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December 05, 2005 09:00 AM UTC

Lamm Gets EMILY's List

  • by: Colorado Pols

We first reported back in October that Democrat Peggy Lamm, who is running for congress in CD-7, was getting cozier with the folks over at EMILY’s List. Well, the proverbial other shoe has dropped, and Democrat Ed Perlmutter is in serious trouble now.

Here’s what we wrote back in October:

What we HAVE learned is that Lamm has been quietly introducing a staffer from the Western Regional Office of EMILYs List around Denver, and when EMILYs List sends a staffer to poke around it can often be a precursor to an endorsement. Lamm still isnt there yet, but EMILYs List apparently is getting more comfortable with Lamm and CD-7, and Lamm is spending a great deal of energy trying to close the deal. Lamms fundraising is not overwhelmingly strong, but she is doing enough to hang around and is a likable and hard-working candidate; add to that the fact that CD-7 will be one of the three most competitive seats in the country in 2006, and EMILYs List may make the jump.

If EMILYs List does come on board, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars the endorsement could generate, the group could also do an independent expenditure in the $299-300k range. In other words, EMILY + Peggy = your new leader in the CD-7 clubhouse. Shes not there yet, but shes getting closer.

The same holds true now. Perlmutter would have been wise to have done more to prevent this endorsement, because the monetary effect of EMILY’s List is such that the Democratic nomination in CD-7 is now Lamm’s to lose.

Click below for the press releases…

From EMILY’s List:

EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest grassroots political network and financial resource for women running for elective office, today announced its endorsement of Peggy Lamm in her bid for Colorado’s 7th Congressional District.

“Peggy Lamm is a spirited and experienced public official with a record of achievement for the people of Colorado,” said Ellen R. Malcolm, president of EMILY’s List. “As a Congresswoman, she will continue to do the important work for the people of Colorado’s 7th Congressional District – from fighting for affordable health care, to creating real education reform. EMILY’s List considers this to be one of its top priority races and our membership will lend all its considerable strength to seeing that Peggy Lamb is victorious.”

EMILY’s List will recommend Lamm to its nationwide network of members leading into the 2006 election cycle. Lamm is the candidate best able to bring about fundamental change and end the culture of corruption in Washington, D.C. A seasoned professional, Lamm has had a distinguished career as a legislator, consumer advocate, teacher, and chair of Colorado’s Commission on Higher Education. As chair, she led the efforts that brought meaningful reform to Colorado’s college and university systems.

Lamm is known for her effectiveness and political independence. As Executive Director of Bighorn Action, Lamm led the successful fight for Colorado’s “Telemarketing No-call List” legislation. During her tenure at the state legislature, Representative Lamm was known for her leadership in support of women’s rights, the environment and labor.

“I am proud to gain the support of the thousands of individual women and men who are members of EMILY’s List” said Lamm. “It is time for a change in Washington and the people of Colorado deserve a clean start with me as their new Representative. I will fight for what matters to the people of this District – affordable health care, good-paying jobs, and real education reform.”

With more than 100,000 members, including over 2000 in Colorado, EMILY’s List is the largest political action committee in the nation. Since its founding in 1985, EMILY’s List has helped elect 61 pro-choice Democratic women to the U.S. House, 11 to the U.S. Senate, and eight governors. In only ten election cycles, EMILY’s List has helped elect hundreds of pro-choice Democratic women to federal office, state legislatures, state constitutional offices and other key local offices.

From the Lamm campaign:

Peggy Lamm released the following statement in response to the news that, earlier today, she received the endorsement of EMILYs List:

I am proud to gain the support of the thousands of individual women and men who are members of EMILYs List, said Lamm.  It is time for a change in Washington and the people of Colorado deserve a clean start with me as their new Representative.  I will fight for what matters to the people of this District  affordable health care, good-paying jobs and real education reform.

EMILYs List has a great track record of helping pro-choice female candidates win higher office, and I am confident that, with their help, I will be the next Member of Congress for Colorados 7th District.


