*tty hearing. Get your ears checked out.”
    • Case two, from The Guardian:  "At a campaign rally in Atlanta earlier this month, Trump picked a fight with Brian Kemp, Georgia’s popular Republican governor, whom he termed “little Brian” and accused of having turned Georgia into a “laughing stock”. Or, slightly expanded, from the Independent: "Trump … attacked the governor and his wife, calling Kemp “disloyal” and referring to him as “Little Brian.”

      “I don’t want her endorsement. I don’t want his endorsement. I just want them to do their job for Georgia,” Trump said. “In my opinion, they want us to lose.”

    1. According to the court file case schedule, sentencing is set for October 3rd at 9:30.  Set for 2.5 hours (a half day essentially).  It would be interesting to see what the presentence report says, though that'll be confidential.  

  3. Marcy at EmptyWheel

    My point is not that there’s some secret formula to elicit actual, truthful answers from Donald Trump. Trump doesn’t believe in truth; he believes in leveraging lies to exercise power. So no standard interview format will pin the man down.

    Rather, it’s that journalists are indulging their own vanity by imagining they’re doing any better than Elon Musk.

    Given that that’s the case — given that Trump’s attacks on the press have rendered them little more than props in his reality show — journalists ought to reflect on their own failures before they continue to screech that Kamala Harris, who in 23 days has vetted and picked a running mate, added key staffers, and done fairly epic campaign appearances in six swing states, has yet to offer a press conference to many of the same journalists who could do nothing more than make Trump squirm about crowd size.

    1. I didn’t tune in to the X interview semi-circle jerk last night but I see Bobo is raging about how great it was and that anyone who watched it would understand there is only one person who can save America – the diapered great Orange one!  Soooo….I can assume it was as off the rails as one could imagine? 

      1. I couldn't stand to listen, but here's one report

        Trump's conversation with Musk is even bigger disaster than expected

        Thanks to a duplicitous, double-standards media, Trump has avoided the kind of “cognitive decline” stories that reporters couldn’t stop writing about President Joe Biden. Heck, The New York Times wrote dozens of stories about Biden’s age in the wake of the first presidential debate. But Trump? His increasingly unhinged rants and inability to go on the campaign trail don’t even muster a raised eyebrow. 

        After his “conversation” with Musk, however, it’s going to be impossible for the media to ignore. It wasn’t just his inability to have a straight conversation with Musk. We know Trump is no longer capable of expressing a coherent thought. It was worse than that. 

        Trump had a bizarre lisp the entire event, slurring words with the letter “s.” 

        1. Plus his posting on X is causing his stock, DJT, to plummet to $ 24 per share today. Not to mention the 16 million quarterly loss announced. Still can't understand why true believers in red hats buy this. They are about to be fleeced by the orange turd in September when he can sell his shares and crater the company, which will just make them more angry and unhinged. That doesn't, however, mean they'll fess up to being gullible and stupid. They'll probably blame Biden.

            1. Because when Trump sells in September there will be a line of foreign actors and others wanting to gain influence with a potential president ready to buy his stocks. It’s a very efficient grift, if you think about it.

              Others holding will have a chance to cash out at that time if they can time it correctly.

    1. The sixth panel stands out for me. The guy in the grey suit could easily be one of our pearl- clutching, no-labels, mugwumps.

      All those namby-pamby "centrists" who have trolled these pages for, like, ever, can go vote for Adam Frisch…if it makes you feel better. I have not been asked to consider his candidacy as a Democrat. He never mentions his party affiliation. If he is saying something the R voters like,  then let him say it as a Democrat. Thus far, his campaign spots could be Hurd commercials.

      He is not asking me for my vote. I will undervote this race.

      1. I get that you don't want to support Frisch with money or time.  But when it comes to the 3 seconds of voting, don't you see him as 3 seconds better than Nothing or Hurd?  Or at least that it is worth 3 seconds to potentially support the report that Democrats are able to win seats that had been Republican?

        But what is the meaning of NOT voting for him? What good will come from withholding your part of the 200,000 votes in the district?



