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May 16, 2013 05:31 PM UTC

Confirmed: Gessler Considering 2014 Gubernatorial Run

  • by: Colorado Pols
Scott Gessler.
Gov. Scott Gessler, anyone?

That's the word late today from the Denver Post's Kurtis Lee:

Republican sources have told The Denver Post Gessler is strongly considering dropping a re-election effort for his post as secretary of state — where he's served since being elected in 2010 — to seek the GOP nomination to challenge Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

"No doubt, Gessler is frustrated with the state's current leadership and he's evaluating how best he can serve the people of Colorado," Rory McShane, political director of Gessler for Colorado, said via e-mail Thursday.​

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler has been listed on our 2014 Big Line as a possible gubernatorial candidate since last November, so this shouldn't come as a big surprise. As the possibility of a vanity Tom Tancredo rematch against Hickenlooper, or the statewide-unelectable Sen. Greg Brophy's name is batted around, it's become obvious that Colorado Republicans just don't have many options.

And no, we don't think Gessler would fare much better than any of these other candidates against the popular Gov. Hickenlooper–but his popularity on the hard right would certainly be good for base turnout. Above all, we've heard that Gessler is not terribly happy in the job of Secretary of State, laden as it is with mundane responsibilities for relatively low pay compared to what he could be earning in the private sector. Following the principle that it's better to burn out than fade away, a hard-fought Gessler gubernatorial bid would raise his profile for a glorious re-entry into the world of Republican campaign lawyering–or maybe something else with a suitably plump salary.

As usual, you heard it here first.


19 thoughts on “Confirmed: Gessler Considering 2014 Gubernatorial Run

  1. He probably also knows he wouldn't have much of a chance.  I don't think being an elected official is nearly as much fun for Gessler as he thought it would be. The GOP may as well run him as anybody and he wouldn't have to say he's leaving politics to spend more time with his family. Gets to go back to the private sector  after his defeat and let his time as SOS fade away like a bad dream. 

    Nothing would make Dems ticked at Hick more forgiving than Gessler as the alternative.  Against a joke candidate like Tancredo, some of us might be tempted to leave it blank or write in Mickey Mouse or something.  Gessler would motivate most of us to want to to vote Hick and hand Gessler the biggest loss  possible. Heck, I'd vote for Hick twice. Just kidding, Scottie.  Please don't get all hysterical about imminent voter fraud.

      1. With Scott McInnis as Shemp (who plagiarized his lines), Tim Foster as Joe Besser, and Josh Penry as whatever the other guys in the group tell him to be.

        Jared Wright was supposed to be with them, but he's actually at home.

  2. "No doubt, Gessler is frustrated with the state's current leadership and he's evaluating how best he can serve the people of Colorado…"

    Move to Costa Rica with Rush?

  3. Losing as the incumbent SOS would end his political future.

    Taking one for the team running against a popular incumbent Governor gets him a thank you from the party.

    He loses either way. But he retains a political future if he runs against Hick.

    1. One of the The Post's go to political analysts, Erc Sondermann, points out that neither Gessler not Tancredo would allow the GOP to turn the page with the  Latino community. Also that it w will take a Herculean effort to oust Hick "and neither Tancredo or Gessler looks to me like Hercules".

      They both know they aren't going to beat Hick. Tanc knows he has no future in elected politics but only as a C or D level fringe celeb.  As for Gessler, in spite of everything he probably has a very good chance of getting re-elected SOS in an off year, low turn out election so I'll take a switch to a no hope gubernatorial run as confirmation that he's just not having fun as an elected official any more but is willing to do his bit for the party, and avoid looking like a quitter with the old  "more time with my family" excuse, on his way out. Bet the private sector is looking awfully inviting to him right about now.

    2. That's a good part of it. Gessler is going to have a hard statewide campaign ahead of him, whether he runs for re-election or for Governor. He might as well run for the bigger prize, and nobody will blame him for losing.

    3. My feelings too David.  The odds were not in his favor for a second SOS term.  He goes out and does his scary fear stump speech for 50 or 100 times and lines up a cush job after the election.  Easy exit with no shame for getting hammered by Hick.

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