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May 07, 2013 11:48 AM UTC

Weld County Sheriff Cooke won't arrest federal agents

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Last month I reported that Larry Pratt, Director of Gun Owners of America, praised Weld Country Sheriff John Cooke for his opposition to gun safety legislation.

On KFKA's Scooter McGee show, Pratt said some 400 sheriffs in the U.S. are promising not to enforce gun-safety laws, like Colorado's new statute expanding background checks.

Pratt also said some sheriffs have vowed to arrest federal agents whom sheriffs believe are violating the U.S. Constitution.

Pratt said on the radio that some "sheriffs are saying, 'Not only will I not cooperate, but if the Feds are doing something unconstitutional in my county, particularly a gun grab, I’ll put them in jail.'"

It wasn't clear whether Cooke was among the sheriffs who are ready to arrest the feds, so I called to find out.

"The state gun laws are unenforceable, and I won’t enforce them," he said. "I’d rather go after drug dealers, burglars, and rapists."

But Cook said he wouldn't actually arrest federal agents in Weld County, even if he thinks they're enforcing unconstitutional laws, like federal gun safety statutes.

"I’m not going to arrest a federal agent," he said. "No, I’m not going to go that far."


12 thoughts on “Weld County Sheriff Cooke won’t arrest federal agents

  1. What?!

    I am shocked, SHOCKED, to hear he would not arrest a federal agent he thinks is enforcing an unconstitutional law.  Can he be recalled?

    1. Sheriff Cooke must be a lily-livered coward, and a betrayer of his principles.  A recall is too good for him.  He should be impeached!

    1. I lived in Summit County back in the seventies. One of the most hated of all demographics in those days was skiers from Texas. Someday I will post the story of the day a group of Texans decided to enter a float in the Ullrfest parade.

      Oh, the snowballs…laugh, I thought I would die…..

      1. Same for Texas hunters staying in the Carbondale/Glenwood Springs area back then. One group was so rude to me, demanding I drop everything for other people who were there first to take care of them right now, I told my boss that I was going to tell them they'd have to wait until hell freezes over if they were waiting for me and my boss said fine, go ahead. So I did. After they sat there for a while they figured out I wasn't kidding.

        Once again, if they refuse to secede can we kick them out?

  2. Why does the sheriff hate drug dealers?
    Aren't they fine examples of entrepreneurs thriving in a market-driven economy?
    Isn't the GOP in favor of such activity?
    And, I am pretty sure that drug dealers pay very little in taxes. Isn't the GOP in favor of this?

      1. damn, we'll need to build another fence

        they shouldn't be allowed to visit until they can speak English and I want background checks

  3. Meanwhile in Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee–with his finger to the pulse of America's criminal underworld–stands as the 'last line of defense' against federal tyranny.  You go Fred!

    Fondly regarded by everyone, Fred McKee, Delta County Sheriff was praised as the last line of defense in the gun-law legislation and protecting Second Amendment rights.

    …Sheriff McKee went on to reveal his experience along with over 30 county sheriffs in Washington.  Having been told that they would be heard but only met by opposition and deaf ears, it was a disappointing realization that those on the front lines, those most at risk, those closest to the pulse of the criminal world would not be heard on this day or any other.

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