76 thoughts on “Lamm Gets EMILY’s List

  1. This is great news… Lamm is a perfect choice for Emily’s List and with their support has a great chance to beat Perlmutter and then O’Donnell.

  2. This is a perfect move for EMILY’s List in what is shaping up to be a very favorable year for Dems… Peggy Lamm in the 7th CD is just the race that EMILY’s List was made for: a strong, independent outsider vs. the typical old-boys-club establishment candidate. Go EMILY’s List and go Peggy!

  3. Hmmmm… where are the vicious posts from the Perlmutter camp? They usually crop up pretty quickly any time something positive has happened for Lamm. Maybe they’re running out of money to pay for Internet connections? Too bad there’s not a national fundraising group for male Promise Keeping lawyer/developers….

  4. It makes it a race for the Dem nomination, no two ways about it.  Besides the hard cash it will raise, the liberal cachet should make Ds forget all about the fact that she once said nice things about Bill Owens.  Peggy is a moderate and a strong campaigner.  But the same can be said for Ed.  Moreover, I think they can both be trusted to keep it clean and unite around the eventual winner.  I can’t be equally sure about whether Paschall trash ROD.

  5. Well, here’s the trash.  You’ll start hearing it loud and long.  Peggy is a carpetbagger.  Knows nothing about the district and never lived here.  While that may not make a difference to general election voters, it does to the relatively smaller portion of primary voters.  Also, Lamm touts her experience at Big Horn, but I would remind you that it was Big Horn that blew mail ballots and an end to the caucus system.  Only complete idiots could have done that, and she did it.  Peggy’s great against a nut case Republican, but she has not experience in a knock down, drag out primary with an experienced Democrat who has deep roots.  EMILY’s list is important, but not the be all and the end all.  It’s just another outside group trying to influence the voters of the 7th, who can decide for themselves whether they want someone who knows them and knows their issues or another Congressman/woman who just wants a Congressional seat and doesn’t know or care about the district.  Rude enough for you?

  6. Chris,

    Wow Rude, and totally missing the point. Have you ever looked at the 7cd Map. If you notice where Ed lives and how they drew the district for him to run this year?  Peggy has lived in CO, Herb Has not… nor have I for long. I am from Chicago where people move into areas to run all the time.

    Its time you look at what is key here… she just got the support she needed. Ed has been stuck in the mud and she is about to pass him by. If you have ever met Peggy you would know she is an amazing woman. I also want to touch on your… she screwed something up at BigHorn. How many Director’s do you know have their hands in every part of evert aspect of every project? NONE. So to blame her is like to blame Bill Gates that the new X-box 360’s do not work.

    Come on… Stop being a bitter brat.

  7. Why would EMILY’s List endorse Peggy over Ed?  Isn’t Ed pro-choice too?  Do they always endorse pro-choice women over pro-choice men in Democratic primaries?

    I wonder if Ed’s Promise Keeper background played a bigger part in this endorsement than we will ever know.  I was pretty stunned when I heard about that.

  8. They are committed to electing pro-choice Democratic women to office.

    It was never about ED Vs Peggy. It was Peggy Vs can she prove herself over ed for the support. It is HUGE, Colorado Pols understands. We are talking she can raise 2 -3 times as much as Ed in one quarter.

    This will also put her on the screen of every democratic group in the US

  9. Dems are not going to be with Ed.  There’s only so many folks who owe him favors, and that crowd runs thin right about the time the Perlmutter campaign is going to have to worry about the actual VOTERS in the district.

    After all that work the inside Dems did to draw that district for him.  After ALL THAT he snubs them twice and expects everyone to bow down to him on the third try.

    Well guess what… the coronation’s officially off.

    People are with Ed because they have to be.
    People are with O’Donnell because they have to be.
    People are with Peggy because they WANT to be.

    In the end, that’s why Peggy wins this primary.

  10. “I think they can both be trusted to keep it clean and unite around the eventual winner.”
    Okay, so I was smoking some of that Denver newly legalized safer alternative to alcohol when I wrote that…
    I still believe it about Ed and Peggy, but I gotta admit that confidence doesn’t extend to their more rabid partisans.  These are two good people, folks, and either is a solid alternative to another good man, Rick O’Donnell.  Now, let the Billingsgate resume!

