Not that Rudy has a chance at the Republican nomination anyway, but no one is going to forget his true failures prior to 9/11. Gary Hart, my favorite retired politician from CO, gives Rudy what for:
Dear Mayor Giuliani:
Since you have based your presidential campaign almost exclusively on your reaction to terrorist attacks on New York City, and since you have recently accused Democrats of being on the defense against terrorism and therefore guilty of inviting more casualties, I have one question for you: Where were you on terrorism between January 31, 2001, and September 11th?
The first date was when the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century issued its final report warning, as did its previous reports, of the danger of terrorist attacks on America. The George W. Bush administration did nothing about these warnings and we lost 3,000 American lives. What did you do during those critical eight months? Where were you? Were you on the defensive, or were you even paying attention?
Before you qualify to criticize Democrats, Mr. Giuliani, you must account for your preparation of your city for these clearly predicted attacks. Tell us, please, what steps you took to make your city safer.
Won’t hold my breath for any answers from Rudy.
Until you do, then I strongly suggest you should keep your mouth shut about Democrats and terrorism.
You have not qualified to criticize others, let alone be president of the United States.
Gary Hart
(co-chair, U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century)P.S. You might ask these same questions of George W. Bush while you are trying to find a better reason to run for president.
Republicans were in charge in New York on 9/11. They were in charge nationally. John Ashcroft’s justice department was executing a prostitution sting in New Orleans prior to 9/11. Dick Cheney’s terror task force had yet to meet, though his energy task force surely did meet.
Gary Hart isn’t afraid to speak out on the true issues surrounding our nation’s security. How many still care he had an affair with an inconsequential blond? How many will excuse every failure of the current administration to protect us from an eminently preventable attack?
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was daring journalists to dig up dirt on him.
He would have been a superb President and would have led this country with dignity and honour. Unfortunately, our prurient yet prudish culture will not forgive him.
If only Hart was in office when Al Queda started lifting its ugly head.
and when I think about that I wonder whether he would have been a good president or not. I like his pugnacious attitude – you can bet that Atwater, Ailes and company would not have been able to kick him around like they did with Dukakis – but the whole “monkey business” affair showed that his instincts weren’t the best.
Nonetheless, he’s a great spokesman and thinker. Too bad this probably won’t get much attention.
as long as the intellect is there for balance.
He makes the fatal error of thinking he knows more than he does, much more.
Of all the politicians who’ve run for president during the last 50 years, I’d say Hart was the least qualified and did more to prove it in his retirement than any of the presidential wannabees.
I’ve never read anything he’s written or listened to anything he’s said and felt that he made any sense.
The guy has been a laughingstock for so long.
He belongs on a lefty blog, that’s for sure. He’ll feel right at home.
Hart’s analysis of where the US is now and what the road ahead could hold is well done. Stronger than most others, D’s and R’s.
Just for fun, you think Hart was less qualified than Kucinich or Nader? What about
You should read his 2001 report from the Hart-Rudman commission. It’s the definitive treatise on how to deal with terrorism in the 21st Century, and it’s much more than tragic that President Bush dismissed it without reading it.
In addition, Gary Hart has also written several political thrillers under the psuedonym John Blackthorn that have been successful.
I’ve seen him interviewed several times in the last year, and former Senator Hart is humble but frustrated, and always intelligent and articulate.
This letter strikes me as left talking points in slightly nicer wording. Kind of like Lamborn’s attempt at a letter, but without the nicer wording.
I haven’t followed Hart a lot, but this letter seems pretty underwhelming considering how close he supposedly came to being president.
Also, I take issue with the assertion earlier that Hart’s only mistake was daring the media to keep tabs on him. Should we have pretended that he wasn’t engaging in “monkey business”? Why should character flaws be overlooked?