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July 09, 2013 09:35 AM UTC

Romanoff: $500,000+ For The Second Straight Quarter

  • by: Colorado Pols

You'd be smiling, too, if you raised $500k two quarters in a row.
You’d be smiling too if you had raised $500,000 in two consecutive quarters.
The Hill's Alexandra Jaffe, in case you hadn't already heard:

Democrat Andrew Romanoff raised more than $500,000 in the second quarter and now has nearly $920,000 cash on hand for his campaign to challenge Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.)

That brings his total raised this year to about $1.02 million, making him one of the strongest fundraisers in the House thus far.

More than 91 percent of the donors came from within the state, and more than 80 percent were donations of $100 or less. Romanoff said previously that he wouldn't take money from PACs or special interest groups to fund his campaign.

As of this writing, Romanoff reports slightly more cash on hand than his Republican opponent–we can think of no better answer he could give to critics, including this blog, of his refusal to accept PAC money. The National Republican Congressional Committee was quick to the defensive, Tweeting out in response that incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman raised some $566,000. But Romanoff's second $500,000+ quarter, and breaking of $1,000,000 raised in total so early in this race, is proof positive that this will be no repeat of Coffman's 2012 survival story: which was, as you know, bare survival, against a weak and underfunded challenger.

This time, it's going to be different.


16 thoughts on “Romanoff: $500,000+ For The Second Straight Quarter

    1. Agreed 100%.

      I for one won't feel "betrayed" if he does choose to accept some future PAC monies, but I sure hope and will enjoy seeing him fund his victory without that funding. 

      1. I think the populist sentiment in the US is on an upward trend. I travel extensively and build nationwide. As I get to know the working stiffs out there, tradesmen, laborers, staff, etc., I am seeing a growing awareness of the shell game being played on the middle class and, really, all workers in general.

        They can see the Wall Street barons and the banking tycoons really have no interesting trickling down anything…ever. The people I get to know are keenly aware of the diminishing opportunities being provided to them by the new economic paradigm and their sense of betrayal is growing. When public approval of Congress falls below 10%..it reflects an understanding that the system is corrupt.

        I used to have a sig line that read…" Morality is what keeps the poor from killing the rich."

    2. Let's hope so but it's still early days.  Remember, the better Andrew does and the more of a threat he appears to be early on, the more motivation for the PAC and other money to come pouring into Coffman.  They won't be making the mistake of underestimating the threat for as long as they did with Miklosi who shouldn't have come anywhere near as close as he did.

      So I'm not jumping up and down and cheering over Andrew's no PAC decision yet. And plenty of PAC money comes from great worker and citizen groups too, you know. It isn't all corporate. A huge influx of cash to Coffman later in the day when people finally start paying attention and after Andrew's plucky independent donors are largely tapped out could still  pose a very serious obstacle.

      Still, willing to admit it looks pretty good so far.

  1. I'm eagerly anticipating receiving another fundraising letter from Coffman.  Just guessing, but it'll probably include the GOP Freedom Agenda:

    1.  Keep women barefoot and pregnant

    2. The right to vote is exclusively for land-owning, white males

    3. Eliminate Pensions, Social Security and Medicare

    4.  Plus anything else the Koch brothers want

    1. 5. Regulating toxic emissions or any other form of government restrictions on polluting industries is a "taking" that requires compensation.


  2. I spoke with Andrew's campaign treasurer a few weeks ago, and he thought the no PAC pledge would be about a 4-5% hit to their fundrasing total; way less than the outside ads from the DCCC and other groups would make up for.

  3. The breakdown of his money income is great. 91% in-state and 80% under $100 means there's lots of room to grow the warchest.

    As we get closer next year, expect the in-state number to drop a bit unless it becomes clear that the race is lopsided; Democrats have the grassroots funding via ActBlue thing down pat, so you can expect to see little fundraising thermometers start popping up for Andrew late this year and in to next.

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