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BY: Air Slash
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
BY: davebarnes
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
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So, has “Larimer D” claimed his prize in the office pool yet? Hmmmm?
According to a new ABC/Washington Post poll, when asked whether they would vote for a Democratic or Republican Congressional candidate in 2006 – or, if undecided, whether they would lean towards a Democrat or Rpublican – a sample of 1200 US adults responded in favor of a generic Democratic Party candidate 52 percent of the time, compared to a 37 percent response for a generic Republican.
Asked a series of questions on policy issues, Democrats led all categories, except the war on terrorism where they tied the Republicans. Asked a series of questions on ideology, Democrats again led all categories (including values!!!) except in the category of strong leadership, where Republicans held a slight lead.
You have to take these numbers with a grain of salt – most voters have different opinions on their own Congressperson than they have on generic “candidates” – but they don’t bode well for Rick O’Donnell or Marilyn Musgrave in 2006.
Wrong!!! Quite a few municipalities, including Aspen, have elections tomorrow. TABOR requires its elections to be held the first Tuesday of November. Many municipalities require one to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday. As a result, most of those jurisdictions have held mail in ballots on one of the dates and in person ballots on the other.
Looks like it’s time for another Initiative or Referendum – the Election Waste Reduction Initiative – shall the Colorado Constitution be amended to align TABOR election referenda dates with standard election dates by changing TABOR elections to the first Tuesday after the first Monday of the month of November?
What was Bruce thinking when he specified a different date standard, anyway?
Bruce was trying to “save words” to show how the state should “save money”. This is the story I have heard.
So instead of “the first Tuesday after the first Monday” we got “the first Tuesday”. Four whole words!
Key elements of organized labor are ready to get behind a Thibault candidacy for governor. They are afraid Ritter can’t win because so much of the Democrat base may not vote in a general election.
The final nail in the coffin for Ritter keeping other Democrats out was the Hern Letter cited in Saturday’s Rocky. Without the enthusiastic support of the Choice community and minorities, a democrat will have trouble winning the general election.
Labor actually likes Ritter, but don’t think he can win. They love Bill Thibault and think that he can win. Many unionist are calling Thibault, saying run bill run.
Well, I guess if the Washington Post says that democrats are going to win in 2006, we might as well just give democrats control of congress and save all of that money on those pesky elections.
I mean afterall, aren’t democrats entitled to power? They care more, they have superior intellect, and gosh darn it, they just want to do it for the children!
The only thing that the democrats lack, which is really just glitch, is a real plan. But I guess when your entitled to power, you really don’t need to know where your going, you just have to blame the other guy.
Glock19 – what exactly is the grand agenda of the Republican Party? They control every branch of governemnt and somehow can’t seem to get anything done.
The Rs have a number of plans:
Spend us into oblivion with no return on investment or benefit to the average citizen (just make certain that the spending benefits Halliburton);
Bog us down in an unnecessary war, with no idea how to end it (see the excellent piece in the New Yorker on Brent Scowcroft);
Make certain that tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit the extremely wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
Pretty good plans. Moreover, they’ve done a pretty good job implementing those plans.
Good one; the minorities are very solidly behind Ritter! I do not know who you have been talking to however being a minority I have yet to hear a bad thing against Ritter. Does anyone remember reading Polly Baca’s comments in the newspaper? Did she discourage or encourage Ritter? What about Chris Gate?s who did play a big role in Ken’s success. What about Archbishop Chaput influence over the Hispanic community? He has come out praising Ritter already. I am sure this gives Ritter “no” credibility.
I think that the Dem base will be active this next election cycle for four reasons. First; they want to keep the state house. Does any have any doubt this will be a bloody war in 2006. Second, Focus on the Family’s effort to get the Gay Marriage on the ballot. Third; illegal immigration will get everyone to the ballot box. Last the Gov’s race with all the press that it has seen will continually draw peoples interest.
Saying that an abortion Doctor will kill a candidate that already has many pro-choice people working for him is a laugher. Notice the paper identified him as a “Pro-Abortion” MD; not choice. This further paints Ritter in the middle and enables him to have a broader appeal. Given, abortion can be more important than let me say -winning.