  11. What is this Ed Perlmutter is a “Promise Keeper” stuff?  Any links to back that up?  This could be a deal breaker for this Gay 7th CD Democratic Caucus Go-er/Primary Voter…so I’ll be waiting.

    With regard to Lamm not being from the 7th, that dog don’t hunt.  If it did, Beauprez would have never been elected—he’s from the 2nd CD.

  12. I love how Peggy sends her staffers on Colorado Pols immediately after the news breaks to blog under multiple different names in effort to create an illusion that she has a huge following of supporters and to slander Ed.

    Seriously, do you think Emily’s list bothered to check with the local women elected officials IN the district like Sue Windels, Deanna Hanna, Debbie Bennefield, Cheri Jahn who have all endorsed Ed(to name a few…the list is actually pretty exhaustive). But I suppose sitting back in Washington Emily’s List knows best.  This won’t play well in the 7th CD.

  13. From the Rocky Mountain Family Council Advisor, Sept. 1996:

    The second speaker, state Sen. Ed Perlmutter, D- Golden, responded, “One of the problems I have with this topic is that it’s broad … and the reason I say that is that if you went down all of the organizations you listed, I’ve got to admit that I fall into at least three of those organizations. I’m a member of a church that I would describe as a pretty fundamental church. My daughters participate in Young Life, I went to Promise Keepers several years ago, and for seventh and eighth grade one of my daughters went to Faith Christian Academy, which is associated with Faith Bible Chapel.”

    “I consider myself– particularly when it comes to religion– a pretty conservative individual, but that’s my choice. I don’t have the right to impose it on you. People have the right to express their opinions, whether its on abortion, whether it’s on vouchers, whether it’s on gays, whether it’s on guns. But what’s happened here is that those topics have been joined together with two things that I think separate those candidates and those ideas: fear and intimidation.”

  14. PKBoy,

    Nice quote and thank you for responding, but how about a link–what was the question he was responding to?  When he says “those candidates” who is he referring to?

    I need more information.

  15. Notbuying – I do thing so… I only have the one name. Maybe its time Lamm is not on the end of she should drop out. Its time Ed looks at why he is slipping.

    I can tell you right now, Lamm Staffers are not making names and posting all over. We have too many people to call and ask for support and money now.

  16. I am sure all the Republicans are happy to see Democrats are not letting Both Ways Bob and Marcy Marc have all the fun and are starting to let the mud fly.

    This promise keeper stuff is pure trash, don’t buy it.  Let?s stay on the issues.  Ed and Peggy are both great candidates that either one we are going to be lucky to have representing us against the corrupt GOP.

  17. Frankly, nothing wrong with Promise Keepers, C-Dem.  Their central premise is that MALE irresponsibility, in sex, and many other things, is destroying this country and that unless men straighten up and fly right, we will continue to destroy America’s social fabric.  I’m an agnostic, but God knows, I agree with that. 😉
    Nor is their message particularly anti-guy.  Say what you want about gay men, I don’t see them fathering a lot of unwanted children.  Don’t confuse the message, which is on point, with the messenger, Bill McCartney.

  18. Sorry.  Just not excited.  Snoring for both.  The only thing more annoying about a Washington group deciding what’s best for Colorado Democrats is the state party’s inability to find anyone with an actual original thought.  Once again proves that the only thing that qualifies one to run for office under the Dem banner in this state is an elitist personality and money.  When we have a Dem in the White House, Governor’s mansion and a majority in the state congress, will we be allowed to think outside the box a little?  Now, back to the snoring…
    P.S. I actually vote in CD7.  Anyone else who’s posting can say that?

  19. Sorry.  Just not excited.  Snoring for both.  The only thing more annoying about a Washington group deciding what’s best for Colorado is the state party’s inability to find anyone with an actual original thought.  Once again proves that the only thing that qualifies one to run for office under the Dem banner in this state is an elitist personality and money.  When we have a Dem in the White House, Governor’s mansion and a majority in the state congress, will we be allowed to think outside the box a little?  Now, back to the snoring…
    P.S. I actually vote in CD7.  Anyone else who’s posting can say that?

