From The Associated Press:
Senate Democrats called for a special counsel to investigate whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lied under oath and subpoenaed top presidential aide Karl Rove Thursday in a widening probe into the dismissal of federal prosecutors.
“It has become apparent that the attorney general has provided at a minimum half-truths and misleading statements,” four members of the Senate Judiciary Committee wrote in a letter to Solicitor General Paul Clement.
They dispatched the letter shortly before Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., announced the subpoena of Rove, the president’s top political strategist.
“We have now reached a point where the accumulated evidence shows that political considerations factored into the unprecedented firing of at least nine United States Attorneys last year,” said Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
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Getting a blow job. (Or is it the other way around?)
Knew I was doing something wrong!
The wheels are coming off the Repub bus.
the righties will be calling this “partisan theater” over nothing but nothing could be further from the truth. With an administration that refuses to obey our laws, defend our constitution, honor our three co-equal branch system of checks and balance, hides everything they can from the electorate and claims the right to secretly throw anyone, anywhere, citizen or non-citizen, into black hole prisons with no recourse to any sort of due process, without even the right to know the charges, see the evidence or confront witnesses, on the whim of one man, the United States is no longer operational. It exists in name only until our elected representatives have the guts to forget partisanship and take back our country from this criminal regime.
Future generations will not look kindly upon the congress and the public that made terrorists irrelevant by presiding over something no number of terrorists could ever accomplish: The destruction of the United States of America as set forth in our constitution. If congress can’t find any other way to stop this rogue administration, they need to impeach, no matter how late in the term, partsan politics be damned.
Excuse me but don’t you mean FOUR branches (i.e., legislative, Cheney, executive and judicial), with the second and third being more equal than the first and last?
What civics class did you sit through?
I forgot about he who is neither animal vegetable nor mineral but exists in a realm beyond the reach of human imagination much less governmental classification.
for to utter his name shall call the dark lord’s attention to you through the magic of NSA drift netting.
Earning he who shall not be named’s ire means an eternal rendition or the punishments of Gehenna (otherwise know as Gitmo).
An all-time great diversionary tactic — push fear about terrorists from afar, while destroying our country from within by shredding the Constitution.
“All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer that if it ever reach us, it must spring from amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be the authors and finishers.”
The future of our country is in our own hands.
The Rove subpoena (also includes Rove assistant Scott Jennings – he of the Hatch Act violating PowerPoint briefings) is due before the August recess – deadline to appear is August 2 at 10:30am. The subpoena was authorized by the Judiciary Committee back in April.
RedState is now calling for Fredo’s resignation. I expect Bush to ask him to resign during the August recess so that he can issue a recess appointment and avoid a Senate confirmation hearing. That, of course, assumes that Reid doesn’t follow through on his promise to leave enough people to “answer the phones” in case of such an attempt. Bush might try it anyway, provoking yet another Constitutional crisis on the power of recess appointments.
Reid is doing this to push W. to make a number of mistakes. The more that W. is forced to wiggle, the more evidence to bring up in the supreme court on the issue of EO&P vs. congress.
I want a camera there when the letter is served.
Gonzales clearly lying – FBI Director says Gonzales lied
Congress preparing to launch their own criminal investigation – Conyers report
Step by careful step the walls are closing in on the Bush cabal.
He can pardon Gonzales, but only if he wants to relieve Fredo of his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. He can’t commute the sentence, because Gonzo hasn’t been convicted (or even charged) with anything specific yet. And the Attorney General is, I think, the only Cabinet position with a legal requirement – you have to be in good standing as a lawyer to be AG. Gonzales’s standing with the Bar has to be in jeopardy by now…
His ethical violations a piling up. If convicted of a crime of dishonesty (fraud, obstruction) he would be disbarred. He should be disbarred even without a conviction.
….and unfortunately for Gonzo, Shrub’s pardoning powers will not save his law license.
Yes Bush I pardoned a slew of people for Iran-Contra. But it was specifically for anything connected to that. I don’t think Bush can pardon Gonzales for all and any crimes he committed while working for Bush.
And if he did – wow that would make Bush’s present problems look like a minor dust-up.
….to paraphrase David Bowie, “Do you remember President Nixon?”
Ford’s pardon of Nixon was not specific, Nixon had not been charged with anything, and I believe the pardon covered “any and all crimes which he may have committed.”
Democrats Target Alberto Rove And Karl Gonzales
I want to know why these 2 guys are standing in for Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales! Perhaps these are the children of Rove/Gonzales and decided that they liked each other enough to name their respective kids after the other?
Rove/Gonzales love children – gross image!