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June 08, 2007 03:27 PM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“There comes a time when deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are.”

–Dick Cheney


58 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. I actually think you’re pretty close although MM’s game is improving and strangly how the Pinon Canyon matter is resolved could have an impact on the CD4. Very important issue for the rural folks and failure to deliver would be a bigger deal than the failure in Iraq.

  1. Talk Radio triumphs this week – trashes denver city government, takes credit for influencing Allard’s vote against shutting down debate on the Immigration bill…and thus contributing to the virtual defeat of the matter…

    Talk radio…boyles in particular, is brilliant…it can mobilize, direct pressure on legislators, rally the troops and keep them engaged….do I want to shut down boyles  or anyone else? Absolutely not.  I just want the other side to have equal time and access on the public airwaves on matters of pending legislation.  Could they do as well?  I don’t think so, but they should have the opportunity.

    Dems or so-called “progressives” are contempteous of talk radio…dismiss its influence, dismiss its audience….act as if they are “above the masses”….the masses vote, they listen to talk radio and they do what it says  ….pathetic little articles in the RMNS denouncing “right wing radio hosts” for killing 1313….is not even in the game…

    Back in the day…in South America, the first thing a coup did was to grab control of the radio…Control of the airwaves  today is essential to control of the country….

    Listen to talk radio and you will begin to hear the Republican strategy for capturing the White House and Congress in 08……divorce Bush from the party…link him to immigration and the dems…then blame the dems for immigration… Right wingers are the champions.

    1. Joe Sixpack understands that if this immigration amnesty bill is passed, he will be the loser.  He already understands that the hordes of illegals means downward pressure on wages, and that his ability to live a decent life is under an immediate threat.  That is a message resonating across party lines.

      The Dems opened themselves up to this broadside by pandering to the Hispanic bloc.  They can’t whine about ‘law and order’ when it pertains to the Republican crime syndicate when they themselves are actively rewarding mass lawlessness. 

      Ann Coulter put it in her inimitable way: America is a roach motel — anyone can come in, but you can never leave.  That is the Democrats’ legacy, and they deserve to get skewered for it in November of 2008.

    2. People forget that a hundred years ago political factions often owned specific newspapers and spewed whatever they wanted…..just like modern talk radio.  (One difference would be that radio uses the public airwaves, newsprint does not.  Oh, another: limited coverage vs. national.)

      The dislike of talk radio by Dems like me is simple:  sour grapes.  The conservatives came up with it first and has done incredible amounts of – to us – damage of the commons.  Think Radio Moscow in the sixties, as I used to listen to on short wave. 

      Your last paragraph is 100% correct. 

    3. . . . but I think Boyles is a bit of a “whore” when it comes to subject matter.  Prime example: remember when he went on for weeks and months about the Jon Bonet Ramsey issue when everyone else had moved on to current events? I don’t mean to minimize the tragic death of a child but, Boyles seems to be the talk radio equivalent of a Shameless National Enquirer magazine, hardly worth a glance at the check-out line.

    4. I would disagree with your point that Dems dismiss the inluence of talk radio. I think we’re all very aware of the influence. If not for that awareness why Air America?

      You’re right on GOP ’08 strategy – they need to rebrand Bush as some anti-conservative and show some daylight. However on the single bigest issue, Iraq, GOPers have no choice but to cudle up to Bush – the base is still with him on the war. It will interesting watching them walk that tightrope. I think the war will ultimately drag the GOP down in ’08. Too many independents have abandonded the republican position.

      1. calling him the “liberals best friend”.  Saying he is giving liberals everything they want on immigration and starting to be a global warming advocate. 

  2. because I have been trying out a Sprint mobile broadband card and the service really sucks.

    Steve Harvey-you will be missed on my part-but life goes on.  I have enjoyed your use of the English language-but not all of your arguments.

    Many have ridiculed the court folks here-I wish most would just look into the matter instead of just labeling us as kooks.  There is basis to our concerns and I think that if reform is not accomplished it will be the downfall of our country.  I know that the courts have altered my perception of this country and my life needlessly and with total disrespect to my rights and citizenship.