  20. Sorry.  Just not excited.  Snoring for both.  The only thing more annoying about a Washington group deciding what’s best for Colorado is the state party’s inability to find anyone with an actual original thought.  Once again proves that the only thing that qualifies one to run for office under the Dem banner in this state is an elitist personality and money.  When we have a Dem in the White House, Governor’s mansion and a majority in the state congress, will we be allowed to think outside the box a little?  Now, back to the snoring…
    P.S. I actually vote in CD7.  Anyone else who’s posting can say that?

  21. I vote in CO-7, and an EMILYs list endorsement, while nice, is not in and of itself a knockout blow.
      As Colorado Pols pointed out in October, this might be a big deal if E-list put its own money into the game. But as of yet, all I see is the list recommending her to others. She is on a list that is already at about 20 candidates and growing, and many of them are Senatorial and Gubernatorial candidates. This spot is excellent news for her campaign, and it keeps her in the race, but unless EMILY’s list commits funds directly, it is still likely that Ed will out raise her this quarter.
      An EMILYs list endorsement is a strong statement that she is two things; pro-choice and female. It does not establish any liberal credentials beyond that, speak to her loyalty to either the party or the district, or clear up any questions around her apparent support for Owens in 2002.
      This is a big day for Peggy, no doubt about that, and I think when the dust settles it will be clear that this is terrible news for O’Donnell, but I don’t think this is lights out for Ed by any measure.

  22. Peggy Lamm, a carpetbagger, as our next Representative?  No problem.  We in CD-7 are used to carpetbaggers, since we have dealt with one of the worst –Beauprez.  Doesn’t anyone recall him moving to a small duplex in Arvada in the Spring of 2002 from his million dollar home in Lafayette to carry off one of the most noteworthy charades of all????  Both Ways has been at it a long time.  Maybe Peggy is learning from the best!

  23. Peggy Lamm, a carpetbagger, as our next Representative?  No problem.  We in CD-7 are used to carpetbaggers, since we have dealt with one of the worst –Beauprez.  Doesn’t anyone recall him moving to a small duplex in Arvada in the Spring of 2002 from his million dollar home in Lafayette to carry off one of the most noteworthy charades of all????  Both Ways has been at it a long time.  Maybe Peggy is learning from the best!

  24. “I can tell you right now, Lamm Staffers are not making names and posting all over. We have too many people to call and ask for support and money now”.  Right…wink, wink.  Why don’t you tell us more about your experiences from Chicago.  The people of the 7th CD love to hear about how they need to be more like Chicago! The 7th CD has a huge hometown pride factor going, something Peggy will never be able to tap into. 

    So while, I am glad Peggy finally got an endorsement.  No word yet on when a voter, elected official and/or a labor union from the 7th CD might actually endorse her.

  25. I think all of you are complete idiots, you sit at your computers all day waiting for something to happen that you can gossip about…. Your like Political Desperate Houswives!! Do you know how stupid all of you sound chatting away like you know these people, calling them by there first name, (oh Ed this and Peggy that) all of you have nothing else to do with your horrible lives!!! Now i would like to give all of you some facts…. To whoever said that they remade the district this year to incorporate Mr. Perlmutter’s residence is completely wrong…. do you remember three years ago when they redrew the district when he was going to run before, no, i bet you dont because you were living in Chicago, so if you do not know the entirety of the facts dont post something that makes you sound stupid. Perlmutter is here to help our community that he has been living in his whole life, when Miss Lamm just moved in to the district.  Those are the facts, also, Perlmutter is not running out of money, just because Lamm has recieved one endorsment to the countless endorsments that he has, doesnt mean that he has no money left to raise.

