We’ve been tracking your opinions on which Presidential candidate is likely to win each Party’s respective nomination, but we’re also taking a poll each month to see how your support for each candidate is changing.
Last month Barack Obama and Al Gore led the field in terms of support.
But you think that Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton will win their respective nominations.
Click below to get your vote on.
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…because for sure he’ll restore America’s proud imagine around the world.
Get that John Lennon song out of your head, you fucking hippy.
The last candidate with Dumbo ears got his ass kicked.
This queer dude with center-left political tendencies casts his vote for that brash, in-your-face, philandering Repub from New York City!
as GOP so you can support him in the primary. (Or is Colorado a caucus state again? I moved away in 1997 and came back in 2005.)
But I’m probably going to take the plunge and register as an “R” come next winter so I can vote in the caucuses.
I don’t know how long I’ll stay an “R,” it may just be til the day after the caucuses. Just have to see if there’s a competitive GOP Senate primary in which I might want to vote (i.e., Scooter McInnis vs. a Wing Nut).
She looks gorgeous in a dress on the video on youtube.com!
Welcome back!
Right now I think he’s the democrats best shot. He can turn out the hispanic vote which will be key in a number of swing states (FL, NM, CO, NV, OH). Richardson is also by far the most qualifed candidate. He is the only democratic gov. running, he’s also got a strong forgien policy background. I like some of the others and they may have a shot too, but he’s the strongest candidate.
No one represents the new Dem image/strategy more than a moderate Hispanic govonor from a western state. However, I think Richadson will get outshined by Obama and Clinton. The bottom line is Richardson won’t even come close to surviving the primaries.
Obama and Hillary claw each other to death, much like Dean & Gephardt did in 04.
And I’m also not sure that Hispanics in New Mexico share the same issues with hispanics in, say, Florida.
I don’t think Richardson or anyone else can take them for granted.
I kind of like Richardson, although there seem to be some stories about smarmy behavior circulating already.
I don’t think Richardson is running for President anyway. He’s clearly running for Vice President.
Agree. There’s no way Richardson can pull ahead, unless Barack & Hillary really screw up. Hillary should NOT choose Edwards for VP, although Barack wouldn’t be a bad choice either.
for a long time. No one attacked Kerry because he wasn’t seen as a threat much like Richardson. Kerry only surged at the very end when voters were so sick of all the negative attacks from everyone else. We’ve already seen the Hillary-Obama attacks fly and this is just the start. I don’t think Hillary and Obama will be able to help themselves they will just kill each other with attacks. When they do Richardson will step up. Edwards could as well but I think most people will think he had his chance lets try some one new.
lurking around in the shadows a while may work well.
exit polls from pew and other groups show that hispanics do block vote when the election deals with an issue the care about like immigration. That is not the point though. Because Richardson is the first hispanic candidate he will bring them together. Sure his back ground is different from those in FL, but he’s got a lot more in common with them then does another white guy, or any ivy leaguer.
….taken 3/9 through 3/12.
On the Dem side, it has the following:
HRC: 34%
Obama: 26%
Gore: 13%
Edwards: 10%
On the Repub side, it’s got:
Giuliani: 40%
McLame: 20%
Gingrich: 10%
Romney: 7%
I don’t much trust the national polls this far in advance of primaries. Primaries and caucuses, as most here know, is about the grassroots and the candidates’ ground games. These polls are of your average work-a-day Republicans and Democrats who haven’t yet started paying a whole lot of attention to things and who more often than not lean to the center. In the all I think you’ll see more true national polls. For now, I’m going with the statewide polls and those of party insides and activists. Those polls show the race between Hillary and Obama and Rudy and Romney. Here’s a good poll out of New Hampshire…
John McCain 29 percent
Rudy Giuliani 28 percent
Mitt Romney 22 percent
Newt Gingrich 5 percent
Mike Huckabee 2 percent
Sam Brownback 1 percent
Chuck Hagel 1 percent
Duncan Hunter 1 percent
Ron Paul 1 percent
Tom Tancredo percent
Jim Gilmore X percent
George Pataki X percent
Tommy Thompson X percent
Undecided 9 percent
(X percent is less than .5 percent)
OF INTEREST: While almost all of Giuliani’s support is based on his perceived leadership qualities, McCain and Romney both derive support based on a broader set of characteristics. Nearly 60 percent of Giuliani’s supporters cited his leadership qualities as the main reason they would vote for him. Twenty-nine percent of McCain’s supporters cited his position on the issues, 25 percent cited his experience and 20 percent cited his leadership qualities. About 40 percent of Romney’s supporters cited his position on the issues, while 26 percent cited his leadership qualities and 24 percent cited his character.