    On a bright note The immigration bill is dead for now and I think that no matter what side you were on be should all breath a sigh of relief.  The bill was too ambiscious and had to many holes that would have created nightmares for the country, and there was no money for the provissions to enable the Government to follow thru on its promisses.

    I hate to mention the Hilton incident-But, for the fact that it again brings to light that there are two areas of law-one for the rich and one for those that are not.  That really sickens me.

    1. But, the problem does not go away. It just gets bigger.  We have no way to shut down the border.  The only borders which  are secured are  either borders between hostile countries when the tension between the two makes it worthwhile for each to protect their side.  The real secure borders are fortified and people trying to cross, illegally, get shot or blown up….OR borders between countries of equal economic status…so there is no advantage to leave one country to illegally enter the other.  Border control is a overwhelming problem..which is not being addressed.

      The second problem is that we have virtually a fifth column in the United States…illegals which are not identified, not known, can not be protected by law, are vulnerable to economic and criminal exploitation…OR are themselves, criminals…. We can not survive as a nation unless we deal with the problem…

      I think the bill was wrong because it was written in secret and there was not adequate discussion.  I think we should be talking about the illegals in our midst…all day, every day….I think that Reid was stupid to shut down the discussion…the dems in Congress keep setting themselves up for failure….I don’t understand that at all..

      But it pisses me off, big time….that the debate is now left to the jocks on the radio who stir up rage for ratings…..we have to do better, now…

      god knows I don’t have answers….but slogans and hate are not going to keep us safe…and part of the history of this land mass called the United States was written in Spanish…

      I think I would like to see a wall, a real wall…..and then something approaching ammesty…

      1. The wall must come first-I really think that if the govt goes back to the 1986 immigration bill and follows thru with it-that many concerns would be met.  I understand that not one business was ever fined for hiring illegal workers-that was one provission of the 86 bill. One reason I was hesitant on this current bill was that the only provission of the 86 bill that the government ever came thru on was amnesty-so my trust level was very low on whether they would ever follow thru on any provission other than amnesty.

      2. I could shut down the border in 30 days.  Tony Snow said in the aftermath of the tornado disaster in Kansas that there were 135,000 Natl Guard troops available if Gov Sebelius needed.
        Well, simple math (even simple enough for the socialists on this site) gives us about 14 NG troops per mile if placed exclusively on the 1,951 mile border with Mexico.  We could halve that number of TPM and still shut that muther down.  We could probably even quarter the number and protect a significant portion of the Canadian border as well.
        In fact, I’ll bet I could get volunteers to do it, maybe even PAY for the privledge.

        Here’s a possible solution that may not hurt the precious feelings of whiny leftists:  After the border is secured, offer each illegal $10K and a one-way ticket to the international destination of their choice, no questions asked.  Hell, we could offer them $20K and still be in the black long-term.

        So long as we keep electing limp-wristed woosies instead of real American’s, the hand-wringing will continue to stifle actual progress.

        1. me 20 grand and a one way ticket to any international destination-I would be gone in a flash-This country is not what it used to be or what it should be.  Maybe thats the answer-send all the real citizens of this country to anywhere they would like to go-no more opposition to immigration reform. LOL

        2. There was a movie a few years ago, “The Three Burials of XXXXX”, Sorry, it was an unusual Mexican name.

          In it, there is an overzealous INS agent. He rounds up a bunch of illegals one day.  His supervisor draws him aside and says, “I’m getting heat from Washington.  Someone has to pick the strawberries.” 

          I heard an American author of Mexican descent give a talk about his book.  He spent months at the border on both sides.  He said essentially the same thing as the movie!

          BTW, using phrases like “woosies” and “real Americans” cheapens your arguement.  Nothing to do with the problem.

          Oh yeah, France is buying one way tickets for illegal immigrants, about a $4000 buy out for a family.

          1. there should be no need for humans to touch produce in the fields.  The slave trade has stifled the development of new agricultural implements.

