U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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March 20, 2025 08:13 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“When God desires to destroy a thing, he entrusts its destruction to the thing itself.”

–Victor Hugo


16 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. NYTimes columnist Michelle Cottle has a highly complimentary profile of Rep. Jason Crow.

    The Democratic Party’s New Recruiter Has a Theory

    For Representative Jason Crow of Colorado, a Democrat who may just hold the key to his party winning back the House in 2026, the path to victory starts with understanding how Americans live their lives, down to the most personal details.

    “A lot of communities divide the world between when you shower: before work or after work,” he told me, chowing on a burrito at a corner table in Milly’s Community Cafe in Aurora, Colo., at the heart of his district outside Denver. Many who shower later — working-class folks living paycheck to paycheck — have tuned out Democrats, he said. “They’re not listening to us because they don’t believe that we respect them and see them.”

    1. Who would be the 4 most interesting legislators to interview?

      I’ve interviewed Senators Coleman, Kipp, & Liston and Representatives DeGraaf & Brown (scheduled). Who are the smart ones who think for themselves and have a different take on things?

      thanks – dave

    1. Per your rhetorical question, I'd rather have a 3rd option – a serious Secretary of Education focused on adminstering the actual responsibilities of Dept. of Education, not on dismantling the department. Biden's secretary was actually an educator, and call me naive but it's usually not hard to find many qualified people as options to run any federal department. Appointing McMahon was a clownish move in the first place, but I will not be proud if the U.S. runs without a Department of Education, unlike so many other civilized nations. I'm not even opposed to a careful review that might lead to some streamlining, but that's not the crash course we seem to be on right now.

      1. Sure but the third option is not on the menu. 

        And as unqualified as "Sexy Bitch" may be, the runner up for the job was actually worse. The runner up was Ryan Walter,s the current Oklahoma Superintendent of Education, who was involved with putting the Trump Bibles in classrooms and more recently, has pushed a new history curriculum which calls for questioning students on identifying evidence of irregularities in 2020 presidential election. 


        1. Ryan Walters is so bad that he's been the subject of a lawsut by the conservative OK Attorney General regarding his desire to create a Catholic charter school to be paid for by the OK taxpayers. Turns out that violates the OK Constitution.

    1. Bullshit!

      Where are the pitchforks on the right? What are their names? Where is Kevin Priola? How long before your MRA raises their moderate Republican flag and throws out the MAGAts? Will there be  Republican led protest at Bannons' speech.?

      Why are you still hanging around? We haven't lost the stench since you were here before. 

  2. Can we just put a marker on today – that there can be no more doubt (even among fools) that Trump intends to violate any and all court orders. Checks and balances are gone. The Constitution is gone. All that's left is for the military to be turned against the citizens.

  3. Sad trombone for Elon: Cybertrucks recalled for safety concerns. It seems that a panel along the windshield can randomly detach, thus becoming a hazard for other drivers, as well as the  Tesla UglyTruck driver.

    So to recap: This hideous vehicle, which costs between 80 and 100 thousand USD, profits the man destroying all America stands for,…..and randomly shoots off pieces of windshield panel, endangering its own and other drivers. Awesome.

    Kinda like the SpaceX missions, which also randomly blow up and rain down parts  on innocent people. And that's not even counting disabling or killing off his own workers.  And disrupting flights in Florida and the Bahamas.


    1. Musk is heavily leveraged using his Tesla stock. 

      The TSLA P/E ratio is over 100, which is 7 times the average, and the average P/E these days is considered to be extremely high by historical standards. Investors are pricing TSLA as if it is a software stock like APPL or GOOG.

      Let a stock market crash "cull" the herd.

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