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okay…. being totally objective here…. and even WITH Broerman’s help…. Mark Holtsman did very well in CoS. Out of my precinct, it was split 50/50.
If Beauprez gets less than 74% of the delegates headed to the assemblies tonight, does that mean his campaign has taken a serious nose-dive since January? Or does it just mean that his poll was a lie he pushed on the media?
“Beauprez’s ballot strength with Republican voters increases significantly among those voters who “know both” candidates-i.e., those voters who have a specific impression of both Beauprez and Holtzman. Among this group, Beauprez earns 74% of the vote.”
Do cacus-goers count as Republicans “who have a specific impression of both Beauprez and Holtzman”? Is Beauprez going to get 74% at state convention? Oh, the suspense.
Hey, Purple:
Good to hear we weren’t the only ones passing a resolution to encourage spine regrowth within the Dem party!
Other resolutions included saying “No!” to public land sales, protecting our local night sky, and supporting the Dem Education and Progressive initiative platforms/principles.
Turnout was good for a snowy evening with only one contested race, but off the “oust Bush” high of 2004. No, he hasn’t become more popular in the lsat two years…
Purple People
That is good to hear. I used to live in Rifle. It seems that the repubs have rubbed the concervative libertarian land owners the wrong way. I am now in junction where we had a great turnout for our caucus.
Pops must be on acid. MH got his folks into the caucus in Jeffco, no one can argue that.
BTW – Kiki seems to be doing very well with delegates. Do we still think she’ll get a competitive primary?
Censure was #1 issue. Voted to give Wash DC Dems a spine.
Held caucuses in local high school where passing students, seeing our signs from the past Democratic convention, blasted Bush. Must be hearing that at home.
No, we’re not in Boulder. This is Rifle!
Somebody told me a while back that only 13% of Republicans were backing Holtzman. Isn’t that right? I swear I remember being told that by someone.
The caucus results and state convention will reflect that, right?
Frankly, I’ll be shocked if Holtzman gets more than 20%. Time to start collecting signatures, Marc!
I saw a lot of new R’s turning out at my Jeffco caucus location. All Beauprez folks, by the way.
MH won the staw vote at my precinct in Colombine HS. 14-8 for Marc. Both Delegates to the State are MH supporters. Where the h*ll is BB?!?!? I got four – count ’em – four mailers from MH in the last week, but a glossy card from BB at my caucus. And I’m a friggin donor to the BB camapign!!! All I got was an auto-dial on Saturday.
No action but resolutions. Censure the President was among them.
In my caucus the straw vote favored Herb Rubenstein even though Ed Perlmutter’s father personally appealed for a vote for his son
It came down to this
Only one candidate has the guts to challenge Bush
Sounds like Holtzman is going to exceed %30.
I saw nothing for Beauprez in DougCo tonight. My precinct was at a high school, so though turn-out was low (12), I was able to ask around in the other precincts there. Most were Holtzman folks.
Also – interesting thing – the latest rumor seems to be that BB is actually “term limited” and that’s why he’s running for Gov.
This from the guy who, as state chairman, was opposed to term limits.
My caucus had four people. We, too, voted to censure the President. 🙂 Also to support public employee unions. Nobody wanted to run against me for precinct captain, even though I told them it is a really glamorous job.
Record turnout at the Dem caucus for Fremont County’s precinct 9 – double the best turnout I’ve seen there in the past. Similar turnout at Fremont County’s other precincts. Lots of first-timers – a real surprise all around.
I’m starting to hear that the opposite is true in Republican caucuses for the same precincts – lower than normal turnout… Hmm…
just came in from HD5. we didn’t vote on any resolutions, but put them on cards to be presented and voted on at the county assembly on 4/8.
generally lower turnout than in ’04, but some precincts (not mine, we had 3 total, one of whom came 1/2 way through) did have more people show up than allotted delegates to the county assembly.