  26. I think all of you are complete idiots, you sit at your computers all day waiting for something to happen that you can gossip about…. Your like Political Desperate Houswives!! Do you know how stupid all of you sound chatting away like you know these people, calling them by there first name, (oh Ed this and Peggy that) all of you have nothing else to do with your horrible lives!!! Now i would like to give all of you some facts…. To whoever said that they remade the district this year to incorporate Mr. Perlmutter’s residence is completely wrong…. do you remember three years ago when they redrew the district when he was going to run before, no, i bet you dont because you were living in Chicago, so if you do not know the entirety of the facts dont post something that makes you sound stupid. Perlmutter is here to help our community that he has been living in his whole life, when Miss Lamm just moved in to the district.  Those are the facts, also, Perlmutter is not running out of money, just because Lamm has recieved one endorsment to the countless endorsments that he has, doesnt mean that he has no money left to raise.

  27. I think all of you are complete idiots, you sit at your computers all day waiting for something to happen that you can gossip about…. Your like Political Desperate Houswives!! Do you know how stupid all of you sound chatting away like you know these people, calling them by there first name, (oh Ed this and Peggy that) all of you have nothing else to do with your horrible lives!!! Now i would like to give all of you some facts…. To whoever said that they remade the district this year to incorporate Mr. Perlmutter’s residence is completely wrong…. do you remember three years ago when they redrew the district when he was going to run before, no, i bet you dont because you were living in Chicago, so if you do not know the entirety of the facts dont post something that makes you sound stupid. Perlmutter is here to help our community that he has been living in his whole life, when Miss Lamm just moved in to the district.  Those are the facts, also, Perlmutter is not running out of money, just because Lamm has recieved one endorsment to the countless endorsments that he has, doesnt mean that he has no money left to raise.

  28. Good try, Perlmutter shills, but the “home town” dog won’t hunt.  This district didn’t even exist prior to 2002!  Both Lamm and Beauprez lived in the same district where many of the Adams County and north Jeffco voters that are now in 7 lived.
    Ed’s a good man, if but you think you can just whine and moan that nobody has the right to run against you, the Lamm machine will leave you as roadkill.  You have a race, get over it.

  29. Emily’s List is not the end all or be all of politics.  As a matter of fact, to those who say that Ed did not do enough stop this endorsement, Peggy claimed to have Emily’s list backing when she entered the race in March (which she didn’t), it is now December.  Ed held off Emily’s List, a group whose whole purpose is to elect pro-choice Democratic women to federal, state, and local office,  for almost 9 months.  It was inevitable that in one of the most competitive races in 2006 that Emily’s List would eventually endorse the only woman in the race. 

    And to those of you who say that Ed Perlmutter is an insider and Peggy is an outsider, you are right.  Ed perlmutter has always lived inside district 7, even before redistricting in 2002.  Redistricting, just so everyone knows is not evil, it is an event that happens every 10 years according to the census (except in Texas).  Ed Perlmutter knows every aspect of the district, not only was he was raised there, but he has served the State Leg for Jefferson County, part of District 7, All 3 daughters were raised there, played sports there, and went to the public schools there. Peggy, on the otherhand, has always been outside the district. 

    Peggy is just like like Alan Keyes and Herb Rubenstein… A CARPETBAGGER!

  30. I have read with great interest all of the postings regarding Emily’s list. I have lived in Jefferson county for many years and I am sorry to see that all of this money from outside the state will be flowing in for Peggy.  If this were Boulder or Denver, from where Peggy has received most of her support, I believe Emily’s list might actually matter. 

    I am supporting Ed because he has actually helped every woman who has been elected in the 7th CD since I have lived here.  Those women are all now suppporting and working with Ed.  For example, all three Jeffco state senators, Deanna Hanna, Sue Windels and Moe Keller were all at Ed’s packed grand opening.  And Cheri Jahn, Gwen Green, Betty Boyd and Debbie Benefield have all endorsed Ed. These strong women candidates along with the support of the Democratic party rank and file will make the difference.  Not to mention Elbra Wedgeworth, Pat Pascoe, Polly Baca and others. 

    If anything, the Emily’s list endorsement will motivate us to work harder for Ed and strenghten our resolve to beat O’Donnell in 2006.

