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October 10, 2024 09:34 AM UTC

Did Boebert Know About Colorado Clerk’s Criminal Plan Beforehand?

  • by: Heidi Beedle

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Originally posted at the Colorado Times Recorder

According to a social media post from “America’s Mom,” Sherronna Bishop, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) had prior knowledge of Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters’ plan to breach the security of Mesa County’s Dominion Voting machines.

“Tina Peters is a whistleblower,” wrote Bishop on Facebook after Peters was sentenced to nine years behind bars. “She should have had congressional protection asap. She did not act independently. She communicated with [Rep.] Lauren Boebert before the images were made. BOEBERT was updated on all the events that would take place and had a meeting with Conan Hayes after the images were done. She told Clerk Peters, ’You get em girl, I have your back!’”

During Peters’ 2022 appearance at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) conference in Las Vegas, she admitted that she discussed details of her crimes with Bishop, Boebert and Conan Hayes, the former professional surfer who is alleged to have used Gerald Wood’s identity to get into the Mesa County Elections Division and copy a hard drive, after the crimes were committed, but Bishop’s social media post suggests Boebert knew about Peters’ plans to violate Colorado law beforehand.

Boebert did not respond to an emailed request for comment, but the Congresswoman has been outspoken about “election integrity.” Following the 2020 election, Boebert posted on social media, “There is no way that anyone can call the 2020 presidential election fair.”

Lauren Boebert and her campaign manager Sherronna Bishop at Shooters Grill. Dec. 19, 2019.
Lauren Boebert and her campaign manager Sherronna Bishop at Shooters Grill. Dec. 19, 2019.

On her House of Representatives website, Boebert lists “election integrity” as one of her key issues. “I will always stand for free and fair elections that are secure, lawful, and constitutional,” wrote Boebert. “Under the guise of the pandemic, the 2020 election was left wide open for malfeasance, fraud, and processes that made much of the country lose confidence in our electoral system. Now more than ever, we need to do serious work to secure our election systems that safeguard our Republic from fraud, corruption, and tyranny.”

Claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election have been repeatedly debunked, and outlets that contributed to the spread of misinformation about elections, such as Fox NewsOne American News Network, and Newsmax have all settled defamation lawsuits with voting machine companies such as Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. In June, former Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who filed the failed “kraken” lawsuits that aimed to prove the 2020 election was stolen, reached a settlement with former Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer.

“Tina Peters has been sentenced to nine years of incarceration for her dangerous attempts to break into her own election equipment to prove Trump’s ‘Big Lie,’” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in a news release. “We will not allow anyone to threaten our elections. Colorado’s elections are the nation’s gold standard. I am proud of how we have responded to the first insider elections breach in the nation, and look forward to another secure and successful election in November.”


7 thoughts on “Did Boebert Know About Colorado Clerk’s Criminal Plan Beforehand?

  1. Well, this seems like fodder for a CD-4 TV ad! Of course, a social media post might not be seen as the hardest of hard evidence so I'd recommend due diligence, but yikes! I'd title the ad "Loose and Lawless."

  2. Is (My) Sherronna posting “she’s not running for cover” from an undisclosed location?  I’m pretty sure this will only solidify the MAGA cult support for Handsy Granny in CD-4 (not that MAGA alone can keep her in a path to a lifetime retirement plan and gold-plated health insurance). 

  3. When literally everyone involved has proven themselves a pathetic and shameless liar, how do you choose to begin to believe some slightest bit from any?  Peters?  Gropebert?  America’s Mom?  MrPillow?

  4. You would think that there would also be an investigation to find out if Mr. MyPillow Lindell was part of this conspiracy which it was. Wouldn't be surprised if he was fingered as the financier who offered fame and fortune to her if she violated her oath of office.

  5. Hey Sherrona, just so you know, it's standard fucking procedure to take the defendant into custody after sentencing is pronounced.  Appeal bonds are the exception, not the rule, and even for eligible offenses, the sentencing judge has a lot of discretion in whether to allow them or not.  That Tina didn't get an appeal bond, given her whiny intransigence and complete refusal to accept any responsibility, is completely unsurprising.  

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