“Wait ’till those ‘Little Eichmanns’ get a taste of this crunchy groove.”
–Unnamed hippies at a concert, from South Park
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
BY: davebarnes
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
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There’s unflappable and then there’s Ken. Oy.
. . . was read Dana Milbank’s column in the Washington Post about Gonzales’s bizarre news conference — four contradictions in nine minutes. Perhaps not a record for a high-level official but illustrates a very large problem.
WHy do I have the bad feeling that Salazar will always support a fellow latino regardless of what is going on…
done all our citizens a favor by not promoting the guy who wrote one-page execution memos for the dumbest Governor in the Union.
As a former state AG he ought to know better than to have voted for the unPATRIOT Act, suspending habeas, granting all sorts of new powers to the Executive (like the ability for Alberto to sneak political hacks (and Rove-Buddy) into a USA job (in AK no less…)… Shameful. Shameful. Shameful.
I will be reconsidering my vote in 2010.
I bet he was one of the many who didn’t even bother to read the whole bill before he voted to gut our basic liberties. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful.
I am nearly certain Sen. Dullard didn’t read it, but that’s to be expected. Ironic, though, Dullard sounds better than Salazar on this. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful.
Perhaps the shame is on those who spread false rumors willy-nilly.
Brand new Dem Senator Salazar introduced Repub Torquemada Gonzales to the senate for confirmation, almost one of his first acts.
You could just hear Rove laughing his ass off as he watched this on C-Span. Another Rove-job!
As to your “bad feeling,” I can speculate as to why you have it, but only you know for sure.
The opponents to the surge are lucky if they can get 56 votes right now WITH SALAZAR. We’d be at 55 if we had to count on the Beer Baron as Colorado’s junior senator.
I too am disappointed with some of Salazar’s positions (the Bankruptcy Reform Act, gutting habeas corpus, and now standing by Torquemada Gonzales) but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Allard definitely does not look good compared to Salazar under any circumstances!
Clinton Seesaws on Question of Gay Morality
WASHINGTON, March 14 – Asked if she believed homosexuality was immoral, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, initially said Wednesday that it was for “others to conclude,” but later issued a statement saying she did not think being gay was immoral.
Her remarks came a day after Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he should not have publicly expressed his personal view that homosexual acts were immoral and akin to adultery, a position that he said was a factor in his opposition to gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military. His views had appeared in The Chicago Tribune on Monday.
A rival of Mrs. Clinton for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois was asked the same question three times on Wednesday and sidestepped the issue, according to an article in Newsday.
But a spokesman for Mr. Obama said last night that the senator disagreed with General Pace’s remarks and believed that homosexuality was not immoral.
Edwards didn’t have any troubles, and he arguably comes from a more conservative upbringing than either of those two.
If they wanted to leave themselves an ‘out’, they could have said (long version) “What I’m concerned about is how we can best serve our troops, and denying homosexuals a place in our Armed Forces is denying ourselves of capable individuals like Sgt. Eric Alva – the first Marine injured in Iraq – and tranlators like Sgt. Bleu Copas, one of a number of Arabic speakers dismissed under the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Thousands of homosexuals have served in our military with honor and distinction, with no more disruption than any other soldier. General Pace is wrong in his judgement.”
From Hillary’s website.
but at least it took only a day… just a few years ago it would have taken weeks…
It does smack of damage control. Her first response was hard to believe (“that’s for others to decide”??), especially given how careful she is, typically, with her words. Maybe she thought her initial statement would fly. She was mistaken.
Good question. Let me do a poll on it and I’ll let you know what I feel about it tomorrow.
but Obama seesawed just as much as Clinton. I think both of them are too close to their campaigns and are going to be playing it to safe to make any kind of difference. I don’t mind you taking shots at Clinton, but Obama is just as bad here.
to get their quotes straight but here they are.
Obama Echoes Clinton on Morality and Gays
By The New York Times
The campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are in sync not only on the geopolitical importance of Selma, Ala., but also on the issue of whether homosexuality is moral or not. This afternoon, the Obama campaign released the following statement:
“As the New York Times reported today, I do not agree with General Pace that homosexuality is immoral. Attempts to divide people like this have consumed too much of our politics over the past six years.”
Should they be far away from their campaigns? I don’t get it.
They’re too willing to let their campaign managers do their thinking.
This is the “manage me like you managed Al Gore” syndrome – a candidate so willing to listen to his/her handlers that they come out looking like waffling weenies.
I know some repubs have similar problems with saying something forcefully (particularly when it comes to reconciling old-school fiscal conservatism with W’s spend and spend policies) but they’re much better about deciding what their values are and staying on message. Waffling like this is going to be how the GOP wins the White House in 2008 (and yes, I mean that the GOP will not win the White House by advocating Republican policies – the nation is fed up with that).
(And Davidthi808, this is a prime reason why I don’t just up and join the Democratic Party.)