Regular readers of Colorado Pols are familiar with the lunacy that is Republican State Rep. “Boxwine” Brandi Bradley of Littleton, but in the last couple of weeks Bradley has really dialed up the crazy to another level.
Bradley is now in her second term as a state representative, where she has regularly proven to be nuttier than a bag of squirrels. Bradley is also ambitious in a way that is really not healthy for, well, anyone; she appears to be intent on proving herself to be even more ridiculous and offensive than more established knuckleheads in her caucus such as Reps. Scott “There is No” Bottoms and Ken “Dildo” DeGraaf. It’s not clear what she hopes to achieve by rising to “Chief Nutball” in the House Republican caucus, but we suppose it’s nice to set goals for yourself.
Last month, Bradley threatened to sue the Colorado Times Recorder for…reasons…and then publicly called for the arrest of two journalists at 9News for the crime of reporting information. It’s not important what Bradley was bellyaching about; the key here is that “truth” is Bradley’s kryptonite. As the calendar turned to February, however, Bradley took her finger-pointing antics in an uncomfortable new direction.
On Wednesday, Feb. 5, the House Committee on Health and Human Services killed a bill championed by Bottoms — a not uncommon occurrence — that sought to lower the price of eggs allow medical malpractice insurance providers to refuse to offer coverage to Colorado doctors who provide gender-affirming care. Bottoms claimed that this legislation was necessary because there are a bunch of pending lawsuits from people who want to “de-transition” to another gender; to the surprise of nobody, Bottoms was not able to provide any actual evidence of said lawsuits. Several Colorado doctors testified in the committee hearing both in defense of gender-affirming care as a concept and in opposition to the suggestion that the government should be deciding what insurance companies can or cannot decide to offer in coverage plans.
Bradley regularly claims that Colorado public schools and teacher’s unions are conspiring to “transgender” your kids; needless to say, this is a subject near and dear to her black heart. That evening, Bradley decided to post on ‘X’ the photos and contact information of five doctors who provide gender-affirming care and testified in opposition to Bottoms’s bill.
Let’s pause and recap: Fresh off of calling for the arrest of two journalists covering the state legislature, Brandi Bradley publicly outed a bunch of regular Colorado citizens who had taken time out of their day to offer testimony on legislation. We can’t say for sure that this has never happened before at the legislature, but we certainly don’t remember another occurrence in the nearly three decades that we have been involved in Colorado politics.
To our understanding, lawyers for House leadership looked at Bradley’s social media posts and decided that they did not “technically” rise to the level of doxxing, though nobody would argue with a straight face that Bradley’s intent was anything other than to stoke some sort of response against these poor folks. House Minority Leader Rose Pugliese was apparently able to convince Bradley to delete her posts on ‘X’, but chastised she was not. For reasons that only make sense in Bradley’s own head, today she posted a long screed to ‘X’ about how she will never be silenced:
Be very careful when I’ve been silent for a few days because that usually means a storm is brewing…. For all of the haters and gaslighters with cult mentality who are puppets and believe I doxxed five pediatricians that publicly testified at a PUBLIC committee and PUBLICLY provided their name and where they work, that’s not doxxing. I’ll provide the definition for those of you who can read (I know CO schools have failed many of you). Those five doctors should stand by their testimony that GAC is life saving treatment even though they couldn’t provide ANY credible evidence to support it.
Totally not insane so far! Let’s keep going:
You can continue to threaten me, try to intimidate me, and even bully me, but it just won’t work.
Brandi Bradley quite literally tried to intimidate and bully people who showed up to the State Capitol to testify on legislation, but SHE is the real victim here. Thumbs up!
I don’t need to pass bills on the good people of Colorado.
We live in the six most regulated state [sic] so if you think that telling people to vote no on my bills is going to make me shut up, you need a different strategy. If you think that pulling Democrats off of my bills will make me shut up, you need a different strategy. If you think that threatening me to NOT post on X how LEGISLATORS vote on my bills you need a different strategy, because that will not make me shut up.
We’re quite sure that no person who is at all familiar with Brandi Bradley expects her to ever shut up about anything.
Don’t you dare stand at the well claiming you stand for transparency, accountability and free speech, while restricting mine. There are too many lawyers waiting to take my case, and you are just fueling my fire. If you think I will buckle under your pressure, you have the WRONG girl. If you think that government is my God, you are sadly mistaken.
Ah, yes: The old “I have a free speech right to do awful things” defense.
I am here for my constituents, and you will not silence their voices, and I am here to inform them how the legislators are voting in the GA because God knows the liberal media won’t do it…
We have a hard time believing that Bradley’s Littleton constituents are telling her they want her to intimidate and harass people who show up to testify at the State Capitol.
Romans 1:16
For readers unfamiliar with their Bible passages, Romans 1:16 reads: For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Why this passage is relevant to anything that came before it is not a question we can even attempt to answer.
Bradley concluded by posting this image of the definition of “doxing”:
If Bradley’s goal was to prove her own guilt…mission accomplished! What other possible reason could she have had for posting identifying information about Colorado citizens online if not for malicious intent?
Brandi Bradley is a bully and a nuisance who openly acknowledges that her goal as an elected official is to accomplish as little as humanly possible. Minority Leader Pugliese clearly has no control over Bradley or any of the other twits in her caucus, which is one of many, many (many) reasons that Colorado Republicans never have anything to talk about when they try to succeed in elections every two years.
We’ve said it again and again: These are not serious people who are interested in doing serious things. These are Colorado Republicans.
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