"Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory."
–Franklin P. Adams
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: TJDenver5280
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: Air Slash
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Air Slash
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Coworker:: I believe in traditional marriage. Same sex marriage is pointless. ….and a sin.
Me: lotsa "sin" is not illegal. How do you account for 80 years of legal slavery in this country?
Him: You mean slavery is somehow like gay marriage?
Me: I mean the Constitution was created in the late 1780s, and slavery wasn't outlawed until 1868.
Him: Totally different. And slavery wasnt a sin.
Me: What do you mean "traditional" marriage?
Him: man and wife.
Me: Well- how do you define that as "traditional"? plenty of people have done other things.
Him: Biblical, man and woman cleaving to each other. That kind of tradition.
Me: Biblical… hmmmm In the Bible I know – man & wife, but also man, his wife and her slaves, man, wife and his concubines, man and his wives, male rapist and his victim – all recognized forms of marriages. Further- man/wife required wife to be virgin at the time of marriage, or the man could reject her and annul the marriage. And no divorce, or really really difficult to divorce.
HIm (trying to interrupt but finally waiting: That's all just stupid. No one believes anything but man and wife is traditional.
Me: oh- so you just re-write history when history is "stupid". Ok. But don't tell me that you want Biblical marriage, but then deny the Bible. Don't tell me you want "tradition" and then make it up. That's fine for you and your wife – you are two consenting adults, you can believe and do whatever you want. But why do your delusions have to be the law for everyone else?
HIm: I'm not married.
Me: oh, well – then it's fine for you to believe whatever you want, but your delusions don't get to be the law for the rest of us. I thought you were marreid- I thought I've heard you talking about your wife.
HIm: Ex-wife. ANd they aren't delusions – it's what normal people believe.
Me: Ohhhh. Normal people. Please, don't talk to me about not work stuff anymore.
Him: Why? You don't like it when we prove you are wrong?
Me: I don't like it when someone tries to tell me 2+2 is anything but 4. And then redefines 2.
ps – yes, he happens to be older, white and fat. But I don't think this his thinking is what all old, white fat men believe. And even if so- it's a temporary delusion.
I can confirm this statement…
There was an episode of The Colbert Report the other day that totally nailed the outrage over gay marriage.
I just noticed an item on CNNs' bottom of page news crawler that said, " Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza", etc.
I object to the use of the fairly innocuous term, "shooter" being applied here. A shooter can be a shot of tequila w/lime and salt.
The crawler should read, "Sandy Hook murderer, Adam Lanza."
just sayin'…
… and a card from his mom with a check to buy himself a gun for Christmas.
Today's trivia question.
Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the soviet Union in a U-2 spy plane ?
We have a winner!
I began calling myself a "progressive" around the turn of the century. Before that, I was simply a "Leftist." I was alway uncomfortable with the term "progressive" because it seemed so squishy. Well, I was right to be uneasy about this nominal change. John Stauber over at counterpunch has written a article titled The Progressive Movement is a PR Front for Rich Democrats. The thesis of his article is summed up in two paragraphs:
If you call yourself a "progressive," as I have, and feel the slightest bit offended by the above, I urge you to go over and read the entire article. He makes an excellent argument.
For me, I'm going back to be a plain, old fashioned Leftist.
I've always preferred liberal, ever since Shrub the first browbeat Michael Dukakis with it and the "card-carrying member" of the ACLU nonsense. I was hoping for a full-throated defense of what the word meant, but since that has never come, it has been toxified and can no longer be used. I never cottoned to "progressive", but since it's the marketing term du jour, it works.
As for the big money does what it can to win elections, well duh. Until we get money out of politics, the coproratists will win. I don't see that the left has developed a counter to Heritage, Cato, etc., as there is no money in that. We've developed messaging, not ideology. Still, you can't say things aren't better than they might have been under Republican hegemony, and FWIW, while co-opted to win elections, the "war on women" messaging does reflect the grass roots. The defund Planned Parenthood movement has created a bottom up swelling of the liberal ranks devoted to the Liberal notion that government assistance to help make the less fortunate better able to improve their lives helps improve society as a whole.
The news from the "sacrifice zone" in Garfield County is now even worse. Benzene is a known carcinogen. And looks as if they need a consultant who understands that water flows downhill. I can't imagine that this contamination won't reach Parachute Creek and ultimately the Colorado River, both water sources for communities downstream.