4-1 in favor of censuring the President in Larimer County Precinct 411. The no vote was from a guy who favored impeachment instead!
It felt good, indeed.
Any results of straw polls for CU Regent races, particularly the At Large seat? Any interest at all, especially considering Nobel Prize in Physics winner and U.S. Professor of the Year Carl Wieman’s comments on C.U. reported in the Rocky Mountain News today?
I already wrote the RMN Editorial writer noting that the contested race for the statewide Democratic nomination for CU Regent was ignored in today’s RMN “Caucuses” editorial.
I got a nice reply and correction from the Colorado Daily when I noted they forgot two of the four Republican candidates in Friday’s Caucuses story.
Prowers County Precinct 5 voted unanimously (all three of us!) to Censure George Bush re his violation of the FISA Act.
Felt pretty darn good.
Low turnout. All I can say is that the caucus date shouldn’t have been moved up.
Comments limited to the cacuses and so 0 posts – sort of sums it up right there…
Yeah, right – like I’m going to miss “The Simpson’s” for THAT.
Wraith: Was there any in-fighting between the Bjorkland and anti Bjorkland factions?
Wraith: Was there any in-fighting between the Bjorkland and anti Bjorkland factions?
Not that I could tell. They were at the other end of the school….the far right end that is.
Same turn out as 2004 at my caucus in Parker, we elect Delegates to County then State. All 6 Delegates and 3 Alternates in my Caucus are supporting Beauprez. They did all complain though that they have been getting calls and mail from Holtzman and nothing from Beauprez, real frustration at the lack of energy in the campaign. Main reason for not supporting Holtzman they feel he can’t win in November and that his has run a very negative campaign. Only resolution was to support the President and the Troops on Iraq and the War on Terror.
we held our precincts together at the local high school. everyone voted up (4) is a holtzman supporter. no one spoke on behalf of bob, though he’s supported by the elected r’s out here. marc had mailed and called everyone who attended. from talking to friends, it seems the holtzman campaign focused all their efforts on new or empty precincts.
About a third more than normal showed up in my caucus in Jeffco. Around 40% of delegates were for Holtzman but the state wasn’t drawing much attention. Most wanted to go to the county and the consensus seemed to be anybody but Kiki. Neville and Kopp seemed to draw the most support.
We had pretty good turnout in 8 of the 11 caucuses at our location, but 3 were no-shows. (That will happen when they tell you your caucus location is 25 miles from your house.) The ones that showed up actually had attendance about 75% of 2004, which I consider good for a freezing everning in a non-Presidential year.
We’re in HD13, and it seems Claire Levy edged out Jim Rettew overall. The Boulder County Clerk & Recorder race wasn’t even close–Hillary Hall may keep incumbent Linda Salas off the primary ballot if others went the way we did.
Several caucuses passed Bush censure resolutions. One caucus sent all their County delegates as “Uncommitted” rather than “Ritter,” and passed a resolution urging Ritter to reconsider his stance on women’s health and privacy. Most sent all Ritter delegates. Several caucuses passed a resolution supporting the right of BoCo public employees to vote on unionizing.
Hey there, NeonNurse! The progressive cell in Prowers County rocks!
We had a good amount of precincts show up, but few to one for each precinct. But all in all had a good turn out.
Heard about a woman named Anna Lord who plans on running for HD 21 as a Democrat. Sits on a local school board and is a 4th generation native of Green Mountain Falls.
It is nice to see Democrats fielding quality candidates even if the numbers are tough.
“In my caucus the straw vote favored Herb Rubenstein even though Ed Perlmutter’s father personally appealed for a vote for his son
It came down to this
Only one candidate has the guts to challenge Bush”
Oh please. I’m getting really tired of the Herb club harping on this war business. Perlmutter openly supports the Murtha redeployment plan and speaks against the war, privately and publicly. But if elected, I’m sure Herb will use his power as a freshman Congressman to personally end the war. Only Herb Rubenstein can personally curb the Bush administration! Go Herb go!
