Colorado Republicans today are still reeling from or celebrating (depending on what side you’re on) yesterday’s ruling by an El Paso County judge definitively rejecting the attempt by critics of state party chairman Dave “Don’t Need No Stinking Brandon” Williams to oust him and his elective leadership allies, and replace Williams with former U.S. Senate candidate and dad-bodded former Olympian Eli Bremer. After the August 24 meeting of party dissidents that claimed to have ousted Williams, Bremer was quick to reach out for support from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), logically since that organization has the biggest national GOP presence on the ground in support of two competitive races. After yesterday’s ruling, Bremer no longer has any claim to the job under the pretense of which he brought former Speaker Kevin McCarthy to the state last week in support of Gabe Evans and Jeff Hurd.
What comes next? Nobody knows, but as of today, Dave Williams is the undisputed chairman of the Colorado GOP, and the fundamental question set to be tried in mid-October has been resolved. The intraparty insurrection which has consumed the attention of both Williams’ backers and opponents is over, and Williams is the one left standing.
As if to slam the point home, today the Colorado GOP sent out another one of its trademark off-topic email blasts to supporters from the party’s “Director of Special Initiatives” Darcy Schoening, right back to the lurid culture-war drumbeat of warning parents of the looming threat of “gender ideology” that could result in unspecified horrors being done to their children at public schools:
The goal of these gender-transition-in-school bills is clear; the Colorado legislature seeks to break down the family unit while convincing kids that government knows best. The more children the Denver Dems can indoctrinate, the closer they get to total control. Every generation churned out by our public schools is worse than the one before it. Now, the current college kids are rioting for Palestine and sympathizing with Hamas. When do we decide that we must stop allowing the left to raise our children?
As readers know, this is the same divisive and distracting obsession with the supposed “transgender menace” that got the party in trouble to begin with, first with a call to “burn all Pride flags” during Pride month in June and then with an attack on an LGBTQ+ Democratic candidate so over-the-top odious that the Republican candidate in the race condemned it. A significant number of Colorado Republicans who were already disaffected with Williams over his misappropriation of party resources in his failed congressional primary campaign and lack of attention to the fundamentals of organizing for a major election seized upon these divisive messages to call for Williams’ head, sidestepping the arguably weightier referendum on Williams running the party into the ground at a cost of thousands of dollars per month.
The day after Williams won the legal battle against his many detractors, this fresh face-blast of unvarnished prejudice is another way for Dave Williams and his crew of far-right misfits to declare victory. By holding on to power against the most determined attempt to overthrow a state party chair since at least the Steve House affair, Williams and friends have won the prize that means the most to them. The fact is, as bizarre and counterproductive as it may seem, this undeniable triumph over their fellow Republicans means more to the current party leadership than victory at the polls in November over Democrats.
The results on November 5th are setting up to prove it.
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It gets boring after awhile.
That's not funny since Tren de Aragua moved in the litterbox isn't enough any more! TdA is putting on free children's programming talking to your kids about being inclusive and kind. Next thing all the school administrators are giving out fentanyl to the kids for the nurses to trans them in the operating theaters marijuana tax money paid for.
It's time we throw away liberty and elect a Caesar because a vanishingly small (namely victims of murder) number of our kids being different scares us.
In fact, quite the opposite is true in much of the state. My two kids were afraid to come out until AFTER they left their Colorado public school. The work educators are doing to end that fear should be welcome.
If you don't mind telling us, did your kids get out of their public schools recently? And were they more concerned about the actions of the teachers & staff or the other students?
I taught at University level for my first career 30+ years ago … and had several students from small towns and the larger cities of the states tell me about "getting out" of their homes, finding a supportive community at the university, and making it clear they had no expectation of staying in touch with any of their school's graduates, teachers, or in most cases, anyone in their home town beyond relatives. Sounded grim then … and I was hoping things would have improved in the time since then.
In the last 5-10 years, JiD. More afraid of peers than teachers, who were generally supportive or so it seems.
Let's be perfectly clear here, it isn't just "Dave Williams' GOP" that holds these views. "Eli Bremer's GOP" would hold the exact same views. What we are talking about is how it would be marketed. If they were marketing toxic soup instead of candidates, Williams' approach is to put the toxic ingregients on the label while Bremer's approach is to hide them. In either case, the soup they are selling is going to kill you if you consume it.