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April 20, 2013 05:46 AM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn."

–Albert Camus


37 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Say goodbye to the age of privacy and anonymity. Looking at how the Boston bombing played out, everything had been recorded in a million little snippets by everyone attending.

    And with it all pushed up to the web and a lot of people were looking at those photos and videos and from it finding various suspects. Which means not just that law enforcement had all this info, but anyone had access to it.

    Back when humans lived in small communities there probably wasn't much in the way of privacy and anonymity. We've now returned to that situation. Like it or hate it, not much is hidden anymore, it just has levels of difficulity to access it.

    1. Conservative yahoos are all up in arms about the evil gubmint knowing all their business, when Google knows more about them than the government is competent to learn.

      1. I'm somewhat amazed that the loons haven't started yelping about how easy it was to lock down the entire Boston metro area. 

        See how easy it is to impose Marshall Law? Isn't this proof that Obama is a dictator out to confiscate all our guns?

  2. I think that CISPA and general expansion of snoop provisions are reason for concern.  That said, its too late to shut the barn door once the train has left the station.  Or something like that. 

  3. There's a gooberfest planned at the walmart on 92ndand Sheridan today, The goonies are running the old "if ya don't vote my way, we'll impeach ya" grift in the form of a recall drive for Evie Hudak.

    Evie's term limited, but there's actually more strategy involved in this latest redleg waste of the taxpayers' money than usual.

    Evie actually won a nail biter against the campaign funds stealing laing Sias last november, but between sias and the third candidate, loyd sweeney, they did garner about 4,000 more votes than Evie.

    The SOS has determined that 18,000 and some change votes can trigger a recall. Between the ethics compromised sias and sweeney, they garnered about 38,000 November, so you never kinow how this might go. A strong goon turnout could happen, although the gun legislation enacted has been proven extremely mild and non invasive.

    Jeffco's got a strong Democratic base, but the gun goons do resonate here as well. Any place the szabot can win an election needs to be termed a goober haven.

  4. Ah, time to cue the irony!

    Two of the most "conservative", ""deeply religious", "up by your bootstraps", ultra "libertarian", and pro "self reliance" govbmint hating (but still drawing a "govbmint" paycheck) members of the United States Congress did a head turning 180 this past week.

    pinko freshman Senator in a hurry, the self styled "toughguy" tedi bear cruz and fellow redleg Congressional Rep, Vietnam draft dodger billy bob flores, asked for Federal aid this past week in the aftermath of the massive devastation from the explosion in the regulation avoiding Texas fertilizer plant.

    Both the duplicitous cruz and the cowardly draft dodger flores had been vehement in their disdain for the people of New York and New Jersey, actually all the people from all the areas affected by Sandy last October. They had called the residents affected "takers" and had loudly touted their "nay" votes on the Sandy Relief Packages. "The Federal Government should not be liable for this" cruz pounded out on the Senate floor.

    Ah, the old rand paul style "libertarian conservatism" at its' finest.

    "Good for me, but not for thee".

    And of course, followed by a pious rendition of "praise Jesus".

    1. I thought I saw a clip of him standing at a podium with a "deer in the headlights" look on his face…I wasn't listening, but he must be getting as nervous as a hog on ice about now. He has a lot of 'splaining to do to Bubba Dick Armey. or whosoever is his benefactor. 

    2. No, no, no!


      When will you ever learn:

      – farm subsidies in the CO 4th are not welfare. They are necessary and temporary programs that go to the hard working landowners and farmers.

      – federal funds for fire fighting and restoration in CO 5th are not welfare. They are necessary and temporary programs that go to the tragically affected. (Just like all the flood control in Black Forest, CO. Hey- if Highlands Ranchers can claim to live in Littleton or even that HR is a town Black Forest can be town-like too.) 

      – In the case of Sandy vs. West, TX it's obvious. Sandy was the result of the east coast liberal elite and RINOs like Gov Christie suporting gay marriage. ANd God was watching.  But a facotry blows up? Well- that's more like that leak up in Patachute – completely unpredictable and terribly unfortunate. And these are American jobs we're talkin' about.


      And you wonder why real Americans hate your liveral ass.



    1. It was a nail biter but I'm glad they didn't throw in Faried prematurely.  Andre Miller was amazing, still capable of  carrying them to a win on the power of his 37 year old will,  Corey is getting his mojo back, Ty's coming along just in time and Igoudala's defense was was stellar.  I think everybody's tired after fighting for # 3 seed, first without Ty for 8 games, a few without Chandler, then Gallo gone for the season and next, an injury to the Manimal. But the Nuggets just won't quit. Hope Faried is good to go Tuesday. What a team! Somebody always steps up.  Love them all. Go Nuggets!

      1. That was such a wonderful basketball game for the Nuggets, the fans, Fareid and especially Andre Miller. To see the "old man" show the heart it takes to be a winner was such an example for sports fans everywhere. Go Nuggets!

    2. From sports writer Scott Howard Cooper:


      Not once in 36 years, one month and however many hours had Andre Miller ever hit a game-winner. He insisted. Not in 14 NBA seasons, not at the University of Utah, not at Verbum Dei High School in Los Angeles.

      “Never,” Miller said Saturday evening inside Pepsi Center, now that he had. “I’ve taken a couple and missed or turned the ball over.”

      Not once in stops with the Cavaliers, Clippers, 76ers, Trail Blazers and two stints with the Nuggets had he been part of a team that won a playoff series. He didn’t have to insist. It was easy to check.

      “Never,” Miller said anyway. “Never won a playoff series.”

      He did not cross that off the list. But he did single-handedly move Denver a step closer,

  5. Shots fired at the local 420 rally where an estimated 80,000 people are present.  No mention of terrorism, but I guess it doesn't count if you're aiming at potheads, right?


    We have some of the toughest gun laws in the country and they're not good enough.  Hope this one was accidental, along the lines of, "Whoa, dude, totally forgot my gun was loaded."

    1. I thought your meds were helping. I'll take that bet. There was incompetence and even malfeasance but no corruption re Hick and frere Ebel. C'mon, you doubled down so its $200? But, buy your meds before you say yes.

  6. Fascinating testimony, though it's something we've long suspected. No doubt in my mind the 2004 Ohio election was rigged.

    Hard to date. It was posted 2 years ago. Refers to 2004 presidential election. ("re-election" of the president), though Feeney was elected Speaker of the Florida House in 2000, when he was supposedly a lobbyist for the computer company.

    Anyway: Thanks for posting, David.


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