Why was Doug Lamborn not included as a signer on the letter requesting a review of the Army’s plans for Pinon Canyon? Three other members of the House Armed Services Committee signed the letter. Could it be that Doug Lamborn is not actually “on leave” from the Armed Services Committee and that he once again was overlooked along with the citizens of CD5?
Udall requests review of Piñon plans
Letter asks GAO to investigate Army’s land needs
June 12, 2007 – 8:31AM
DENVER – U.S. Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo., on Monday asked congressional investigators to review the Army’s plans to nearly triple the size of its Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site in southeastern Colorado, saying landowners in the area deserve a better explanation for the reasons for the expansion.
“Before the Army moves ahead much further, we need an objective review of the study the Army used to justify its proposal,” Udall, who is expected to be the party’s 2008 U.S. Senate nominee, said in a written release.
“Whether the Army needs to expand in this area is too important a question to leave to the Army alone,” said Udall, a member of the House Armed Services Committee.
The Army wants to nearly triple the size of the site, from 368 square miles to more than 1,000 square miles. Commanders have said the expansion is needed to accommodate planned growth at Fort Carson and new training needs.
Opponents, including some ranchers, worry the Army will use eminent domain to force l
landowners to sell, though the military has said it will try to buy the land it wants from willing sellers.
Opponents also say that removing that much land from agricultural use, even by voluntary sales, would hurt the region’s economy.
Udall wrote the Government Accountability Office, the nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress, requesting a review. The letter was also signed by Reps. Solomon Ortiz, D-Texas, and Jo Ann Davis, R-Va., also members the House Armed Services Committee.
The letter asks the GAO to study the amount of land the Army says it needs to determine whether it best addresses the training needs, and to review what alternatives have been or should be reviewed.
“We believe it is important to ensure that any expansion of the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site be in the public interest,” the letter said. “That means looking at our real national security and readiness needs, but also respecting and protecting the interests of Colorado’s citizens.”
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that Doug Lamborn is going to be an even worse congressman than I thought?
He’s just as awful as you predicted.
Plain and simple… the folks in CD-5 deserve better. I am inclined towards Crank and I think he clearly has a very decent shot… but honestly at this point a trained hippo would be a more vocal, open and aggressive advocate.
Why the hell is a Boulder liberal stealing the thunder from a once proud 5th Congressional District? For all his faults this never would have happened on Joel Hefley’s watch. And for that matter – I’m pretty damn sure that if we had elected Jeff Crank he would be making Udall look like the incredibly left-wing liberal he is while maintaining a strong representation of the district.
We need someone in Washington who can manage and coordinate a sound dialogue between the citizens in Pinon Canyon and the interests of our military.
You are all missing the point on this issues. The Colorado Springs Community WANTS Pinon Canyon expanded because it more military is good for the El Paso County/Colorado Springs economy. By not signing Udall’s letter Lamborn is supporting the interests of his constituents.
During the most recent legislative session, Ken Kester and Wes McKinley carried a bill to withdraw consent for the use of eminent domain on the Pinion Canyon area (HB07-1069). The entire El Paso county delegation, except Dave Schultheis and Kent Lambert, voted against the bill.
John Morse (D), Andy McElhany (R)and Ron May (R) were the only NO votes in the senate.
Larry Liston, Amy Stephens, Bob Gardner, and Stella Hicks voted AGAINST protecting the interest of South East Colorado and voted in favor of the interests of their constituents in El Paso County.
The point is that Lamborn should be the one leading the charge to represent the interests of his constituents instead of a friggin Boulder liberal. How do you know what Lamborn thinks about Pinon Canyon? I haven’t seen a press release, a letter, a public comment or a press conference, have you?
And the truth of the matter is that there are conflicting and competing interests. On the one hand the citizens deserve the full weight of property rights and only as a last resort should the government exercise eminent domain practices. On the other hand a significant portion of the El Paso County economic structure is reliant on the military presence. It’s imperative that a reasonable and fair compromise be reached so that the residents of Pinon Canyon and the military interests are equally satisfied. Where is our congressional representative? Why isn’t he brokering a deal? Why hasn’t he responded to Udall’s letter? Him not signing the letter is – I’m sorry to tell you – NOT “supporting the interests of his constituents.” Actions speak louder than words… This is yet another classic Lamborn duck.
Where have ya been, haven’t heard from you in a while….
Have you heard anything about Lamborn on the immigration debate, or is he sitting that one out too?
he’s just sitting out this whole session of the House. If he stands up and makes a statement on anything, then he’ll be on the record. Better to just hide and not give anyone anything to use against him come election time.
I am a staunch Republican but quite unhappy. And this is not about any other candidate. I was a VERY strong Lamborn supporter once the primary was over (even walked and talked and kissed babies)… my cautious optimism has unravelled into total dismay.
My support for Jeff Crank at this juncture is a reflection of several items including:
(a) he handily won the El Paso County Assembly in 2006
(b) he lost the Primary by less than a 1000 votes
(c) he never stooped to the horrible and divisive lies and smears like some who supported Lamborn did.
…he can win this time around sans multiple candidate spoilers.
all Colorado citizens to call both Lamborn and Tancredo on this issue.
Salazar states that the Musgrave-Salazar ammendment could go to the floor by this Friday. We all need to hold our Representatives accountable.
For Tancredo, this seems like a great chance to both distance himself from and unpopular issue and defend landowner’s rights.
If I were Tancredo I would be working the protest line on this issue.
There’s no reference to that on Salazar’s site… where did you see that news item?
it was taped wednesday for a saturday replay
1510 am saturday at 10am