(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
–Hal Borland
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: davebarnes
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Utah Quietly Ditches All-Mail Ballot Elections To Appease Trump
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Jeff Hurd Rug Pulls Gabe Evans On “Signalgate”
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I would encourage all republicans, magas, tea baggers, anyone who supports trump, to get the fuck out of Colorado…
Will you then be the Pied Piper of Colorado to lead all the Republicans to Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Utah?
Went to the Fighting Oligarchy tour in Greeley yesterday. The place was packed inside and out. Bernie and AOC were on their game and stating the obvious. It was a day long event by the time we got back to Gilpin but worth it. My wife caucused for Bernie in 2016 and really wanted to see him in person.
The line to get in was a mile long but a fellow gestured to us to join him so we did. It was enjoyable standing in line in the sunshine with Kent and talking about what a goober Gabe Evans is and how much the US needs to support the Ukraine.
We were some of the last folks to get inside the arena which held about 2,500 but the overflow outside was estimated to be over 6,000. It was a huge crowd in Evans backyard. I was surprised that there weren't any hecklers inside. None. A few Trump supporters tried to stir up things outside but they accomplished little outside a cascade of boos.
It was a great experience. Glad I went.
CPR (and others) had a slightly different count: “Earlier Friday, more than 11,000 people flocked to the Bank of Colorado Arena in Greeley to see the pair.” or, later in the article “On the UNC campus, about 4,000 packed inside the arena and 8,000 watched from livestreams outside.”
CBS Denver said “An estimated 10,000 Coloradans came together to the campus in Greeley hear Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during their “Fighting Oligarchy” tour, which also included a stop in downtown Denver later in the day.”
For KW who is worried about energy policy running roughshod over people. Which is a good worry to have. Here’s a list of places where the local people have stopped energy companies:
With the withdrawal of subsidies wind is almost certainly dead (good riddance) and solar (which is helpful/useful) will see a significant drop in new farms. We’re probably going to mostly see new gas plants and delays in closing down coal plants (which is bad).
We’ve become a country where it’s hard to build anything because we throw so many roadblocks in the way. It’s hypocritical in my opinion that the same people who say climate change is an existential crisis (it is) are most of the same people using NEPA, etc. to delay green energy.
There are trade-offs in life.
"good riddance….(to wind)" I looked at your link. Sorry, but your first sentence there is quite relevant, about not being an expert in energy generation. On the other hand, I don't claim to be an expert either. But, as a lay-person, I've studied it since Black Sunday in 1982.
I've got several other posts where I present research on the subject. And all of the research I can find, including research provided by Will Toor, shows that the wind + SCGT gas backup combined emits more to approximately the same CO2 as a CCGT gas turbine. Ireland tried using CCGT for win backups but turning them on/off was worse than a SCGT.
What I've done with every blog post like this is first posted it to the appropiate subreddit. And people there have found errors, usually small, ocassionally substantive. I then incorporate that feedback to write the blog post. So I may not be an expert, but what I write has been reviewed by experts.
Keep in mind that history is replete with the experts telling us things that are not true. Although in this case I'm not the first to poke this hole in wind. After I wrote this I had people pointing me to others who have done similar research.
How about some straight answers to these questions, David?
Is natural gas a clean renewable energy source? Is nuclear power production?
It seems to me you are suffering from confirmation bias. In both cases, the “cradle to grave” costs of the technology are extreme. Natural gas is just as dirty as coal. OilyBoy propaganda outfits like CRED have sold a line of bullshit about natgas and associated petrochemical poison.You seem to have bought what they are selling.
I’ll let others argue the point about nuclear, but that shit is dirty and stays that way for many human lifetimes.
By the way…you don’t own any stock in “1.5” do you?
Natural Gas is dirty and contributes to global warming. But it’s a lot better than coal so if the choice is gas or coal, I’ll take gas. My big problem with wind is it uses gas as a backup and because that backup is SCGT instead of CCGT, the total system of wind backup is as bad as just gas. My core issue with wind is it means retaining gas.
