Colorado’s 2008 Senate race remains the top pickup opportunity in the country, according to The Washington Post blog “The Fix”:
1. Colorado: Republicans (finally) have their man. Former Rep. Bob Schaffer quietly announced his candidacy last week and all indications are that he will have the Republican primary field to himself. Democrats quickly sought to portray Schaffer as a conservative extremist, citing as evidence some of the positions he advocated during his three terms in Congress in the late 1990s. There’s no question that Schaffer is more conservative than the average Colorado voter, but he also built up a grassroots following based on the “straight-shooter” reputation he maintained during his tenure in the House and before that in the state legislature. In our mind, Schaffer’s biggest problem is fundraising. When he ran in the GOP Senate primary in 2006, he was never able to compete financially with beer magnate Pete Coors in the primary and wound up losing badly. Assuming the party is lined up behind him this time, Schaffer may benefit from a slew of national GOP money. Rep. Mark Udall will be the Democratic nominee. Expect Republicans — Dick Wadhams we are looking at you — to try and paint him as a “Boulder liberal” in the months to come. (Previous ranking: 1)
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Udall has the younger fresher look to him, but he certainly has given tricky dick a lot of matrial to work with, and after getting spanked in VA I’m sure Dick is out to prove something. This is going to be a long nasty campaign.
“There’s no question Schaffer is more conservative than the average Colorado voter.”
But Udall is a mainstream machine, right?
Schaffer is much, much closer to the Colorado mainstream than Udall on issues like marriage, abortion, and taxes and that’s going to give him the edge in ’08.
Dobson-phile: “Schaffer is much, much closer to the Colorado mainstream than Udall on issues like marriage, abortion, and taxes and that’s going to give him the edge in ’08.”
Does that really matter to the average Coloradan?
While I’ll grant you that Schaffer is loved inside the Party, and he displayed the kind of character you just can’t buy in a politician (you can buy just about any part of the average pol in this state, if you have the currency), most people’s lives aren’t rocked because Ted is in bed with Fred.
I will grant you that Dobson has god-like qualities, including a horrible comb-over and a healthy helping of hypocrisy (http://home.earthlin…).
The last things Coloradans will care about in 2008 are marriage and abortion.
And as far as taxes go… the Republicans have squandered any claim to good fiscal stewardship with their antics over the last several years.
Udall will win, like Tim Wirth did, even though both were more liberal than the average Coloradan.
Now I know you and Dobson are drinking the kool-aid. The reality is that it is Schaeffer who is far from the mainstream with regard to abortion in Colorado. Every, every poll shows that Colorad is one of the 2 or 3 most pro-choice states in the country. Remember when Republicans controlled the legislature and the so-called “partial-birth” abortion bill came up. Remember, the one that is supposedly so popular throughout the country? Defeated, by a Republican controlled house 40-25. Remember when you pukes then put it on the ballot??? Remember??? Defeated, 51%-49%. Frankly, abortion is the whole reason the Republican party in this state is in the crapper and will be for a long time. It’s all about abortion for Dobson and his minions. Everything else is just window dressing. Just a means to an end. Republicans can’t win in this state on a consistent basis anymore because of abortion. They drove all us reality based Republicans from the party and now they are sitting around congratulating themselves on their “pure party” and wondering what happened. Welcome to California folks. We are only about ten years behind it politically. Happy??? Schaefer is going to win because he’s more in touch on abortion?? I just can’t stop laughing.
They think the anti-abortion platform is a strength and will stress it. Schaeffer will be helping destroy his on candidacy when he campaigns.
It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
…if they think they can beat Udall. The Republican machine is continuing to fall apart and ’08 looks to be worse than ’06 for them.
Will the Bush administration have anyone still working for it as the election comes close?