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May 03, 2013 06:01 PM UTC

Decline to sign: don't be a victim

  • by: Colorado Recall Watch

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

On Saturday, May 4th, A Whole Lot of People for John Morse, an issue committee organized by a group of Colorado Springs citizens to support John Morse, will launch a public alert campaign.  The campaign will warn residents about the checkered past of a company hired to collect personal information and petition signatures in a paid recall attack. 

In an effort to stop the misguided recall attack launched by a vocal minority, radio ads will inform the public of this company’s history of allegations including fraud, deception, and hiring criminals.  A Whole Lot of People for John Morse is an independent group that is not coordinating with any candidate committee. 

“We think it’s really important that Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs residents know that a signature gathering company with a highly questionable track record is going door-to-door in our community,” said Christy LeLait, Campaign Manager for A Whole Lot of People for John Morse.

“Kennedy Enterprises has a shady history of fraud and deception,” LeLait continued.  “To our knowledge, they don’t perform background checks on their signature gatherers. And these are people who have access to our personal information.”

This public alert campaign will include radio ads, online ads, and a website where citizens can report fraudulent activity of this company.  A link to the ad is available at Colorado Recall Watch, and included below.

AUDIO: http://coloradorecallwatch.com/COSR0260_no_slate.mp3


7 thoughts on “Decline to sign: don’t be a victim

  1. Too little too late, Senator Love Nest! It will take more than scare tactics to stop angry voters from recalling you. Morse's ass is grass.

    "A Whole Lot of People?" Nope, just Bloomberg, Gill, Stryker, and the people they pay!

  2. I got a robocall last night saying there are criminals and sex offenders going door to door to recall John Morse. This is a LIE. I know many people involved in the recall and they are not criminals. Morse must be getting desperate!

    I am not a criminal and I support recalling John Morse!!!

    1. So, to use a little Republican logic:

      A: You don't know the criminal histories of everyone involved in the recall, so you can't call it a lie, or

      B: You know these all of these people (including the sex offenders) personally, and you don't think what they did was criminal…..

      So, are you wrong, or are you just a pedophile supporter?


      That was kinda fun, but I now I need a shower.

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