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December 29, 2005 09:00 AM UTC

Political Rumors

  • by: Colorado Pols

These could be nothing more than rumors, but sometimes where there’s political smoke…

Governor Bill Owens has reportedly asked Jane Norton to become the next Executive Director for the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, replacing outgoing Director Doug Benevento. If she accepts, Norton would stay on as Lt. Governor and oversee the CDPHE at the same time.

There is increasing talk that State Sen. Dan Grossman, who turned down a chance to run for attorney general last summer, has had his fill of the legislature. Grossman may not only decide against running for re-election in 2006, but there has been talk that he might resign his seat and let a vacancy committee fill it. There’s talk that Grossman might just be tired of making the peanuts that state legislators make for salary and needs to get a better-paying job (Rep. Mark Larson made the same statement in declining to run against Sen. Jim Isgar).

Senate District 32 probably isn’t a winnable seat for a Republican, but were it to open up it would create the free-for-all that was setting up last spring when everyone thought Grossman would run for AG. The most interesting name that might enter the mix? Would Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff be tempted, since that was the next logical progression for him if Grossman had run for re-election one more time?


11 thoughts on “Political Rumors

  1. Unless there has been some change in Grossman’s life that I am unaware of, this rumor is opposite of everything I have been hearing from or about Grossman to date.

    As for Andrew Romanoff running for his seat. It could happen and it was pointed out that does seem to be natural progression. However, when Grossman was eyeing AG, Andrew himself told me he was not interested in moving to the Senate. Afterall, he would go from being the Speaker of the House to just one of 35 senators.

    If Grossman were to leave his seat, I would think it more likely to see Fran Coleman to be the Rep to try to replace him. After all she is term-limited in 2006 and over two-thirds of her house district sits in Grossman’s senate district.

    If Dan were to quit and create a vacancy situation, that has a cascading effect. If andrew were to go for it he would most surely be elected creating another vacancy in HD6, where there are several people waiting in line for the opportunity to run for the seat.

    If Andrew does not run, I would see Coleman as the favorite, but she would have to fight for it against several others, the strongest of whom is probably Jennifer Mello. If Coleman did win the vacany election, then her house seat would be a vacancy pick also and there are already 4 Dems running for it.

    So a free-fol-all is going to happen somewhere in Denver. The question now is which district and will it only be one.

    BTW, I should be clear I can comment on this situation fairly objectively because, even though I live in Grossman’s district, I have no intentions of running for his seat.

  2. Fran has burned every bridge she can find. Nobody likes her, and those who do just think she’s crazy. Fran would have no chance at that seat. She’s a has-been.

  3. On second thought, Angie will run even if Grossman doesn’t step down.  Angie is the only Democrat in the world who doesn’t stink!  Why aren’t you stinking Democrats supporting Angie?

  4. Josh could be a strong contender and may do well in a crowded field. If it is only a 3-way between Josh, Mello and Coleman, I think the battle is between Mello and Coleman.

    There seems to be many here who do not like Fran, but she is extremely popular in her own district and her district makes up a significant portion of SD32. Mello has the advantage in the remainder of the district as she is the House Captain there and is very popular among the HD6 area of SD32.

    Josh would be seeking the vacancy committee members who don’t care for their “local gal” and that will be slim pickings.

    This is all assuming it is by vacancy committee. If a full-fledged election is being waged, then Mello has a numerical advantage in voter registrastion. The HD6 area of SD32 is much more densely populated with Dem voters than the HD1 area.

  5. Here’s some “inside” political gossip from the West Slope:

    Andy Gold of Grand County is 99% sure he will run for the 57th district house race against Al White.

    A statewide intiative is being brewed in Garfield County that would force energy companies to pay for the full value of damage done on private property when drilling. Right now, all the companies have to do is post a $2,000 bond.

    PitCo resident, Gail Schwartz,CU regent from the 3rd CD, is looking at the 5th State Senate race.

    There will be a HUGE political fight if the Dept of Local Affairs skims money from the mineral severance taxes away from gas drilling impacted counties. Weld, Garfield, Delta, Montrose, Mesa, Rio Blanco, LaPlata, etc governments, human service organizations, energy companies are all poised to pounce on state government.

    Then there’s the political/environmental fight over what state agency oversees the waste water management from drilling activities. Why would that concern Denverites? Hey, guys, you are downstream……

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