        1. Honestly, John, I don’t think you DO get it. For nearly 50 years I have observed the politics of Mesa County, CD3, and western Colorado, generally.

          Over 5 decades, I.have watched an endless parade of Democrats run for office around here, afraid to call themselves Democrats. I haven’t heard Frisch mention reproductive rights or any issue otherthan the same ones on which Republicans campaign. One of the reasons Democrats never win here is the perennial  habit Dems have of avoiding that toxic label. And it will always be toxic until they stop doing so.

          The cow ranchers, coal miners, OilyBoyz and gunheads have defined the western slope for far too long. Now is the time to let the people here hear good ideas from Democrats.

          Frisch isn’t going to win, anyway. Without Klanny Oakley to run against, he is just another pretend Republican. Folks around here will vote for the actual Republican…unless he gives Dems and Unaffiliated  voters a reason to turn out in droves.He isn’t doing that. He isn’t even talking to us.

            1. Problem here is that Duke has been preaching “vote blue, no matter who” for years. Now he’s apparently waffling on that. Even if Frisch doesn’t fit the “progressive narrative,” he is still a person to help the Dems regain control of the US House, if he wins.

              I’m continuing to write occasional checks to Frisch’s campaign as I want the MAGA “Freedom Caucus” out of power & relegated to the congressional wastelands. 

              1. Well…I suspected you couldn't refrain from grasping at some opportunity to throw shade in my direction…sooo…

                Yes, CHB, I have been preaching, " Vote Blue, No Matter Who". I continue to do so. Perhaps when I see or hear Mr.Frisch identify as a Democrat, I might change my mind.

                Shouldn't you and the rest of the "Reasonable Republican Cavalry" be busy saving your precious GOP instead of throwing spitballs at me?

                1. Just pointing out the obvious, Duke. Also, Trump's mouth is doing everything possible to "save the GOP" by making it almost impossible for Trump/MAGA/Project 2025 to win in November. I don't need to lift a finger. Then we'll see……

          1. I’m in Denver, so obvously I don’t have the experience of Duke Cox or Pedalman56 do.

            But watching the transition of the state as a whole and the congressional district just to the east, the most strident Democrats, the ones focused on progressive issues, are not the first to win.  In 2016, Morgan Carroll was not able to break through against Mike Coffman.  in 2018, Jason Crow was.  My impression is that Morgan Carroll put a great deal more energy into trying to appeal to the base of Democratic voters, The Colorado Sun put it this way

            Democrats think Crow is just the candidate they need to accomplish their goal. He has bullet points on his biography that previous Coffman challengers didn’t: A parent. A decorated military veteran. A first-time candidate with no voting record to attack. …

            Crow is feeding off that momentum from political newcomers and the more progressive wings of the Democratic Party even if he isn’t exactly embracing some of their more extreme ideas — like abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and impeaching Trump.

            In a Colorado with “Unaffiliated” as the most common description of voters, I think it likely the “most Democratic” candidate will not be the herald of the change. Maybe there is a politician who could focus on a strong progressive message, appealing to Democrats and the progressives who are among the Unaffiliated in the current lines of CO-03 — got someone in mind?

            1. J i D never misses a chance to blast progressive Dems- in this case, as "strident". 
              Nevertheless….Carroll was not notably more progressve than Jason Crow., and certainly not "strident" in the sense JiD is talking about. She never, for example, advocated for ablishing ICE. That would've been a non-starter in the district that houses GEO services – the largest ICE detention facility in the state

              There were other factors in the Coffman vs Carroll race: 
              Coffman outspent Carroll on negative ads, and basically lied his ass off claiming that she was pro crime, importing mmgrant criminals to run amok in the district. The Koch Brothers backed Coffman, of course.

              . He also had better name rec in the area after serving as incumbent for years. Coffman has also always had great staff providing great constituecnt services, particularly around veteran's issues. 

              And he was able to take credit for a gorgeous new VA hospital, even though he was an obstacle in its building.

              As I recall, our local Dems were slow to back Carroll, so if she was indeed appealing to the base, the base didn't come through for her. On the issues, though, there was and is no daylight between Crow and Carroll. 


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