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September 13, 2013 11:06 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"Stupidity has a knack of getting its way; as we should see if we were not always so much wrapped up in ourselves.​"

–Albert Camus, from The Plague


19 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. How is it Camus knows Donald Trump?….Time travel?

    One of the reasons I am not a fan of Piers Morgan is his habit of giving Trump a platform to spout his inane bullshit. The Donald was dissing President Obama and praising Putin for his NYT editorial.
    I’m sure Trump would prefer living in a kleptocracy like Russia…he is a despicable loudmouth…perfectly described by Camus in the quote above.

  2. John McCain must be having a coniption fit right about now. Apparently, the United States and Russia have reached an agreement regarding the Syrian chemical weapons issue which will be the basis of a UN Security Council resolution. 

    I have to say that I was deeply concerned when I read that the US was insisting on military sanctions if Syria didn't comply with the the resolution requiring it to turn over its chemical weapons. Well, it turns out that saner heads prevailed and the US agreed to non-military sanctions.

    1. The meetup never really got organized as far as I can tell.  And with the state of the highways, and advisories to stay off the roads, we should probably punt.

      We were in the least affected area of Aurora near Fitzsimmons, and my wife was trying to go to a meeting in Frisco on Thursday.  Took her 45 minutes to go from I-225 N at 17th to I-70 at Central Park (about 5 miles).  She decided to turn back after snapping a picture of a completely submersed car on southbound I-225.

      Took her another 45 minutes to wind her way back the same 5 miles via surface streets.  Fortunately, her Highlander was tall enough to handle the flooded roads.  Peoria was a mess!

      I can't imagine the devastation up in Estes Park, Jamestown, Lyons, Boulder, etc.  And now it is proceeding to the east, with more rain tomorrow.

      Our hearts go out to all those affected

      1. I was hoping someone would volunteer to organize this. As it turns out, I won't have time tomorrow either, so probably best to postpone any meetup.

        Here's to thinking dry thoughts (until it's cold enough to snow)…

  3. Good call. I was going to visit my kids in Denver. They live in Aurora, and are having trouble getting around, too. 

    Pueblo usually gets one raindrop for every inch of rain in Denver, so we got just enough to dampen harvests and flush out the homeless folks living off of Fountain Creek. 


    1. I had the same thought, Gray.   The "We don't need no steekin' gummint" crowd will probably we a lot quieter in the next few months while it seeks state and federal handouts to rebuild its properties.  

      1. Good luck to the  "I know how to spend my own money better than the lousy government does" crowd. I hope they have some viable plans for providing themselves with repaired roads, bridges, dams, etc. so they can, you know, function and survive, have places of employment to go to, a way to get there, food and clean water, electricity, stuff like that, that doesn't involve taxes and government.

  4. Boulder is sort-of back to normal. Most streets are open although some bridges are blocked off until they can be rebuilt (including one near my house). But it's not over by a long shot. Down on Broadway by Table Mesa the sewage lines are still overflowing into the streets (and many basements). The amount of dirt and rock on some streets makes driving more off-roading than city driving. And the clean up & plumbing companies have hundreds of houses left to take care of.

    Somehow we got on the top of the lists for the people we needed so we now have a new sump pump, new water heater (the ruined one was 16 years old so needed that anyways) and the basement has been mostly salvaged – carpet out and bottom 2' of drywall removed.

    We now wait a month or so for it to totally dry out, then get it fixed. In the meantime, our basement will be like some of my old college rooms.

    1. Good to hear that you're OK and that you've retained some humor, David.

      our basement will be like some of my old college rooms.

      Based on this description, I know exactly how your basement looks!



  5. Obama To Make Speech On Anniversary OfFinancial Crisis

    President Barack Obama will "deliver remarks in the Rose Garden on Monday to mark the 5-year anniversary of the financial crisis, discuss the progress we have made to grow the economy and create 7.5 million private sector jobs, and highlight the work we still need to do to strengthen the middle class and those fighting to get into it."

    What will not be mentioned is the number of Wall St. executives prosecuted for the illegal actions that contributed to this (0). Nor the legislation enacted to insure it does not happen again (0). He will probably discuss the (super weak) regulations that were required in the financial bill. But no mention of the ones that are now in effect (0).


    1. Like the video but these guys must not live near any foxes. We've had whole families living in the back yard. They make several sounds including a kind of screechy hoarse bark. But I liked the guesses. And the cheesy costumes.

  6. The GOTP in the House had to delay a vote to keep the government running because they did not have the support.

    I remember the Contract With America and the government shutdowns of 1995 and 1996.  The shutdowns were pointless and painfull.  And helped re-elect President Clinton. 

    If the GOTP House shuts down the gov't now, it will hurt them in the '14 mid-terms and the '16 general.  I don't believe Santorum, Perry, Paul, Ryan or Cruz are electable anyway (Bush and Rubio will have a really hard time in the primary becuae they favor amnesty), but having to explain the shutdown while Rome burned is going to be a tough sell. Well, of course, mostly to the 48% (and growing) but still.

    And then there's Colorado.

    Who pays for all the …optional search and rescue when people are just plain stupid and other public lifestyle support.

    – I saw the water on the road, and a bunch of gawkers standing around, but I did not notice the bridge was gone until I had already driven off the road into the water.

    – I love living in a remote place (WUI) and it never occurred to me that some rain would cut me off from te world and I'd be begging for help and helicupters would have to coem and get me.

    – Sure, anyone with half a brain paying attention knew there were ways to mitigate the fire risk. I didn't need no stinkin' advice on how to clear the brush and reduce the fuel. And now that it burned I don't need no stinkin guidance to mitigate the resulting flooding.

    – Sure, my farm only turns a profit with hard work and publicy subsidzed and protected water and/or grazing right. But I can't let the Farm Bill  turn back to the day of loan guarantees. I need those cash payment subsidies.  How will I my family /farm corp. ever afford the attornies to create the conservation trust that my grand children need to avoid paying estate tax and transtion and etc.


    It's all fckd' up.

    1. Yep. Tea Party types would find out pretty quickly what nonsense they've been spouting if they ever got their Norquist fantasy shrink-government-to-the-the-size-where-we-can-drown-it-in-a-bathtub wish granted. Especially those who are farmers and ranchers, otherwise known as Grand Champion Federal Welfare Kings and Queens.

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