  31. Hey, AC, how’d that “Carpetbagger” theme work against Bob Beauprez?  Tee hee.
    But you’ve convinced me, we need a lifelong resident of the district in Congress.  So I assume you’ll join us in Sending Rick O’Donnell to Congress!

  32. Furthermore, what is it with this Promise Keeper stuff?  Who cares?  Maybe Ed went to a Promise Keeper’s event like 10 year’s ago, that’s what men in colorado did.  That doesn’t mean he is a member of the christian coalition or best fiends with James Dobson from Focus on the Family.  I can tell you that Ed is a candidate who beleives strongly in the separation of church and state.

    I am a strong Democrat, I am pro-choice, I support gay marriage and I am a christian.  It upsets me enough when the Republicans claim ownership of my religion. God is NOT a republican or Democrat.  It upsets and hurts me even more when Democrats, who claim to be tolerant of all religions and lifestyles, flip out because a man who has proved himself to be a good democrat, legislator, candidate and man attended what can only be described as a big church retreat years ago.

  33. I don’t know about the gay marriage part of your rant, AC.  Most marriages I’ve seen look pretty morose.  I do support civil unions for homosexuals, however.  They are a nice alternative to the uncivil heterosexual marriages I see every day.

  34. ACwridge,

    Hey, don’t get angry at us liberal dems for questioning the PromisKeeper thing.  It is the liberal Christians (of whom I consider myself) fault for letting our relgion be hijacked by right wing loons.

    The unfortunate fact is that when someone says they are a “Christian” it creates an image of James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Bill McCartney in the mind of most folks.  I wish it would create an image of Jim Wallis of Sojourners, or John Thomas of the United Church of Christ–but alas, it doesn’t.

    Perlmutter’s association with McCartney’s group is a legitamate issue.

  35. I’m on a first name basis with both the Democrats too, Blue Bronc, but they still wince when I call them “Sugar Lips” in public.  Especially Ed Perlmutter!

  36. Coloradodem,
    I agree I hate the fact that the GOP has made Christianity a bad word.  But honestly I don’t care if he practices scientology, buddhism, or even Athiesm. As long as he will be a good representative, legislate by the constitution and the will of his district.  Mr. Perlmutter will.

    Coloradodem, it’s the democratic side that is constantly trying to convince the country that democrats are christians too.  That normal Christian ideals of peace, sharing, loving, and helping one another are actually more closely tied to Democratic policy than the republicans.  I belonged to young life as a teenager, went to church camps as a kid, as an adult I attend a community church,  do not call me a Republican.

    Back to the issue of Emily’s list.  Who cares? I don’t. As a young woman I have always supported the work Emily’s list does, but they are wrong this time!

  37. Coloradodem,
    I agree I hate the fact that the GOP has made Christianity a bad word.  But honestly I don’t care if he practices scientology, buddhism, or even Athiesm. As long as he will be a good representative, legislate by the constitution and the will of his district.  Mr. Perlmutter will.

    Coloradodem, it’s the democratic side that is constantly trying to convince the country that democrats are christians too.  That normal Christian ideals of peace, sharing, loving, and helping one another are actually more closely tied to Democratic policy than the republicans.  I belonged to young life as a teenager, went to church camps as a kid, as an adult I attend a community church,  do not call me a Republican.

    Back to the issue of Emily’s list.  Who cares? I don’t. As a young woman I have always supported the work Emily’s list does, but they are wrong this time!

  38. I have a hard time deciding who is sillier:
    Perlmutter backers who claim he’s entitled to the nomination because he has more “seat time” in the district that Lamm, or
    Beauprez supporters who say he should be the nominee because he’s taller than Holtzman.
    What do you think, guys and gals?  Maybe it’s time to discuss these campaigns on their merits?

  39. Yea.  Let’s get down to discussing merits.  Beauprez is tall, Holtzman’s not.  Both of them have Holtzman’s rolodex, so no advantage there.  Holtzman takes his Daddy’s money, Beauprez takes his Sugar(Land) Daddy’s money.  Holtzman’s No on C campaign wound up in the hole, Beauprez’ Congressional campaign wound up in the hole.

    Aw, heck – just elect the Democratic Party line next year; none of the candidates on that ticket seem to have these problems.