As to “1.5”, I have no idea what that is but most of my investments are index funds so if that is in an index fund like the SPY, then yes.
The Denver Post reported 34,000 in Civic Center Park last night for the Denver event. I didn't go, but we live on Lincoln St., at the tail-end of the residential part, The traffic was bumper-to-bumper and the sidewalks were crowded with people walking up to the park. They must have had a heck of a sound system. I could hear the noise from my front porch.
Petey Hegseth better watch his P’s and Q’s. The story of his reported planned briefing to Elon Musk on our ultra-secret Chinese war plans is a perfect example of the toxic dynamics of the Trump Administration. Whether Musk or Hegseth initiated the planned briefing isn’t known. However, the fact that they both went behind Trump’s back indicates neither of them have any respect for the guy who is probably half way gone mentally anyway. I would even guess that Hegseth, knowing that the average term of service in a Trump administration is extremely short, probably thought this briefing would be a great time to do some career planning, post-Trump by buttering up a new patron in Musk.
But Hegseth not only has triggered Trump’s paranoia, he’s now aware that there are flag officers and staff ready to expose his malfeasance in order to hasten his exit. Musk also probably had to pucker up and kiss Trump’s, uh, ring to smooth things over. A little extra insincere flattery probably took care of most of it. But this isn’t the first, nor certainly the last time Trump’s cabinet and co-President Musk will try to push him aside and pursue their own personal agendas no matter the consequences to our nation.
I'm absolutely certain the BroSecDef had no fucking clue the depth and sensitivity of the information he was willing to expose to the NaziTechBro. But that's what you get when you put a NoGo 04 in charge of the DoD with no Senior NCO to keep him from stepping on his dick.
But I absolutely concur there's a bunch of the 06 mafia just waiting to hand over some memos and emails the next time he does something stupid…
Somehow, I expect a wide variety of bureaucratic moves to publicize the stupid, penalize those who support the stupid, slow-walk bad orders, and — in the final move — refuse to obey unlawful orders.
Military planning for invasions of Greenland, Canada, and Mexico will be interesting case studies.
Donald “Non compos mentis” Trump sez he didn’t sign the Alien Enemies Act Proclamation. Spokes Whore Steven Cheung said his boss was simply explaining to the dumb shit reporters that he wasn’t there 227 years ago to sign the original, silly!
Glad we got that straightened out!
Jerry for Colorado!
Hello Colorado!
Jerry's State Treasurer Interviews with "Colorado Point of View" & Colorado Public Radio (CPR)
Probably nothing, right? From Newsweek:
Hopefully, we aren't going to start seeing a rash of accidental falls out of high story windows of highly placed officials and reporters.
Should be an interesting autopsy report.
Well, it's a pretty common occurrence where The Yam is getting his orders from. I expect to see many more such incidents.
As do I.
Trump has been following the "Putin Playbook" from the beginning. The set up chapter is just about in place…enforcement is at hand. Anyone who believes they will be treated differently should remember the people we are seeing on nightly TV news are suspects. They have not been afforded hearings.
This is the way Duterte did it…our current leadership is in the same category.
There is no evidence that connects Peter Thiel to the suicide of his ex boyfriend Jeff Thomas by jumping off of a Miami highrise after he showed up uninvited to Thiel's husband Matt Danzeisam's New Year's Eve party
My immediate thought, based on a prior situation that COULD be analogous, is a high-achieving wunderkind gets pushed out of a job that is seen as a "peak" career position, doesn't get offers for an equivalent new position, and spirals down into the low of their emotional style and takes the only path seen — suicide.
Or, as today's news has it:
The Independent: Person who called 911 for deceased former US attorney Jessica Aber ‘refused’ to perform CPR
It's not unusual for people to refuse to provide CPR to females. Because women, you know, have breasts, and people are worried about possibly being charged with sexual fondling or whatever.
Therefore, women having heart attacks, strokes, etc, die more frequently , and preventably. 14% fewer women receive CPR from bystanders for this reason.
In Jessica Aber's case, the whole thing looks suspicious. And yes, it does follow the Putin playbook.