Perlmutter sent out a letter to every precint chairman and asked that they conduct a straw poll at the caucus, and I heard Rubenstein was none-too-pleased about this. By the way, Perlmutter unanimously won in the JeffCo caucus I attended.
And finally, is it supposed to be a negative that Ed’s father was out helping his son? That kind of thing happens when you run for office in a district where you’ve spent your entire life. I’m sure Herb’s family would have been out supporting him as well, except very few are around because he moved out here last year from DC just to run in this race.
Well, we didn’t do anything as exciting as cencuring Paula Abdul. But oddly enough the repubs met in the same school and even more oddly we has a larger group.
If Holtzman does not think he is going get the 30% at assembly to get on the ballot, does anyone think he will go the petition route?
If he does he will have a hard row to hoe. Statewide candidates have to meet certain threasholds in each of the 7 congressional districts as well as a minimum number of signatures total. VERRRRRRRY hard to do, even for a strong candidate.
Also, he is goigng to go the petition route, he needs to get started. The petitions are due by 25 May.
My caucus voted to censure Paula Abdul.
Hey Wraith, what happened in Mesa County?
My caucus was about 1/4 of HD6 (16 Pcts)
about 1/3 of those attending raised their hand wheh I asked “Who is at a caucus for the first time” That was rather exciting. The over all turnout was really good even though we did have one pct where only one person showed up. But the average was about 8 per pct.
Our straw poll in SD 32:
Mello 49%
Romer 13%
Coleman 3%
Uncommitted 35%
These are from 9 pcts (2 did not take the straw poll, and 4 are not in SD32).
My pct (602) also went for censure.
Wow – that’s a very anti-Bush set of resolutions for Republicans.
At our R precinct caucus, we passed resolutions that went something like this:
1) Hurray for South Dakota in asserting states rights for jurisdiction over abortion and criminal law.
2) Support for fiscal responsibility and a federal Balanced Budget amendment
3) Support for reducing federal involvement and funding in education and returning this responsibility to the states.
“As a general side note, I found it interesting that Peggy Lamm crashed our caucus. She doesn’t think that our caucus is important enough for her to come and cast a vote with us, and yet she wants us to cast our votes for her to represent us.”
Well, come on now, don’t be too hard on poor Peggy… she probably just wanted to make an appearance at her home precinct.
Both of them.
The Beauprez campaign didn’t pay $20,000 to get fake results on that poll! It’s completely valid.
Completely different results at the very large Caucus at Alameda High. Everyone casting a vote in the Straw Poll in my precinct cast theirs for Ed Perlmutter. Nobody I spoke to thought that Rubenstein had any chance of being able to take on O’Donnell.
I think that when the results of the straw poll are in, it will become clear why you always post anonymously.
In fact, the one supporter of Herb’s that I knew of in the blogosphere who did not hide behind an anonymous tag was Marshall Collins, and tonight after meeting Ed Perlmutter, he announced on Soapblox, “I was going to vote for Herb but Ed so impressed me that I decided that Perlmutter must be the candidate.”
As a general side note, I found it interesting that Peggy Lamm crashed our caucus. She doesn’t think that our caucus is important enough for her to come and cast a vote with us, and yet she wants us to cast our votes for her to represent us.
I don’t think Herb has a chance of winning our district away from the Republicans, but at least he is taking a less muddled approach to his quixotic attempt than Peggy is in her vanity project.
The Rocky Mountain News has issued a correction for its Tuesday editorial “Caucuses in search of a purpose” which omitted the contested Democrat nomination for the statewide office of CU Regent At Large:,2777,DRMN_23964_4560853,00.html
Herb also got dissed by the Rocky in the same editorial.
Ed Quillen gives the report on the Democrat caucus from Salida in southern Chaffee County in the Denver Post, Sunday, March 26:
“A quiet night in Precinct 2”