Nobody should be surprised to see Romney rising so quickly. He has built a very solid ground game, he’s doing very well in fundraising, and the more people get to know him, the more they like him. He’s gunning for Iowa and New Hampshire, positioning himself well in California, and needs decent showing in South Carolina. The race is between Rudy and Romney and that should leave every Republican very pleased. They are two men of leadership and big ideas and I think either one will win the general election. By the way, I don’t think McCain makes it to Iowa. The straight talk express is out of gas.
I feel sorry for Ron Paul. In the time polls, he at least gets 1%, but He can not even get on this site. Yet, our poll has loads of folks who will not even get 1% of 1% such as thompson or even tancredo. Well, with that that said, richardson is my choice.
yeah, ok. that was funny.
According to a New York Times poll, 40% of Republican primary voters think a Democrat is going to win no matter who their candidate is.
This indicates to me that the Republicans are experiencing a confidence crisis, which may lead to this becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
as they have seen how bad the republicans have fucked everything up…
That was my vote for Hillary–she rocks!
Also, all of you, please, let’s be realistic–it is still very early. There have been NO debates yet so we haven’t seen the candidates under fire on live TV.
so there must be at least two votes for the next president. I agree with MRD that the debates will be a telling time. That said, each party has a good field to choose from. But, Hillary is the class of the group on the D side.
We’re the brightest of the bunch. Go Hillary!
They are going to be fascinating and very telling as to how each will do in the general.
It’s rockem’ sockem’ time!
we all know it was you !
Is it over and so is his chance to get in, or might he be waiting for another ceremony in Sweden (early December) to make an announcement?
and he’s not even officially running……
Just wait until he is.
He is way too liberal and way too radical.
His fantasy film will not help him at all, in my humble opinion it will divide his prospective voters.
If he could get off the soapbox he might have a chance. But until then, no way.
Besides, he is hypocritical in his ‘global warming” views. His philosophy is “do as I say, not as I do”.
The day he sells several of his energy wasting mansions, cars, boats, etc and joins the real world by actually personally following his own advice, he might stand a chance.
Now get out and ride ’em if you got ’em. Way too nice to be on a stupid ‘puter.
(1) He can make one of the largest grossing documentary films ever, change public opinion throughout the world, educate millions of people (except you), and use up more than his share of non-renewable resources by travelling throughout the world.
(2) Never get on a plane, influence only his small circle of friends, and as you say “join the real world”.
I’ll take option #1 everytime. By making Inconvenient Truth, he has single-handedly moved the Global Warming debate to the forefront. With his influence, in a couple of years, we should see dramatic changes in the car industry, coal industry, solar, biofuel, geothermal, fuel cell, and wind industry. In my opinion, it can’t happen too soon.
“Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substabces near his farm……..”
“White mountains of leftover rock waste are evidence of three decades of mining that earned Gore $570,000.00 in royalty payments……”
But now that it has been brought to light, this hypocrite has asked the company doing the mining to “make sure the operation doesn’t damage the environment.”
Scare tactic films almost always make money. and that is what the Gore is in it for.
You can off set your emissions by buying credits, I’m pretty sure that is what Al does. Off set yours too: http://www.terrapass…
So why don’t you really figure out what he does before calling him hypocritical.
You right wingers need to read your bibles again and realize the story of Noah’s arch was actually suppose to inspire people to be good stewards of the earth and respect all of god’s creatures. God flooded the world much like he will in a few years when those ice caps melt, but I guess you don’t care it will just be your children and grand children begging Noah for a ride.
They’ll buy their own American made boat and ride out on their own!
The economics of carbon credits/indulgences is awful. It incentivizes not stewardship, but consumption and poverty. It creates a permanent environmental underclass, particularly when arbitrary limits that only the very rich and very poor can afford to live within.
Also, I highly doubt that the story of God’s wrath over a sinful world had anything to do with the peoples not inventing the carbon economy. It’s a story about sin and faith, destruction and redemption – not about post-industrial self-flagellation.
Give me a break. So it is OK to waste more energy in a year than most people do in a lifetime if you can pay for it?
That is what that HYPOCRITE (Gore) does. Simple. He has enough money to buy some energy credits. Big fucking deal.
If that loser actually wanted to do something about saving the world, he would sell some of his mansions and maybe SAVE SOME ENERGY.
Instead he makes some fictional movie about how the world is going to end because we are driving Chevys.
The day he does as he says is the day actual thinking people will listen to his dumb ass.