            And I will continue to make fun of wimps who cry about the plight of illegals.  Illegal aliens are criminals.  They SHOULD live their lives in fear.  They SHOULD live their lives looking over their shoulders.  They SHOULD live their lives in the shadows.  EVERY day should be hell for them; always wondering when INS will deport them.  As long as we elect pussies like the Salazar boys, Ritter, and DeGette, this situation never gets solved.

            They, like the vast majority of Democrats, are all cowards. 

            1. I, as a democrat, accept your challlenge.  By impugning my honor, only a contest of man skills can assuage the slap you have dealt me.  I prefer wrestling, Freestyle or even Greco Roman.  Boxing is not my best, but freeform martial arts would be ok. Tossing the caber would be nice too.

              I am not a pussy: Most democrats are not cowards.  Many democrats reject violence as a tool to solve problems because they have compassion and believe in reason.  While I share those values, I despise bullies and believe only a dose of their own medicine will contain them.

              Immigration is a problem.  Rational people don’t even define the problem the same way.  Leave the name calling out of it–or meet me behind the school.

            2. I would probably be counted amongst the “anti-immigrant” crowd.  Legal or illegal, we cannot assimilate the flood of immigrants into this country at this rate.

              BUT I think your pure hatred does nothing, solves nothing, and in moral terms, is nothing. Ultimately these are human beings who are doing just what you or I would do.  No need to hate them, or wish the worst upon them.

            1. Instead, since we already have the highest percentage of our population imprisoned than any other civilization in history (e.g., like some guy doing a life sentence for threatening and lunging at a judge during a hearing over auto theft charges), let’s just imprison more people for life and then use them for labor. According to a recent story in the Gazette, Sgt. Jennifer Gilmore, who supervises JeffCo’s work-release program, explained, “It’s definitely a money- maker for us . . . It’s made so much money, and it’s so popular with the judges, we’re trying to get the county commissioners to fund a stand-alone building dedicated to work-release.” Last year, Jefferson County earned $1.9 million from its user-funded work-release program, according to Gilmore.

              1. Prison skill acquisition programs have become major competitors to ordinary businesses.  Jeans, call centers, etc.  I don’t think that this is good.

                Whacking weeds on the side of the road isn’t very efficient when you factor in transportation, guards, etc.  One man and a tractor mower can do a lot more for a lot less.

            2. Right after I moved to CA in 1981-ish there was a strike by the pickers.  The growers tried to hire locals.  They all gave up after a few hours.

              Even though native born Americans used to pick the harvests, I’m willing to concede that ag work is a lost cause.  So, the Mexicans and others here doing work so that we may eat need to be paid a fair wage – low skill, hard work – and be treated with dignity.  Give them S/S numbers, pay into the system, medical care as part of the job, etc.

              1. BINGO……That’s the solution.  Put them “on the books” for tax and law enforcement purposes, we keep our supply of cheap food and drink, labor costs remain low, and these immigrant workers still have a little money to wire back home.

                1. that the obvious, correct, humane, functional, win-win solution runs up against the ever-present political obstacle to such solutions: The Yahoos!. (it’s a shame that the word “yahoo” has been forever coopted by the internet provider by that name: It was a great word, coined by Jonathan Swift in the 18th century in “Gulliver’s Travels.”)

                    1. etymological, though the yahoos certainly are an entomological study as well (insects that they are)!

                    2. I knew I was spelling up the wrong tree, but my CQ (Coffee Quotient) was still low and I had no ambition to research it.


                2. is that I’m all for importing the ag workers; in this case alone, “no one else will do it.”

                  But how do you keep them down on the farm once they’ve seen gay Paree….or Denver?

                  And what about the kids born here?  It becomes the camel’s nose under the tent wall.

                  As to construction, janatorial, fast food, and all the other industries now permeated with illegals, I want those jobs given to Americans.  My black white and legal brown bretheren should have them.