I am hearing that Ken Salazar has been working diligently to get people to unite behind Ritter, but is running into some resistance, primarily from the choice community. I don’t think that resistance goes away any time soon, which is why we keep hearing about efforts to get another Dem in the race.
I have no idea how various minority communities might feel about Ritter, state-wide. I am guessing that like any other group, some will like him and some won’t. At the risk of making generalized statements, Ritter’s stand on abortion undoubtedly plays well with Hispanic’s as it is probably more closely aligned with the beliefs of many Hispanic voters.
However, in Denver, there remains the problem among many African-American and Hispanic voters related to the fact that Ritter never prosecuted shooting cases against police officers.
Ritter clearly has some support across most Democratic constituent groups, however, it is clearly not universal, and his nomination is not a slam dunk.
We shall see what we shall see, but I look for another Dem to get in the race.
Could be Romanoff, I doubt if Gordon will actually do it, and Hickenlooper….Well I have been one to consistently say that regardless of what he has said, the door was not completely closed.
Bill Thiebaut, I have heard his name in a number of places from people looking for an alternative to Ritter. Labor does like him very much and he is solid on choice. I am guessing that the first alternate Dem to jump in the race keeps everybody else (with the possible exception of Hickenlooper) out.
The choice community will coalesce around a viable alternative to Ritter whether it is Romanoff, Gordon, or Thiebaut (or clearly Hickenlooper).
Anybody else out there?
Three more things….
Did anyone see the results of the Be the Change poll for Governor? Guess what Ritter won going away. Something tells me that he does have a strong grass roots effort.
Second, are you sure about the Denver Hispanic community? I have heard and seen many things to the contrary.
I do not know but I think that I have heard these arguments about choice before in another race coming from one camp; that is the Miles camp.
follow up:
with regard to Hick, while I have always beleived that regardless what he said, there was every chance that he would get in the guv’s race, an earlier posting above by someone else notes the issue of Hick’s wife is to be considered seriously.
I too have heard (very second hand) that she is very opposed to a gubernatorial race. In fact, I have heard that she is not particularly enthusiastic about another run for mayor if there is any serious opposition.
She is the wild card in this for a Hick candidacy. I am convinced that if it were not for her opposition, he would be in the race today.
That is to
From Churchill, who helped inspire the Greatest Generation:
“The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.”
Now look at what Bush and Cheney are doing. Doesn’t it make you want to PUKE. My Dad was a Seargent in WW II and my Father-In-Law was an Air Force Captain shot down over the N. Sea and spend 3 years in a German P.O.W. camp.
Go ahead, preach to me, the “Commie”.
Record Profits. Obscene profits, I would say. And what does the Republican congress do? Billions in tax subsidies. That’s my Dough, Just say no! Kick the Republicans out of government. They are bought and sold. Restore Capitalism with Honor! Let’s not defend thieves hiding behind the cloak of capitalism. This is not a free market. It’s a very expensive market!
Yes, Larimer D has stepped forward and claimed his/her ad. We’ll post on the ad when we receive it.
RogerD, as someone who knows Mayor Hick’s wife personally – you could not be more wrong. She is completely supportive of whatever her husband chooses to do.
Roger D is correct. Mrs. Hickenlooper is far short of the Nancy Reagan adoration act. Yes, she is very supportive of him, but with a small child, she also understands the strains politics puts on family life. I can’t say I blame her.
Voyageur is just a Rock Star! He knows all about the vagaries of Douglas County GOP politics, why Bill Owens is a big stud and also seems to be tight with the Hickenlooper clan!
I take it Voyageur you’ll be lining up behind Hickenlooper if he decides to run for GOV?
Ain’t no rock star, Iron one, but I play a mean tuba!
I have only met Ms Thorpe once, so I claim no inside knowledge. I am only saying what I have from many people who do believe to be knowledgeable regarding her feelings about a Govenor’s race.
I also remember the huge flap that occured right after Hickenlooper was elected between Ms. Thorpe and a Denver Post Photog. She was objecting to having her picture taken on a public street. She is clearly a person who values her privacy (and I don’t blame her) and that reinforces for me what I have been told regarding her feelings about a state-wide race that would be very ugly and nothing like the cake walk that was the Mayoral election in 2003.
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