    As to EMILY’s List, it’s an important endorsement for Lamm, and no, it’s wasn’t “wrong” for them to endorse her with Ed in the race – their goal is to elect women to Congress, and they feel Peggy has a good chance against Rick “I’m going to Europe, wake me when it’s over” O’Donnell come next Fall.

  40. Let me clarify, maybe wrong was not the right word because Emily’s List is a good organization.  But for a woman who has always supported Emily’s list and their mission.  I vote in CO-7 and I don’t support this endorsement. I don’t beleive that Peggy is the best candidate.  I do support Ed Perlmutter, and inspite of the Emily’s List endorsement I will continue supporting Ed Perlmutter because he is the best candidate. 

    You know, I’m finished that is all I have to say, I am tired of bickering.  Goodnight

  41. This is how it all breaks down.  Emily’s List is going to essentially try to buy Peggy what Ed already has…widespread district support.  If you need proof, check out their FEC reports and compare.  Peggy has virtually no donors from the district.  All of her support has come from Denver and Boulder (i.e. not 7th CD voters).  She’s going to tap the well dry eventually.  Ed, on the other hand, his FEC goes on and on (and on) with district supporters. 

    When you think about it, this is the first piece of good news Peggy’s camp has had since she entered the race.  But lets put all in perspective, Emily’s doesn’t have a great track record in Colorado.  Just ask Dottie Lamm and Josie Heath.  Ed is still looking like the eventual winner in this race.

  42. EMILY record in Colorado:
    Diana DeGette: won contested primary
    Gail Schoetter: won contested primary
    Dottie Lamm: won contested primary
    Josie Heath: won contested primary

    Yeah, Josie and Dottie got crushed in the general, but you have to admit that, especially in a primary, EMILY carries some serious weight.

  43. EMILY record in Colorado:
    Diana DeGette: won contested primary
    Gail Schoetter: won contested primary
    Dottie Lamm: won contested primary
    Josie Heath: won contested primary

    Yeah, Josie and Dottie got crushed in the general, but you have to admit that, especially in a primary, EMILY carries some serious weight.

  44. All but DeGette were expected to win (one could make a strong case that Diana was the favorite too but I won’t go there).  So Emily’s List more or less hitched onto primary campaigns that were basically shoe-ins. But like you said, Emily’s List general election record in this state is pretty miserable.

  45. Have you even looked at Ed’s last financial report?  It’s about 80% 17th street lawyers and 20% developers.  Oh yeah, he’s a man of the people.  He definitely hangs with the 7th CD everyman and feels their pain (as long as they are very wealthy and don’t live in the 7th CD).

    With respect to redistricting, it is true that the Senate in 2001, lead by Ed, created the district (which did not previously exist) for him.  Look at a map.  Peggy’s previous residence (before she moved to Arvada) is a few miles (if that) from the district boundary–maybe if she were in charge of redistricting her house would have been included too. 

    That whole argument is old, tired and old and tired and in addition to that tired and old.

  46. …so therefore I don’t have to concede that Emily’s List has an impressive track record in Colorado primaries.  Peggy is more or less the first major underdog that they have taken on in our state.  Thus, they are going to look pretty silly when Peggy loses. 

    Honestly, Emily’s List probably had a great deal of reservations to work through before giving their endorsement to Peggy.  It took them long enough (several months and almost three reporting cycles) to finally make it official.  You could have stuck a fork in Peggy’s campaign had the news about Emily’s List gone the other way.  That’s not a good sign at all.  This will give her just enough money to stay in the race for a little bit longer.

  47. Geography lesson, Ed lives in Jefferson County which makes up about 2/3rds of the District.  Peggy lives in Boulder County which makes up 0% of the district.  Ed has large chunks of the 7th CD to the East, West, South and North of him. Its not like they drew the District around his house.  Peggy’s suburban Boulder home is a good 20 minutes north from where I believe the 7th District starts at 88th Ave. (only about 5 minutes to Boulder though).  Besides it was a district judge who ended up deciding that map not the legislators.  So your argument that they drew the district for Ed is flakey and without merit.

