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October 29, 2024 01:04 PM UTC

And Then There Were...Seven Mail Pieces for Gabe Evans from the AZGOP

  • by: Colorado Pols
“Do you think anybody will notice if all of my mail pieces come from Arizona?”

We’re continue to track the odd story about the Arizona Republican Party sending campaign mailers into Colorado on behalf of Republicans Gabe Evans (CO-08) and Jeff Hurd (CO-03).

While we are only aware of one such mail piece floating around in Colorado in support of Jeff “Bread Sandwich” Hurd, mailboxes have been considerably more crowded in the eighth congressional district, where “Gabe-ish” Evans hopes to unseat incumbent Democratic Rep. Yadira Caraveo. We’re still not sure exactly what is happening here, but we’re going to keep posting evidence of these mailers for posterity’s sake.

Here are the 6th and 7th mail pieces sent to voters in CO-08 that are clearly coming from the Arizona Republican Party:

Piece #6:

Piece #7:


3 thoughts on “And Then There Were…Seven Mail Pieces for Gabe Evans from the AZGOP

  1. WAPO story …

    Preliminary data compiled by states and released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a 10 percent drop in deaths during the 12-month period ending in April, with about 101,000 people succumbing to overdoses.

    Public health officials and researchers said the decline could reflect multiple forces, including widespread availability of the overdose-reversal medication naloxone, greater access to opioid addiction treatment, and law enforcement crackdowns on illicitly manufactured fentanyl, which had become the leading killer of 18-to-49-year-olds.

    Some experts said they suspect that the illicit drug supply is shifting to include less fentanyl and that fewer people are using alone as the social isolation of the coronavirus pandemic has receded.

  2. And just for the updated tally of love letters from the somehow concerned Republican Party of Arizona showing up in CO3, there are now 3, all with a very dark message of shade. On one side, monochrome Frisch, on the other, a sunny bubbly presentation of Capt. Milktoast.

    Americans for Prosperity is also weighing in with the Koch platform infused.

        Frisch now has a 10 second counter ad addressing Arizona’s trespassing:

        Paraphrasing… “Why is The Arizona GOP financing Jeff Hurd’s Campaign?…….They want Our Water”



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