                  I’ve mentioned my Chinese friend with whom I would entrust anything I own, or my life.  But I know that she gained residency via trickery.  Withing two years her brother did likewise (Day One, greet sister.  Day Two, visit INS office and ask for asylum.)  Now his wife and children are here. 

                  These are intelligent, hard working people that I embrace.  But it also shows how “the system” is worked over by people who want to move here.  They will do anything.

                  PS, my friend is now an American citizen.  I am so proud of her.

                  1. This problem calls for the best and the brightest among elected officials…unfortunately all we have are “drunk on the barroom floor”….

                    1. If the jobs dry up due to law enforcement – both on the slaughterhouse floor and the CEO penthouse – most will go back.

                      There is a lot of “damage” already done that is irreversible.  I speak of the citizens by birth of these illegals. They will be able to come back here as adults and then request residency for their parents.  Nothing we can do about that, what is, is. 

                      Here’s a good overview of attrition: http://vdare.com/eps

        3. 14 ng per mile on the mexican border….now will they work 8 or 12 hr shifts? weekends? time off?….let’s half that number working at any time…so we have 7 ngs per mile on the mexican border….how are they deployed?  Sentury duty…walk the mile and back?  or would you have them in watch towers..like the iron curtain borders…barbed wire and watch towers……what would be the rules of engagement?  Stop any one from crossing?  How?  Arrest them? Shoot them when they got on our side? a mile is eight city blocks…you got one ng patroling or monitoring a little more that one city block…his buddy is apprending an “intruder”…does he or she go to help?  ….leaving an unguarderd  space wide enough to drive a couple of pickups through….

          And those rules of engagement?  Shoot to kill? wound? deter? shots over the head?….if it is shoot to kill…it that is the determent, just mine the damm thing….why waste our manpower?

          If ngs are patroling on foot…they would be ducks in a shooting gallery….jeeps?  How do you spell IEDs?……

          So hot shot, how the hell are you going to “shut that muther down?” Bar talk. Kids are getting killed in Iraq…because gd mfs…thought gd bar talk could conquer a country.

  3. is that credibility, fact-checking and honesty are quaint ideas that have no place in their cash cow business.They’re here to rattle cages, make outlandish statements, collect a check and go home. If they lie to make their statements more outlandish – hell, who cares? Since they’re not journalists, they have no moral, ethical or professional responsibility to do anything other than sell their snake oil and sit back and watch their listeners react. And the same can apply to some left-wing shock jocks, too.

    1. ” I’m looking for a five-hundred dollar champion or a one thousand dollar hero to call in right now or this program will ceast to exist. I know that God will provide! If he takes care of lily in the field, he will not forsake thy humble servant.”

      Okay, Bob. Now, can I borrow your Ferrari for the weekend?

    2. Quote:  A little more to the left

      “…They have no moral, ethical or professional responsibility to do anything other than sell their snake oil and sit back and watch their listeners react…”

      Substitute the word ‘listeners’ with the word VOTERS, and didn’t you just discribe a contemporary politician???

  4. we need another installment of the “At Least He’s Not Your State Senator” series, featuring Alabama State Senator Charles Bishop who punched a fellow senator in the face yesterday.

    1. 1.  It’s that Southern Honor thing.  Just the other day I saw research that showed that Southern men were far more likely to become offensive when bumped by a stranger than northern men.  Wish I knew where I saw that.

      2.  It’s a Republican thing.  When all else fails, use violence.

  5. FreeMarketNews.com has taken the lead in crucial reporting on this heighten form of political manipulation: “During the recent presidential debates–certainly the Republican one–CNN executives gave ‘second tier’ candidates less time and exposure than ‘first tier’ candidates [Giuliani, McCain, and Romney]. They did so without informing the public and in fact seemingly misled the public during the debates and afterward about their actions and intentions. After the recent Republican presidential debate, CNN executives evidently manipulated internal political polls, made it difficult for the public to find information on the real ‘winner’–small-government conservative Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex), according to widespread Internet results.” Here’s the evidence:


    So here are some more ‘issues’ for some of you to ignore.

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