    17th Street Laywer = Ignorant stereotype, something Peggy’s campaign seems to be fond of utilizing.

    Ed’s FEC report:  Come on now, could you at least try to be honest.  This a classic deflection tactic here.  Lets not answer to the fact that Peggy has almost no financial support from inside the district. Whereas, if you look at Ed’s report you continually see Arvada, Golden, Aurora citizens donating to him.  Oh yeah, and I am really sure they are all 80% lawyers and 20% developers.  Why don’t use some hard #’s to back that claim up.  Oh that’s right, probably because you can’t. 

    Oh and Ed is one of the most down to earth and genuine guys you could meet.  He is a soccer dad who became involved in civic affairs.  There is one thing that will never be in doubt about Ed and that is his love for his community that he has lived in his entire life.  He is involved in more community organizations IN THE 7TH CD than you can shake a stick at.  Can Peggy Lamm say the same thing?  I am guessing probably not. She likes the demographics of the district and that is probably about it.

    Listen, I think the world of Peggy but she is doing our party more harm than good.  Ed is not entitled to this seat, but he has and is working his tail off to earn it.  But lets face reality, Peggy is toast unless she can smear Ed beyond recognition.  And that is something I just can’t respect.

  48. Hey, I just finished watching Conan and I thought I would look at the Pols for some even later night comedy.

    Emily’s list.  What a joke.  It’s almost like something out of the Colbert Report.

    Here you have Emily’s list supporting Peggy Lamm who supported Bill Owens who is the anti-Christ of pro choice women.  The O’Donnell camp must be jumping with joy over the endorsement and that the Democrats are tripping over their *****, (and/or the female equivalent).

    It’s almost like Peggy Lamm’s is the GOP’s double agent.  How much money will she suck out of the scant Democratic pot to make the most competitive race in the country even harder to win?  Every dollar that goes to her campaign is a dollar for O’Donnell.  Wonder what the Owens types have promised her?

    Shame on the Democratic Party leaders who lacked the cujones to step in earlier to discourage this mess.

  49. This story is silly.  I just looked at Peggy’s FEC report and it shows that the elected officials that gave to Ed also gave to Peggy.  It would be silly for them not to give to both.  It’s also silly to think that EMILY’s List won’t give her tons of money.  Ed’s camp is trying to downplay her endorsement because they know that an Emily’s List candidate is hard to beat. And no they don’t endorse everyone who is a woman and pro-choice, otherwise, they probably would have endorsed Conti. 

    Not buying it:
    “But lets face reality, Peggy is toast unless she can smear Ed beyond recognition.”
    I received a packet from Ed a little over a week ago that included five pages of smear mail from Ed.  It was extremely desperate if you ask me.  I did much more harm than good.  I don’t see Peggy putting out any hate mail.  I was a supporter of Ed until I got this mail.  It made me completely change my mind and in fact I donated to Peggy just because of it.  Who’s really running a dirty campaign? 

    Ed’s donors are running out.  You could see it in his last report.  With EMILY’s list money, Ed will drown.

  50. Come on Now:

    Hello Peggy Lamm staffer.  Interesting name you picked this time. 

    a) There will always be some elected officials who will play the fence and donate to both candidates.  But again, nice deflection tactic, please tell me a major elected official IN THE DISTRICT who has ENDORSED Peggy Lamm? Got you there didn’t I?!
    b) I saw that packet that Ed’s camp sent as well.  Please tell me anything in there that is not true.  There are only two things you can believe from the evidence (2 Owens Campaign Press Releases listing her name as an endorsement, a an article in the a major paper where she refused to deny that she endorsed the governor and bashed his opponent Rollie Heath, the reporter who wrote a follow up piece and indeed backed up her original story, the fact that Peggy was amongst several Dems on the the Owens endorsement list who were also serving on his cabnit or appointed to various high ranking positions…hello cronyism).  But then again its a push-pull conspiracy against Peggy (see her laughably bad explanation…um I mean lie).

    c) Ed has raised double the amount of $$ as Peggy. Need I say more?

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