Yeah, but you started it.
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shows Hillary mopping the floor with Giuliani.
Clinton 53% 70%
Giuliani 39% 24%
Obama beats him too…
Obama 48% 59%
Giuliani 42% 33%…
Thanks for the poll link. Seeing as Kerry won NY 58%-40%, these results seem pretty reasonable. Giuliani, being a “native son” and all, should do better than “W” but not so much better as to beat a Dem, Clinton or otherwise. It seems to me pretty safe to say that barring something crazy happening, Giuliani would lose NY regardless of who the D’s nominate.
there have been others who post here who have been under the (mistaken, in my opinion) impression that Giuliani would be able to make New York competitive against Hillary or any other Democrat.
Any idea on what the primary poll numbers look like?
shows both Hillary and Rudy well ahead in their primary battles.
Took them long enough:…
NBC nightly news portrayed him in very good light for negotiating a settlement with North Korea regarding their nuclear reactor. Any chance of a bump in the polls?
4/2-5/07 3
Hillary Rodham Clinton 38
Barack Obama 19
John Edwards 15
Al Gore 14
Wesley Clark 3
Bill Richardson 2
I like Richardson a lot, but so far he aint catching on. This is the latest from gallup.
I’m a carnivore, and facts are my meat!!:-)
But he doesn’t seem to light a fire under people. My guess is he will be VP unless Edwards flames out, Gore decides not to run, and Hillary & Obama take each other out.
Richardson also did great at the MoveOn sponsored Virtual Town Meeting on the Iraq War. He really is the best qualified candidate in terms of resume and heft as an international player. He may not have the glamour/buzz factor to get the numbers and funding to make it to the top of the ticket, where he belongs, but he’d be a great VP for Edwards or Obama. Hear what all the Dem candidates had to say about the war at MoveOn, lildem:
stood by the side of the road in Baghdad yesterday and counted the number of anti-Anerican protesters. By her count it was 3,569,231. The majority of Iraqians and Americans want us out of Iraq! Why isn’t Democracy, i.e., majority rules, working?
We have to start understanding the unspoken motivation behind the neocons (of whom Bush is a puppet) actions. I have a theory….what’s yours?
is that it would take a really really long time to count three and a half million people.
Presuming that number wasn’t just pulled out of the posterior orifice, crowd estimates are done by counting people in an imaginery block of a given size and then calculating how many blocks the crowd makes up.
It’s all pretty rough, even the Park Service has stopped counting people demonstrating in the mall. For this individual to state to the single place is absurd.
I “love” these reporters and alleged journalists that say things like, “Approximately 49.8 percent of…..” I guess “approximately” has too many syllable to look up.
if standing by the side of the road, no offense to SR’s friend.
to say “A Hell of a lot of Iraqis!”
John Edwards tonight at the Move On event:
regarding the supplemental:
. . . President Bush has promised to veto that funding, calculating that he can use the bully pulpit to intimidate Congress and get them to back down.
But this is not the time for political calculation, this is the time for political courage. This is not a game of chicken. This is not about making friends or keeping Joe Lieberman happy. This is about life and death-this about war. We are done letting George Bush manipulate the rhetoric of patriotism, only to use our troops as political pawns. If Bush vetoes funding for the troops, he’s the only one standing in the way of the resources they need. Nobody else.
Congress must stand firm. They must not write George Bush another blank check without a timeline for withdrawal-period. If Bush vetoes the funding bill, Congress should send another funding bill to him with a binding plan to bring the troops home. And if he vetoes it again, they should do it again.
The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of ending this war. If our side stands firm, if we show courage now, we can finally bring our troops back home and bring this war to an end.