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April 16, 2013 12:17 PM UTC

Video: Sens. Renfroe, Lundberg on "Holocaust Awareness Week"

  • by: Colorado Pols

A video clip we wanted to be sure got noted in the record, from last Thursday's discussion of Senate Joint Resolution 026, designating last week "Holocaust Awareness Week" in Colorado. The resolution passed unanimously, of course, but not before these…memorable statements from GOP Senators Scott Renfroe of Greeley and Kevin Lundberg of Loveland.

RENFROE: The question is, do we learn from history, or do we allow it to repeat itself on many fronts within this. For me, what comes to my mind, this is my personal beliefs, when we have this day and what–and I'll be honest with you what comes to my mind first, and this is going to offend some, but it's me being honest and blunt and truthful with you. In my opinion, abortion is a Holocaust. [Pols emphasis] (Brief applause)

And I can't stop but think of that every day, every time we have this resolution, of what we are doing within our backyard, down the block, in our communities, with life and not respecting life in my opinion…

History repeats itself. And I pray that we can learn from our history and from this history and not allow that to happen.

LUNDBERG: It doesn't happen all at once. Respect for human rights, respect for life, respect for those who we as a legislature are charged with securing their rights isn't always there…

I cannot remain silent after this person, this American patriot, who spoke to me–warned me–that what I see today is far too close to what I saw in Germany growing up before the Holocaust. [Pols emphasis]

With Sen. Renfroe's comments, it's a pretty clear statement: "abortion equals Holocaust." We're a little less sure what Sen. Lundberg is getting at, seemingly going beyond the one issue of "protecting life" into a bunch of other "rights," human and, well, otherwise. He doesn't actually enumerate the "rights" he is referring to. We're going to go out on a limb here and suggest that one of them probably involves guns.

It's a common problem with historical events that the farther back in history they become, and as those who actually witnessed said events pass on, they tend to become, well, cheapened, we guess, by politically opportunistic or just plain irresponsible members of subsequent generations.

We wish that our elected Colorado legislators would not be the ones to do this.


14 thoughts on “Video: Sens. Renfroe, Lundberg on “Holocaust Awareness Week”

  1. What is offensive is your condemning these good men for their sincere beliefs. There is nothing unreasonable in what Renfroe said. Since Roe v. Wade, there have been over 50 million abortions performed in America. 50 million babies who were killed before they were even born. 50 million people slaughtered in America, the land of the free.

    I will never forget the millions of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, or the millions of babies murdered by abortion. These are the same things. Life is life. Death is death. Abortion is murder by the millions, just like the Holocaust.

    Thank you Sen. Renfroe for standing up for life!

  2. Right… because a cluster of cells the size of a thumbnail is the same as a living, breathing human being.  If only you Repugs cared one bit about dem unbirthed babies after they were born….

    That's another benefit to ignorant, self-righteous indignation…you can feel proud of being stupid.

  3. "..what I saw in Germany growing up before the Holocaust"?  

    So, if I have this correctly, Lundberg's been lying about both his age and his nationality?  For a guy who's in the media business, you think he could write better copy for his speeches!

    1. He was making a speech about some constituent. It was really long and rambling, I don't blame Pols for not posting all of it. But it was allegedly a constituent who lived in prewar Germany who said this to Lundberg.

      Lundberg, the CD2 GOP nominee in 2012, is still certifiable.

  4. I'm sure I speak for many American Jews, at least 75% of whom still vote Dem (an even higher percent than Latinos who went Dem by 70% in the last election)   and the overwhelming majority of whom support a woman's right to choose, when I say that I find it extremely offensive when rightie pols use the Holocaust in this manner. Extremely.  As in filled with stunned revulsion tinged with rage.

    So righties who insist on making this comparison may as well add American Jews to the list of those with whom they are not going to be improving their numbers any time soon no matter how strongly they voice their support for the state of Israel which most of us understand is pretty much just an end times concern of theirs having nothing whatsoever to do with concern for actual Jews or Israelis.

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